Rolek, B.W., D.J. Harrison, M.Hartley, C.S. Loftin, and P.B. Wood. 2016. Long-term effects of four silvicultural treatments on spruce-fir avian communities. Presentation at the 2016 North American Ornithological Conference, Washington, D.C.
August 2016
Rolek, B.W., D.J. Harrison, D.W. Linden, C.S. Loftin, and P.B. Wood. 2016. Long-term effects of forest harvesting on spruce-fir avian communities. Presented at the 2016 North America Congress for Conservation Biology, Madison,WI, 17-20 July.
July 2016
Rolek, B.W., D.J. Harrison, C.S. Loftin, and P.B. Wood. 2017. Regenerating clearcuts and post-harvest treatments increase spruce-fir avian assemblages and richness in managed stands. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Albuquerque, NM, 23-27 September.
September 2017
Rolek, B.W., D. Harrison, C.S. Loftin, P.B. Wood. 2017. Workshop on spruce-fir birds, management, and habitat associations. US Fish and Wildlife Service, Hadley, MA. 12 January.
January 2017
Rolek, B.W., C. Loftin, D. Harrison, and P. Wood. 2016. Softwood Forest Birds and Silviculture in Northern New England. Annual Meeting of the Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit's Coordinating Committee Meeting, Orono, ME. 23 March. Poster.
March 2016
Rolek, B.W., C. Loftin, D. Harrison, and P. Wood. 2016. Softwood Forest Birds and Silviculture in Northern New England. Annual Meeting of the Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit's Coordinating Committee Meeting, Orono, ME. 23 March.
March 2016
Rolek, B.W., C. Loftin, D. Harrison, and P. Wood. 2015. Methods, Data, Analysis, and Future Directions of the Northern New England Forest Birds Project. USFWS Migratory Bird Division. Hadley, MA, USA. 8 October.
October 2015
Rolek, B., C.S. Loftin, D. Harrison, and P.B. Wood. 2014. The influence of silviculture on New England bird communities in northern coniferous forests. Presentation at the 70th Annual Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, April 13-15, Portland, ME.
April 2014
Rolek, B., C. Loftin, D. Harrison, P. Wood. 2015. Bay-breasted Warbler abundance and associations with forest management and vegetation in northern New England coniferous forests. Presentation at the Joint meeting of the Association of Field Ornithologists, Society of Canadian Ornithologists, and the Wilson Ornithological Society, 15-19 July, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada.
July 2015
Loman, Z.G., W.V. Deluca, D. Harrison, C.S. Loftin, and P.B. Wood. 2017 Do representative forest songbirds effectively predict occurrence of ecologically similar species? 73rd Annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference, 9-11 April, Norfolk, VA
April 2017
Loman, Z.G., E.J. Blomberg, W.V. Deluca, D.J. Harrison, C.S. Loftin, and P.B. Wood. 2016. Validating Landscape Capability as a Predictor of Upland Game Bird Abundance and Occurrence. Poster presentation at the Annual meeting of The Wildlife Society, Raleigh, NC, 15-21 October.
October 2016
Loman, Z.G., D.Harrison, C.S. Loftin, and P.B.Wood. 2016. Evaluation of a fine-grained landscape conservation planning tool for songbird conservation in the Northeastern United States. To be presented at the North American Ornithological Conference in Washington, DC, 16-20 August.
August 2016
Loman, Z.G., D. Harrison, C.S.Loftin, and P.B.Wood. 2016. Validating predictions of upland game bird space use in multiple management contexts. Presentation at the 72nd Annual Meeting of Northeast Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Annapolis, MD, 3-6 April.
April 2016
Loman, Z.G., D. Harrison, C.S. Loftin, P.B. Wood. 2017. Workshop on representative species model analyses. US Fish and Wildlife Service, Hadley, MA. 12 January.
January 2017
Loman, Z., W. Deluca, D.Harrison, C. Loftin, B. Rolek, and P.B.Wood. Identifying error in forest landscape capability models. 136th American Ornithological Society Meeting, 9-14 April, Tucson, AZ.
April 2018
Harrison, D. J., B. W. Rolek, C.S. Loftin, P.B. Wood. 2017. Effects of forest management practices in Acadian conifer forests on spruce-fir bird communities. Presentation to Irving Corporation Wildlife Biologists and Foresters and to the New Brunswick Forest Research Advisory Committee Advisory, Sainte Anne de Madawaska, New Brunswick, Canada, 30 May.
May 2017