Staff Member
Shannon Chapin
Phone: (207) 581 - 2921
- MS University of Maine 2014
- Other Humboldt State University 2010
- BS Pennsylvania State University 2007
As an undergraduate at Penn State, I assisted with research focused on the phenological adaptations of plants to nutrient stress and the influence of elevated CO2 levels on plant productivity. After finishing my B.S, I interned with the USFWS at Blackwater NWR and studied the nesting behavior of marsh birds. I then headed south to work at the USGS National Wetlands Research Center, where I assisted with a project that examined the effects of climate change on bald cypress swamps throughout the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Next, I took a job with the California Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (CCFWRU) to study the ecological benefits of the federal Wetland Reserve Program (WRP). While at the CCFWRU, I assisted with vegetation, soil, morphological, amphibian and avian surveys, as well as conducted a GIS analysis of the potential flood storage capacity of select WRPs in California's Central Valley and Oregon's Klamath River Basin. It was this project that helped me to realize my calling; I enrolled in Humboldt State University's (HSU) Graduate Certificate in GIS & Remote Sensing program in the spring of 2010. I was also concurrently employed by the USFS and HSU's Institute for Cartography. Specifically, I worked as a biological technician at the USFS's Redwood Sciences Laboratory and examined the spatial patterns of amphibian diseases throughout the Klamath and Cascade Mountains. My employment with the Institute for Cartography helped improve my ability to present...
Research Publications | Publication Date |
Groff, S.C., C.S. Loftin, F.A. Drummond, S. Bushmann, and B.McGill. 2016. Parameterization of the InVEST Crop Pollination Model to spatially predict abundance of wild blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium Aiton) native bee pollinators in Maine, USA. Environmental Modeling and Software 79:1-9. | Download | January 2016 |
Presentations | Presentation Date |
Hanes, S.P., B. Du Clos, S.P., Groff, S.C., Loftin, C.S., and F.A. Drummond. 2016. When farming is like fishing: Lessons from the BeeMapper. Senator George J. Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions Seminar, Orono, ME. 15 February. | February 2016 |
Du Clos, B., Hanes, S.P., Groff, S.C., Loftin, C.S., and F.A. Drummond. 2016. A tool for grower assessment of wild bee abundance in the Maine wild blueberry landscape. Colby Conference on Community, Culture, and Conservation. Waterville, ME. 7-9 April. Poster. | April 2016 |
Du Clos, B., Hanes, S.P., Groff, S.C., Loftin, C.S., and F.A. Drummond. 2015. BeeMapper: a tool for grower assessment of wild bee abundance. Wild Blueberry Research and Extension Workers 2015 Annual Conference. Bar Harbor, ME, 13 October. | October 2015 |
Du Clos, B., Hanes, S.P., Groff, S.C., Loftin, C.S., and F.A. Drummond. 2015. A tool for grower assessment of wild bee abundance in the Maine wild blueberry landscape. Student Conference on Conservation Science. New York, NY. 7-9 October. Poster. | October 2015 |
Chapin, S.J., C.S. Loftin, and F.Drummond. 2014. Effects of landsacpe pattern and arrangement on native bee abundance in Maine's wild blueberries. Presentation at the 70th Annual Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, April 13-15, Portland, ME. | April 2014 |
Chapin, S., C.S. Loftin, and F. Drummond. 2013. Assessing the Effect of Landscape Pattern and Arrangement on Native Bee Abundance in Maine’s Blueberry Fields, Poster Presentation at the Northeast Natural History Conference, April 13-15, Springfield, MA. | April 2013 |
Chapin, S., C. Loftin, and F. Drummond. The application of spatial modeling tools to assess the effect of landscape pattern and arrangement on native bee abundance in Maine's wild blueberries. Poster presentation at the 2013 International Conference on Pollinator Biology, Health, and Policy, August 14-17, Penn State University, University Park, PA. | August 2013 |