Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Dr. Rick Odom

Rick Odom

Phone: (434) 960 - 7895
Faculty Website



  • Ph D Virginia Tech 2018
  • MS Yale University 1983
  • BA Warren Wilson College 1981


I have been involved in the application of geospatial technologies in natural resource management, ecological research, teaching and consulting for almost 30 years. Prior to my work with the Coop Unit, I developed GIS-based forest site and habitat classification models for a large forest products company, consulted with federal land management agencies on the development of enterprise resource databases and helped create two business start-ups utilizing web-based resource analysis tools as key components of their service offerings.. Dissertation: A Multi-scale Analysis of the Potential Impacts of Rapid Climate Change on Forest Lands Managed by the Department of Defense in the United States Other: Geospatial modeling of forest landscapes at multiple scales; potential impacts of climate change on forest ecosystems; integration of resource management practices with biological conservation objectives.

Research Publications Publication Date
W. Mark Ford , Andrew M. Evans, Richard H. Odom, Jane L. Rodrigue, Christine A. Kelly, Nicole Abaid, Corinne A. Diggins and Douglas Newcomb. 2015. Predictive Habitat Models Derived from Nest-box Occupancy for the Endangered Carolina Northern Flying Squirrel in the Southern Appalachians. Endangered Species Research 27:131-140 March 2015
Odom, R.H. and W.M. Ford. 2021. Developing species-age cohorts from forest inventory and analysis data to parameterize a forest landscape model. International Journal of Forestry Research 6650821(2021) 16 p March 2021
Odom, R.H. and W.M. Ford. 2020. Assessing the vulnerability of military installations in the coterminous United States to potential biome shifts resulting from rapid climate change. Environmental Management 27 p.

July 2020
Odom, R. H., Ford, W. M., Edwards, J., Stihler, C. and Menzel, J. 2001. Developing a habitat model for the endangered Virginia northern flying squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus fuscus) in the Allegheny Mountains of West Virginia. Biological Conservation 99:2, June 2001, pp. 245–252. June 2001
Ford, W.M., Odom, R.H., Hale, P.E. and Chapman, B.R. 2000. Stand-age, stand characteristics and landform effects on understory herbaceous communities in southern Appalachian cove-hardwoods. Biological Conservation 93:2, April 2000, pp. 237–246. April 2000
Ford, W.M., Chapman, B.R., Menzel, M.A. and Odom, R.H. 2002. Stand age and habitat influences on salamanders in Appalachian cove hardwood forests. Forest Ecology and Management 155:1–3, 1 January 2002, pp. 131–141. January 2002
Ford WM, Kelly CA, Rodrigue JL, Odom RH, Newcomb D, Gilley LM, Diggins CA (2014) Late winter and early spring home range and habitat use of the endangered Carolina northern flying squirrel in western North Carolina. Endang Species Res 23:73-82 | Abstract | Publisher Website January 2014
Campbell, T.A., Laseter, B.R., Ford, W.M., Odom, R.H. and Miller, K.V. 2006. Abiotic Factors Influencing Deer Browsing in West Virginia. North. J. Appl. For. 23(1):20 –26. March 2006
Presentations Presentation Date
W.M. Ford, C.A. Kelly, J.L. Rodrigue, R.H. Odom, L.M. Gilley and C.A. Diggins., 2013. Spring break 2012: where the Carolina northern flying squirrels were. 2013 Southeastern Colloquium on the Conservation of Mammals. Pikeville, Tennessee. February 14-15. February 2013
Odom, R.H.,S.P. Prisl ey, W.M. Ford, N.M. Beane, S.R. Brasfield, and E.R. Britzke. 2013. Using Holdridge Life Zones to characterize potential impacts of climate. Poster Presentation. 2013 Society of American Foresters Annual Conference. Charleston, SC. change on forest ecoregions in the eastern United States. October 2013
Ford, W.M., A. Evans, R.H. Odom, J.L. Rodrigue, C.A. Kelly, N. Abaid and C. Diggins. 2014. MODELING ENDANGERED CAROLINA NORTHERN FLYING SQUIRREL OCCUPANCY. 2014 Colloquium on fhe Conservation of Mammals in the South, Nacogdoches, TX. February 2014
Technical Publications Publication Date
Odom, Richard H., Jr.; McNab, W. Henry. 2000. Using Digital Terrain Modeling to Predict Ecological Types in the Balsam Mountains of Western North Carolina. Res. Note SE-8. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station. 12 p. January 2000
Odom, Richard H. 1998. Developing a forest land classification system from digital elevation models: methodology, evaluation and application. SoFor GIS ’98: Proceedings of the Southern Forestry Geographic Information Systems Conference, Athens, GA, October 27-29, 1998. October 1998