Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Kyle Daly


Research Publications Publication Date
Kramer, G.R., S.M. Peterson, K.O. Daly, H.M. Streby, and D.E. Andersen. 2019. Left out in the rain: comparing productivity of two associated species exposes a leak in the umbrella species concept. Biological Conservation 233:276-288. DOI:10.1016/j.biocon.2019.02.039. March 2019
Kramer, G.R., K.O. Daly, H.M. Streby, and D.E. Andersen. 2019. Association between American woodcock seasonal productivity and landscape composition and configuration in Minnesota. Pages 107-121 in Krementz, D.G., D. E. Andersen, and T.R. Cooper (eds.). Proceedings of the 11th American Woodcock Symposium, University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing, Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A. DOI:10.24926/AWS.0115. | Download | Publisher Website December 2019
Daly, K.O., D.E. Andersen, W.L. Brininger, and T.R. Cooper. 2015. Radio-transmitters have no impact on survival of pre-fledged American woodcocks. Journal of Field Ornithology 86:345-351. DOI:10.1111/jofo.12117 | Download December 2015
Daly, K.O., D.E. Andersen, W.L. Brininger, and T.R. Cooper. 2019. Evaluating techniques for estimating post-breeding-season age ratios for American woodcock. Pages 35-44 in Krementz, D.G., D. E. Andersen, and T.R. Cooper (eds.). Proceedings of the 11th American Woodcock Symposium, University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing, Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A. DOI:10.24926/AWS.0107. | Download December 2019
Daly, K.O., D.E. Andersen, W.L. Brininger, and T.R. Cooper. 2019. Breeding season survival of American woodcock at a Habitat Demonstration Area in Minnesota. Pages 45-63 in Krementz, D.G., D. E. Andersen, and T.R. Cooper (eds.). Proceedings of the 11th American Woodcock Symposium, University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing, Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A. DOI:10.24926/AWS.0108. | Download December 2019
Presentations Presentation Date
Kramer, G.R., K.O. Daly, H.M. Streby, and D.E. Andersen. 2017. A spatially explicit method for estimating the effects of landscape composition and configuration on full-season productivity of American woodcock in Minnesota. 11th American Woodcock Symposium, Rosscommon, Michigan, USA. October 2017
Kramer, G.R., H.M. Streby, S.M. Peterson, K.O. Daly, and D.E. Andersen. 2018. What's good for the woodcock is good for the warbler? Productivity of two young-forest flagship species on a shared landscape. 136th Stated Meeting of the American Ornithological Society. Tucson, Arizona, U.S.A. April 2018
Kramer, G.R., H.M. Streby, S.M. Peterson, K.O. Daly, and D.E. Andersen. 2018. Of woodcock and warblers: two species trying to thrive in the same landscape. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. October 2018
Daly, K.O., D.E. Andersen, W.L. Brininger, and T.R. Cooper. 2017. Evaluating indices of recruitment for American woodcock. 11th American Woodcock Symposium, Rosscommon, Michigan, USA. October 2017
Daly, K.O., D.E. Andersen, W.L. Brininger, and T.R. Cooper. 2017. Breeding season survival of American woodcock at a habitat demonstration area in Minnesota. 11th American Woodcock Symposium, Rosscommon, Michigan, USA. October 2017
Daly, K.O., D.E. Andersen, W.I. Brininger, and T.R. Cooper. 2018. Evaluating indices of full-season productivity for American woodcock. 78th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A. January 2018
Daly, K.O., D. E. Andersen, and W.L. Brininger, Jr. 2013. Effects of radio transmitters on survival of juvenile American woodcock. 2013 Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Walker, Minnesota. February 2013
Daly, K.O., D. E. Andersen, and W.L. Brininger, Jr. 2012. Effects of radio transmitters on survival of juvenile American woodcock. 73rd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Wichita, Kansas. December 2012
Daly, K.O. and D.E. Andersen. 2014. Are indirect estimates of American woodcock recruitment useful proxies for direct estimates of recruitment? 2014 Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, KS. January 2014