Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Kent Fricke


Research Publications Publication Date
Wong, A., C. R. Allen, N. M. Chaine, D. M. Haak, K. L. Pope, N. A. Smeenk, B. J. Stephen, and D. R. Uden. 2013. Enamel-based mark performance for marking Chinese mystery snail Bellamya chinensis. Management of Biological Invasions 4:231-234. | Download October 2013
Uden, D.R., C.R. Allen, D.G. Angeler, L.Corral and K.A. Fricke. 2015. Adaptive invasive species distribution models: A framework for modeling incipient invasions. Biological Invasions 10: 2831-2850. September 2015
Stephen, B. J., C. R. Allen, N. M. Chaine, K. A. Fricke, D. M. Haak, M. L. Hellman, R. A. Kill, K. T. Nemec, K. L. Pope, N. A. Smeenk, D. R. Uden, K. M. Unstad, A. E. VanderHam, and A. Wong. 2013. Fecundity of the Chinese mystery snail in a Nebraska reservoir. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 28:439-444. | Download December 2013
Laskowski, J., C. Gillespie, L. Corral, A. Oden, K. Fricke, and J.J. Fontaine. Teaching animal habitat selection using wildlife tracking equipment. Science Activities 53:147-154. DOI: 10.1080/00368121.2016.1211080 | Abstract October 2016
Chaine, N. M., C. R. Allen, K. A. Fricke, D. M. Haak, M. L. Hellman, R. A. Kill, K. T. Nemec, K. L. Pope, N. A. Smeenk, B. J. Stephen, D. R. Uden, K. M. Unstad, and A. E. VanderHam. 2012. Population estimate of Chinese mystery snail (Bellamya chinensis) in a Nebraska reservoir. BioInvasions Records 1:283-287. | Download October 2012
Presentations Presentation Date
Noelle M. Hart, Daniel R. Uden, Craig R. Allen, Kent Fricke, Joel Jorgensen, Krista Lang, Melissa Panella, Kent Pfeiffer, Rick Schneider, Kristal Stoner, Gerry Steinauer, and Scott Taylor. Management, monitoring, and modeling of Indian Cave State Park: Reaching conservation goals through adaptive management. NE Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Kearney, NE. Feb 27-Feb. 28, 2014. February 2014
Kent A. Fricke, Craig R. Allen, Joseph J. Fontaine, Scott Wessel, Theresa Smydra, Rebekah Jessen, Steven D. Rasmussen, and Kristal Stoner. Adaptive management of invasive woody plants in the Niobrara River Valley, Nebraska. NE Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. Feb. 27-28, Kearney, NE. February 2014
Haak, D. M., C. R. Allen, K. A. Fricke, N. M. Hart, M. L. Hellman, R. A. Kill, K. T. Nemec, K. L. Pope, N. A. Smeenk, B. J. Stephen, D. R. Uden, K. M. Unstad, A. E. VanderHam, and A. Wong. 2014. Solving mysteries of the snail. 74th Annual Meeting, Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, Missouri. January 2014
Fricke, K.A., J.J. Fontaine, and C.R. Allen. 2013. Stakeholder involvement in adaptive wildlife management. Nebraska Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Chadron, NE. March 2013
Fricke, K.A., C.R. Allen, and J.J. Fontaine. 2015. Unwanted plant management in Nebraska. Nebraska Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Ogallala, NE. February 2015
Fricke, K.A., C.R. Allen, J.J. Fontaine, S. Wessel, T. Smydra, R. Jessen, S.D. Rasmussen, and K. Stoner. 2013. Adaptive management of invasive woody plants in the Niobrara River Valley, Nebraska. Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, WI. October 2013
Fricke, K., C. Allen, J.J. Fontaine, S. Wessel, T. Smydra, R. Jessen, and S. Rasmussen. 2013. Challenges of integrating adaptive management into eastern redcedar removal projects. Nebraska Natural Legacy Conference. Nebraska City, NE. September 2013
Allen, C. R., N. M. Chaine, K. A. Fricke, D. M. Haak, M. L. Hellman, R. A. Kill, K. T. Nemec, K. L. Pope, N. A. Smeenk, B. J. Stephen, D. R. Uden, K. M. Unstad, A. E. VanderHam and A. Wong. 2013. Solving mysteries of the snails. Annual Meeting, Nebraska Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Gretna, Nebraska. February 2013
K.A. Fricke, J.J. Fontaine, and C.R. Allen. Implementing adaptive management: demonstrating the difficulties. NE Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Kearney, NE. Feb 27-28, 2014. February 2014