Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources


Klamath C. shasta: annelid distribution, infection prevalence, and water management.

June 2012 - January 2028


Participating Agencies

C. shasta has been implicated as a major source of juvenile mortality for Klamath River juvenile salmonids. Better understanding of the ecology of the parasite is essential to alter resource management and reduce the parasite impacts. Salmon populations in the Klamath Basin have been decreasing, and face a litany of survival pressures. In order to recover salmon populations, we need to better understand disease processes to improve management and increase juvenile salmonid survival. This long-term and ongoing work has been done in collaboration with the US Fish and Wildlife Service and Oregon State University, and has frequently relied on funding from USFWS and USBOR. This work has had substantial impacts on water management decision making in the Klamath Basin. Current flow planning is based on outcomes of our scientific findings, and our statistical models are used to inform regulatory compliance on an annual basis.

Presentations Presentation Date
Som, N.A. 2024. Monitoring to science to management: science-informed decision making to combat an aquatic parasite. Trinity River Restoration Program Science Symposium. May 2024
Som, N.A. 2024. Modeling Habitat of an Invertebrate Host of Salmonid Parasites to Inform Management Decision Making. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Honolulu, HI. September. September 2024
Sascha L. Hallett Jerri L. Bartholomew, Julie D. Alexander, Justin Alvarez, Stephen D. Atkinson, Michael Belchik, Sarah J. Bjork, J. Scott Foott, Alex Gonyaw, Mark E. Hereford, Richard A. Holt, Barry McCovey Jr., Nicholas A. Som, Toz Soto, Anne Voss, Thomas H.Williams, Ted G. Wise. 2024. Disease risk for salmonids after reconnection of the Klamath Basins. American Fisheries Society Western Fish ​Disease Workshop. Boise, ID. July 30 - August 1, 2024. August 2024
Sascha L. Hallett Jerri L. Bartholomew, Julie D. Alexander, Justin Alvarez, Stephen D. Atkinson, Michael Belchik, Sarah J. Bjork, J. Scott Foott, Alex Gonyaw, Mark E. Hereford, Richard A. Holt, Barry McCovey Jr., Nicholas A. Som, Toz Soto, Anne Voss, Thomas H.Williams, Ted G. Wise. 2024. Dam Removal and Ecological Transformation on the Klamath River. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Honolulu, HI. September 2024. September 2024