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CEGL004343 Diamorpha smallii - Minuartia glabra Sandstone Glade
Type Concept Sentence: This is an annual herbaceous type of Cumberland sandstone flatrock glade; it is a zonal component of sandstone flatrock communities of the southern Cumberland Plateau in the United States.
Common (Translated Scientific) Name: Elf Orpine - Appalachian Stitchwort Sandstone Glade
Colloquial Name: Cumberland Sandstone Flatrock Glade
Hierarchy Level: Association
Type Concept: This association is a type of Cumberland sandstone flatrock glade. This annual herbaceous community is a zonal component of sandstone flatrock communities of the southern Cumberland Plateau of Tennessee (Franklin, Grundy, Putnam, and Marion counties) and possibly adjacent Alabama and Georgia. The community is limited to hollowed-out areas in sandstone outcrops in which water seasonally collects. Diamorpha smallii and Minuartia glabra are characteristic plants of this association. Diamorpha is at least a seasonal aspect dominant. Examples are known from the vicinity of the University of the South at Sewanee, Franklin County, Tennessee. Similar vegetation may be found in Alabama and Georgia.
Diagnostic Characteristics: No Data Available
Rationale for Nominal Species or Physiognomic Features: No Data Available
Classification Comments: There are records of the nominal species Diamorpha smallii from sandstone outcrops in other Tennessee counties on the Cumberland Plateau (Cumberland, Hamilton, Rhea), but it is not known if these represent occurrences of the vegetation type as well. The association is attributed to Obed Wild and Scenic River (NPS), although Diamorpha smallii is not present in the sandstone glades there.
Similar NVC Types: No Data Available
note: No Data Available
Physiognomy and Structure: No Data Available
Floristics: Diamorpha smallii and Minuartia glabra are characteristic plants of this association. Diamorpha smallii is at least a seasonal aspect dominant.
Dynamics: No Data Available
Environmental Description: This annual herbaceous community is a zonal component of sandstone flatrock communities of the Cumberland Plateau of Tennessee.
Geographic Range: This rare vegetation type is restricted to a limited area of the southern Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee (Franklin, Grundy, Putnam, and Marion counties)adjacent Georgia, and possibly Alabama. There are records of the nominal species, Diamorpha smallii, from sandstone outcrops in other Tennessee counties on the Cumberland Plateau (Cumberland, Hamilton, Rhea), but it is not known if these represent occurrences of the vegetation type as well.
Nations: US
States/Provinces: AL?, GA, TN
Plot Analysis Summary:
Confidence Level: Moderate
Confidence Level Comments: No Data Available
Grank: G2G3
Greasons: No Data Available
Type | Name | Database Code | Classification Code |
Class | 2 Shrub & Herb Vegetation Class | C02 | 2 |
Subclass | 2.B Temperate & Boreal Grassland & Shrubland Subclass | S18 | 2.B |
Formation | 2.B.2 Temperate Grassland & Shrubland Formation | F012 | 2.B.2 |
Division | 2.B.2.Nc Eastern North American Grassland & Shrubland Division | D024 | 2.B.2.Nc |
Macrogroup | 2.B.2.Nc.2 Little Bluestem - Silky Oatgrass Acidic Scrub & Grassland Macrogroup | M509 | 2.B.2.Nc.2 |
Group | 2.B.2.Nc.2.b Little Bluestem - Silky Oatgrass Acidic Glade & Barrens Group | G178 | 2.B.2.Nc.2.b |
Alliance | A3474 Little Bluestem - Silky Oatgrass - Nuttall''s Rayless-goldenrod Cumberland Sandstone Grassland Alliance | A3474 | 2.B.2.Nc.2.b |
Association | CEGL004343 Elf Orpine - Appalachian Stitchwort Sandstone Glade | CEGL004343 | 2.B.2.Nc.2.b |
Concept Lineage: No Data Available
Predecessors: No Data Available
Obsolete Names: No Data Available
Obsolete Parents: No Data Available
Synonomy: = Sedum smallii (Perkins 1981)
< IE8a. Interior Upland Sandstone Glade (Allard 1990)
< Sandstone Rock Outcrop (Schmalzer and DeSelm 1982)
< IE8a. Interior Upland Sandstone Glade (Allard 1990)
< Sandstone Rock Outcrop (Schmalzer and DeSelm 1982)
- Allard, D. J. 1990. Southeastern United States ecological community classification. Interim report, Version 1.2. The Nature Conservancy, Southeast Regional Office, Chapel Hill, NC. 96 pp.
- GNHP [Georgia Natural Heritage Program]. 2018. Unpublished data. Georgia Natural Heritage Program, Wildlife Resources Division, Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Social Circle.
- Perkins, B. E. 1981. Vegetation of sandstone outcrops of the Cumberland Plateau. M.S. thesis, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. xi plus 121 pp.
- Schmalzer, P. A., and H. R. DeSelm. 1982. Vegetation, endangered and threatened plants, critical plant habitats and vascular flora of the Obed Wild and Scenic River. Unpublished report. USDI National Park Service, Obed Wild and Scenic River. 2 volumes. 369 pp.
- Southeastern Ecology Working Group of NatureServe. No date. International Ecological Classification Standard: International Vegetation Classification. Terrestrial Vegetation. NatureServe, Durham, NC.
- TDNH [Tennessee Division of Natural Heritage]. 2018. Unpublished data. Tennessee Division of Natural Heritage, Nashville, TN.