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C02 Mesomorphic Shrub & Herb Vegetation Class

Type Concept Sentence: Grasslands, shrublands, open tree savannas, marshes, bogs and fens dominated by broadly mesomorphic (including scleromorphic) shrub and herb growth forms (including broad-leaved, needle-leaved, and sclerophyllous shrubs, and forb and graminoid herbs) with an irregular horizontal canopy structure, mesomorphic trees typically <10% cover (but tropical tree savannas typically <40%), tropical to boreal and subalpine climates, and wet to dry substrate conditions.

Common (Translated Scientific) Name: Mesomorphic Shrub & Herb Vegetation Class

Colloquial Name: Shrub & Herb Vegetation

Hierarchy Level:  Class

Type Concept: Shrubs and herbs with broadly mesomorphic (including scleromorphic) growth forms (including broad-leaved, needle-leaved, and sclerophyllous shrubs, some types of rosette shrubs, and forb and graminoid herbs) dominate this type. Vegetation structure is typically moderately open to closed canopy, with irregular horizontal canopy spacing and variable height, but typically <5 m, and where mesomorphic trees have <10% cover and mesomorphic shrub and herb growth forms have the majority of cover compared to xeromorphic or cryomorphic growth forms. But in tropical upland savanna regions, trees may have up to 40% cover, are <8 m tall, and the vegetation has a substantial graminoid layer. Climates range from tropical humid to (seasonal) dry to boreal and subalpine, with fairly moderate moisture and temperature conditions. Substrate moisture conditions vary from dry to wet. Vegetation includes upland grasslands, shrublands, open tree savannas, wetland emergent marshes, bogs and fens.

Diagnostic Characteristics: Shrubs and herbs in non-tropical savanna regions are at least 10% cover, mesomorphic trees <10% cover, and the majority of cover is composed of mesomorphic shrub (broad-leaved, needle-leaved, sclerophyllous, and rosette shrubs) and herb (forbs and graminoids) growth forms compared to xeromorphic or cryomorphic shrub and herb growth forms. The vegetation structure has irregular horizontal canopy spacing. In tropical upland savanna regions, trees typically have up to 40% cover, are <8 m tall, and the vegetation has a substantial graminoid layer.

Rationale for Nominal Species or Physiognomic Features: No Data Available

Classification Comments: This class includes both non-treed grasslands and shrublands, and open tree savannas, where tree canopy cover is typically <10%. Non-tropical tree savannas, defined by a strong graminoid layer (>50% in UNESCO 1973) and some level of open tree cover (10-25% cover in UNESCO (1973), 10-30% cover in Nelson (2005), 10-50% cover in Curtis (1959)), often closely resemble open upland grasslands and shrublands, especially in grassland regions. Thus, in this particular realm of vegetation, the open tree canopy, in combination with the ground layer, helps define savanna vegetation, distinct from forests or woodlands (e.g., Nelson 2005). But in many other regions and vegetation types (e.g., forested swamps and bogs, longleaf pine woodlands (Peet 2006), California oak woodlands (Barbour et al. 2007), subarctic woodlands), the role of canopy closure varies. Thus, in non-tropical regions, we generally place tree savannas, where trees >5 m have >10% cover, with woodland and forest. However, as Dixon et al. (2014) and others suggest, there may be good ecological reasons to treat upland tropical tree savannas, with up to 40% tree cover, trees <8 m tall, and a substantial graminoid layer, as part of 2. ~Shrub & Herb Vegetation Class (C02)$$, and we allow for that option here.

Croplands with a spontaneous ground layer of "weeds," where the annual rotation of crops prevents a persistent ground layer of herbs, are treated in 7. ~Agricultural & Developed Vegetation Cultural Class (CCL01)$$. If agricultural practices are abandoned, these sites may succeed to more persistent "ruderal" grasslands and shrublands (and forests) and would be placed in this class.

Where grasses and shrubs overtop low trees ("brush prairie"), the stands are placed here in Shrub & Herb Vegetation. These situations may often occur in grassland or cool semi-desert regions (e.g., North American Great Plains or Great Basin). Also challenging are some scrub trees, such as juniper (Juniperus spp.) or mesquite (Prosopis spp.), which can form shrub-like stands, and are typically <5 m tall at maturity in parts of their range. Where forms are not easily defined, woody plants equal to or >5 m at maturity are considered trees (FGDC 2008). In the United States, there are shrubby junipers (Juniperus communis, Juniperus pinchotii) that should be treated as shrubs. But pygmy conifers can potentially make 5 m and are treated as trees (Pinus edulis, Juniperus scopulorum, Juniperus monosperma, Juniperus occidentalis, Juniperus osteosperma).

There is a group of ephemerals that are generally mesomorphic, which can, under optimal rainfall conditions, grow on sand, including desert sands and pavement. They are adapted to deserts through their seed characteristics. Typically they do not occupy extensive deep shifting sands, only margins of sandsheets and more stable sands. They rely on seedbanks that may persist for decades in the sand and germinate under optimal winter or summer episodes of heavy rains. These are treated here as part of the mesomorphic shrub and herb class. Examples of psammophytic species include some sand verbenas (Abronia spp.) and several Asteraceae (e.g., Dicoria canescens, Palafoxia spp., etc.).

Similar NVC Types: No Data Available
note: No Data Available

Physiognomy and Structure: Growth Forms: Stands are dominated by any broadly mesomorphic (including scleromorphic) herb or shrub growth form, with or without a layer of nonvascular growth form (i.e., lichen, moss). Mesomorphic shrubs include broad-leaved, needle-leaved, sclerophyllous, and palm shrubs. Semi-shrubs are typically absent. Mesomorphic herbs include forbs (including flowering forbs, ferns, and succulent forbs) and graminoids. These herbaceous growth forms are not exclusive to the mesomorphic class, and more work is needed to assess whether additional herbaceous growth form types should be recognized that may be distinctive for this class.

Structure: Stands have irregular shrub or herb horizontal stem spacing, typically with a moderately open to closed shrub or herb layer. There is <10% mesomorphic tree cover (<40% in tropical tree savannas), and the majority of shrub and/or herb growth forms are mesomorphic, typically exceeding 10% cover (but may be as low as 1-10% cover). Nonvascular and dwarf-shrub growth forms may vary from 0 to 100%, and tree seedlings or saplings may be present at any level of cover if they are below the predominant heights of the shrubs and herbs. At maturity, dominant shrubs and herbs are typically >0.3 m (sometimes over 5-10 m).

Floristics: No Data Available

Dynamics:  No Data Available

Environmental Description:  Climate: Shrublands and grasslands occur in the following Trewartha Climatic zones: Aw = Tropical wet-dry; Am = Tropical wet-dry ("monsoon"); BS = Semiarid [BSh, hot semiarid]; BW = Arid Specifically BWh (hot Subtropical High desert); BWn (or Bn)) Climates (cool coastal deserts) "n" for nebel = fog; Cs = Subtropical dry summer "Mediterranean"; Do = Oceanic "Marine West Coast"; BS = Semiarid (BSk, cool semiarid); Dc = Continental.

Soil/substrate/hydrology: Dry to wet soils. Sand dune, including psammophytic, vegetation is placed here in mesomorphic shrub and herb vegetation. Kudryashov (2010) describes the characteristics of "psammophyte" (i.e., plants that thrive in shifting sands, primarily in deserts, and that have a number of adaptations that enable them to exist on wind-blown sands).

Geographic Range: In non-tropical regions, this type is most common in the Bailey (1989) steppe divisions of the Dry Domain, the subarctic divisions of the Polar Domain, and is less common in other divisions of Polar or Dry domains. In the tropics, this type is uncommon in Humid Tropical and Humid Temperate domains, but common in Semi-humid Tropical domains (savannas).

Nations: No Data Available

States/Provinces:  No Data Available

Confidence Level: Moderate

Confidence Level Comments: No Data Available

Grank: GNR

Greasons: No Data Available

Concept Lineage: No Data Available

Predecessors: No Data Available

Obsolete Names: No Data Available

Obsolete Parents: No Data Available

Synonomy: = Grassland Biomes (Woodward 2008) [Approximately equivalent. Although only grasslands are mentioned in the name, shrublands are considered as part of the concept.]
> Range Land (Anderson et al. 1976) [The authors exclude wet grasslands and shrublands, treating them as part of their "Wetlands" category.]

Concept Author(s): Hierarchy Revisions Working Group, Federal Geographic Data Committee (Faber-Langendoen et al. 2012)

Author of Description: Hierarchy Revisions Working Group

Acknowledgements: No Data Available

Version Date: 10-17-14

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  • Bailey, R. G. 1989. Explanatory supplement to ecoregions map of the continents. Environmental Conservation 16:307-309 with separate map at 1:30,000,000. USDA Forest Service, Washington, DC.
  • Barbour, M. G., T. Keeler-Wolf, and A. A. Schoenherr, editors. 2007a. Terrestrial vegetation of California, third edition. University of California Press, Berkeley.
  • Curtis, J. T. 1959. The vegetation of Wisconsin: An ordination of plant communities. Reprinted in 1987. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison. 657 pp.
  • Dixon, A. P., D. Faber-Langendoen, C. Josse, C. J. Loucks, and J. Morrison. 2014. Distribution mapping of world grassland types. Journal of Biogeography 41(11):2002-2019.
  • FGDC [Federal Geographic Data Committee]. 2008. National Vegetation Classification Standard (Version 2.0). FGDC-STD-005-2008. Vegetation Subcommittee, Federal Geographic Data Committee, Reston, VA. 126 pp.
  • Faber-Langendoen, D., T. Keeler-Wolf, D. Meidinger, C. Josse, A. Weakley, D. Tart, G. Navarro, B. Hoagland, S. Ponomarenko, J.-P. Saucier, G. Fults, and E. Helmer. 2015c. Classification and description of world formation types. General Technical Report RMRS-GTR-000. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, CO.
  • Kudryashov, V. 2010. The great Soviet encyclopedia. Third edition (1970-1979). The Gale Group, Inc.
  • Minnesota DNR [Minnesota Department of Natural Resources]. 2005b. Field guide to the native plant communities of Minnesota: The Prairie Parkland and Tallgrass Aspen Parklands provinces. Ecological Land Classification Program, Minnesota County Biological Survey, and Natural Heritage and Nongame Research Program. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, St. Paul.
  • Nelson, P. 2005. The terrestrial natural communities of Missouri. Third edition. Missouri Natural Areas Committee, Department of Natural Resources and the Department of Conservation, Jefferson City, MO. 550 pp.
  • Peet, R. K. 2006. Ecological classification of longleaf pine woodlands. Pages 51-93 in: S. Jose, E. J. Jokela, and D. L. Miller, editors. The Longleaf Pine Ecosystem: Ecology, Silviculture, and Restoration. Springer Science Business Media, LLC, New York.
  • UNESCO [United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization]. 1973. International classification and mapping of vegetation. Series 6, Ecology and Conservation. United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. Paris. 93 pp.
  • Woodward, S. 2008. Grassland biomes. Greenwood Press, Westport, CT.