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A2627 Plagiobothrys figuratus - Plagiobothrys scouleri Vernal Pool Alliance
Type Concept Sentence: This alliance covers herbaceous vernal pools dominated by forbs, predominantly Plagiobothrys figuratus or Plagiobothrys scouleri, along with many other species such as Plantago bigelovii. They occur along the interior valleys of Oregon, Washington and British Columbia.
Common (Translated Scientific) Name: Fragrant Popcorn-flower - Scouler''s Popcorn-flower Vernal Pool Alliance
Colloquial Name: Popcorn-flower Vernal Pool
Hierarchy Level: Alliance
Type Concept: This alliance covers herbaceous vernal pools dominated by forbs, predominantly Plagiobothrys figuratus or Plagiobothrys scouleri, along with many other species such as Plantago bigelovii. They occur along the interior valleys of Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. These seasonally flooded depressional wetlands dry up completely by the end of the season or sooner and may not be wetted for several years. Waters are fresh but may become increasingly alkaline as they dry up. They occur on a clay pan or other substrate that impedes drainage.
Diagnostic Characteristics: Vernal pools dominated by herbaceous forbs, predominantly Plagiobothrys figuratus or Plagiobothrys scouleri.
Rationale for Nominal Species or Physiognomic Features: No Data Available
Classification Comments: No Data Available
Similar NVC Types: No Data Available
note: No Data Available
Physiognomy and Structure: Annual herbaceous vegetation dominated by forbs less than 1 m in height.
Floristics: These vernal pools are dominated by forbs, predominantly Plagiobothrys figuratus or Plagiobothrys scouleri, along with many other species such as Plantago bigelovii.
Dynamics: No Data Available
Environmental Description: These seasonally flooded depressional wetlands dry up completely by the end of the season or sooner and may not be wetted for several years. Waters are fresh but may become increasingly alkaline as they dry up. They occur on a clay pan or other substrate that impedes drainage.
Geographic Range: This alliance occurs along the interior valleys of Oregon, Washington and British Columbia.
Nations: CA,US
States/Provinces: BC, OR, WA
Plot Analysis Summary:
Confidence Level: Moderate
Confidence Level Comments: No Data Available
Grank: GNR
Greasons: No Data Available
Type | Name | Database Code | Classification Code |
Class | 2 Shrub & Herb Vegetation Class | C02 | 2 |
Subclass | 2.C Shrub & Herb Wetland Subclass | S44 | 2.C |
Formation | 2.C.4 Temperate to Polar Freshwater Marsh, Wet Meadow & Shrubland Formation | F013 | 2.C.4 |
Division | 2.C.4.Nb Western North American Temperate Freshwater Marsh, Wet Meadow & Shrubland Division | D031 | 2.C.4.Nb |
Macrogroup | 2.C.4.Nb.3 Winged Water-starwort - Elegant Calicoflower - California Eryngo Western North American Vernal Pool Macrogroup | M074 | 2.C.4.Nb.3 |
Group | 2.C.4.Nb.3.b Calicoflower species - Water-starwort species - Eryngo species North Pacific Vernal Pool Group | G529 | 2.C.4.Nb.3.b |
Alliance | A2627 Fragrant Popcorn-flower - Scouler''s Popcorn-flower Vernal Pool Alliance | A2627 | 2.C.4.Nb.3.b |
Association | CEGL003346 Fragrant Popcorn-flower Vernal Pool | CEGL003346 | 2.C.4.Nb.3.b |
Association | CEGL003459 Scouler''s Popcorn-flower - Coast Plantain Vernal Pool | CEGL003459 | 2.C.4.Nb.3.b |
Concept Lineage: No Data Available
Predecessors: No Data Available
Obsolete Names: No Data Available
Obsolete Parents: No Data Available
Synonomy: No Data Available
- Faber-Langendoen, D., J. Drake, M. Hall, G. Kittel, S. Menard, C. Nordman, M. Pyne, M. Reid, M. Russo, K. Schulz, L. Sneddon, K. Snow, and J. Teague. 2013-2019b. Screening alliances for induction into the U.S. National Vegetation Classification: Part 1 - Alliance concept review. NatureServe, Arlington, VA.