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A1193 Andropogon hallii- Calamovilfa gigantea Sand Prairie Alliance

Type Concept Sentence: This alliance includes herbaceous vegetation with Andropogon hallii, occurring in the central and southern Great Plains from Nebraska and Colorado south to Texas. It is dominated by sandy tall and midgrass species, with shortgrass species becoming important in the western portion of its range. Andropogon hallii is usually dominant or codominant, and Calamovilfa gigantea common southward.

Common (Translated Scientific) Name: Sand Bluestem - Giant Sandreed Sand Prairie Alliance

Colloquial Name: Southern Plains Sand Bluestem - Giant Sandreed Grassland

Hierarchy Level:  Alliance

Type Concept: This alliance includes herbaceous vegetation with Andropogon hallii, occurring in the Great Plains from the central Great Plains of Colorado and southern Nebraska (excluding sandhills) south to Texas. It is dominated by sandy tall and midgrass species, with shortgrass species becoming important in the western portion of its range. Andropogon hallii is usually dominant or codominant. Calamovilfa gigantea is present to codominant in most stands south of the South Dakota-Nebraska border. Bouteloua gracilis, Bouteloua hirsuta, Eragrostis trichodes, Hesperostipa comata, Koeleria macrantha, Pascopyrum smithii, Schizachyrium scoparium, and Sporobolus cryptandrus are typical grasses in stands of this alliance. Upland sedges are also very common, especially Carex filifolia, Carex inops ssp. heliophila, and Carex duriuscula. Although graminoids are overwhelmingly dominant, several species of forbs can be found in many stands of this alliance. Some of the more common forbs are Ambrosia psilostachya, Ipomoea leptophylla, Liatris punctata, Psoralidium spp., and Tradescantia occidentalis. There may be widely scattered low shrubs, including Rosa woodsii, Prunus pumila var. besseyi, and Yucca glauca. In west Texas common associates on deep sands include Panicum havardii, Sporobolus giganteus, and Calamovilfa gigantea. Stands of this alliance occur on sand deposits, usually on gentle to steep slopes but sometimes on flat ground. The soils are sand, loamy sand, or sandy loam. They can be poorly to moderately well-developed. There is little runoff or evaporation because moisture quickly sinks into the coarse soil. Soil near the surface is consequently dry throughout much of the year, but moisture is present further down, favoring deep-rooting species such as Andropogon hallii and Calamovilfa gigantea. Wind sometimes scours sand and vegetation from small areas, creating blowouts. These bare spots are initially colonized by species that are uncommon in this alliance, such as Muhlenbergia pungens and Redfieldia flexuosa. Eventually, these blowouts succeed to one of the communities in this alliance. These grasslands occur on semi-stabilized quartz sand dunes in eastern Trans-Pecos Texas, where they form landscape mosaics with Quercus havardii shrublands, wetland dune swales, and sparsely vegetated dunes. In the southern plains, this alliance is a small-patch occurrence nested within the more common Artemisia filifolia shrublands. The rare plant Penstemon haydenii, an endemic to dune blowouts in the sandhills of Nebraska, may be endangered by the decline in habitat because of fire suppression and low to moderate stocking rates.

Diagnostic Characteristics: Stands are dominated by Andropogon hallii and Calamovilfa gigantea (Calamovilfa common in Colorado), and often associated with Artemisia filifolia stands, and are typically dry to dry-mesic.

Rationale for Nominal Species or Physiognomic Features: No Data Available

Classification Comments: There is some overlap with ~Calamovilfa longifolia Sand Prairie Alliance (A1201)$$ in those stands that contain both Andropogon hallii and Calamovilfa longifolia, but that alliance occurs in the northern Great Plains, including Nebraska Sandhills . Sparsely vegetated, early-successional dune associations are also included in this alliance. They may need their own alliance but currently not enough data exist to justify a separate alliance.
i>Yucca glauca occurs within the allliance. Is a Yucca sand prairie association needed? Yucca can also occur on loam. But it more typically occurs as an irregular component of mixedgrass prairie, so no need to break it out. According to Gerry Steinauer (pers. comm. 2019) sandsage in the the southwest corner should go south as it has several southern species associated with it. The Sandsage north of the Platte looses many of these species and it''s not clear whether it is true sandsage prairie or just Sandhills prairie with sandsage plants in it (see CEGL002177 for a treatment of that type). At this time, we place Nebraska sandsage in the central - southern great plains and stands north of the Platte are considered outliers. Nebraska sand prairies should be in the northern great plains group (G889).

Similar NVC Types: No Data Available
note: No Data Available

Physiognomy and Structure: Vegetation included in this alliance has a moderate to dense herbaceous layer (0.5-1.5 m tall) that is dominated by tall grasses and mid grasses, with short grasses common in the western portion of its range. There is usually a sparse forb layer. Widely scattered low shrubs may also be present.

Floristics: This alliance is found on sandy sites in the central to southern Great Plains from southern Nebraska and Colorado south r south to Texas. It is dominated by tall- and midgrass species, with shortgrass species becoming important in the western portion of its range. The dominant species range from 0.5-1.5 m in height. Andropogon hallii is usually dominant or codominant. Calamovilfa longifolia is present to codominant in most stands north of the South Dakota-Nebraska border. Bouteloua gracilis, Bouteloua hirsuta, Eragrostis trichodes, Hesperostipa comata (= Stipa comata), Koeleria macrantha, Pascopyrum smithii, Schizachyrium scoparium, and Sporobolus cryptandrus are typical grasses in stands of this alliance. Upland sedges are also very common, especially Carex filifolia, Carex inops ssp. heliophila, and Carex duriuscula (= Carex eleocharis). Although graminoids are overwhelmingly dominant, several species of forbs can be found in many stands of this alliance. Some of the more common forbs are Ambrosia psilostachya, Ipomoea leptophylla, Liatris punctata, Psoralidium spp., and Tradescantia occidentalis. There are widely scattered low shrubs, including Rosa spp., Prunus pumila var. besseyi, and Yucca glauca. In west Texas, common associates on deep sands include Panicum havardii, Sporobolus giganteus, and Calamovilfa longifolia.

Dynamics:  Wind is a dominant factor that shapes the landscape where this alliance occurs. Wind sometimes scours sand and vegetation from small areas and creates blowouts. These bare spots are initially colonized by species that are relatively uncommon in this alliance, such as Redfieldia flexuosa, Muhlenbergia pungens, Yucca glauca, and Achnatherum hymenoides. Eventually, these blowouts succeed to other communities (Savage 1937, Ramaley 1939a, Tolstead 1942, Harrison 1980). Tolstead (1942) cites Nebraska pioneer accounts that dunes were less vegetated than at present, and blowouts and stands were more common before cattle ranching. Fire frequency and extent are also thought to have declined since settlement because of fuel removal by livestock grazing and fire control (Burzlaff 1965, Wolfe 1973). Consequently, active dunes and large blowouts are less common now, as are the pioneer plant species Redfieldia flexuosa, Andropogon hallii and Yucca glauca (Harrison 1980).

These grasslands provide excellent summer forage and need careful management to prevent grazing out desirable species. Tolstead (1942) found that Andropogon hallii and Eragrostis trichodes are less common on pastures that receive year-round grazing. Generally, overgrazing this alliance decreases the cover of species of Andropogon, Calamovilfa, Eragrostis, and Hesperostipa, and increases the cover of Bouteloua gracilis, Bouteloua hirsuta, Muhlenbergia pungens, Achnatherum hymenoides, and Sporobolus cryptandrus (Savage 1937, Ramaley 1939a, Tolstead 1942, Harrison 1980). Overgrazing also kills out desirable shrubs, especially Amorpha canescens and Prunus pumila var. besseyi (Ryan et al. 1994). This grassland responds rapidly to management. Deferment of grazing in the late spring and summer favors warm-season grasses such as Andropogon hallii, Bouteloua hirsuta, Bouteloua gracilis, Calamovilfa longifolia, Eragrostis trichodes, Koeleria macrantha, and Schizachyrium scoparium.

Drought also causes declines in cover of all species, especially tall grasses, and can make the grassland more vulnerable to blowouts. Savage (1937) found large declines in tallgrass cover on sandy sites during drought in 1935. He ranked the cause of damage by decreasing effect: heat, drought, and, to a much lesser extent, grazing and then soil blowing. Ramaley (1939a) reports that in Colorado there is marginally enough precipitation to maintain this alliance. Drought causes retrogression to mixed sandhill, sand sage, or blow-out communities, which increases Muhlenbergia pungens, Artemisia filifolia, and Achnatherum hymenoides. Grazing during droughts increases the intensity of the damage (Ramaley 1939a).

Environmental Description:  Stands of this alliance occur on sand deposits in the central to southern Great Plains. The climate is semi-arid and continental, with annual precipitation ranging from 46-61 cm. Elevations are generally between 1000 and 1600 m. Sites where this alliance is found are usually on gentle to steep slopes but sometimes on flat ground (Tolstead 1942, Steinauer 1989). The soils are sand, loamy sand, or sandy loam, and they can be poorly to moderately well-developed (Johnston 1987, Steinauer 1989). There is little runoff or evaporation because moisture quickly sinks into the coarse soil. Soil near the surface is consequently dry throughout much of the year, but moisture is present deeper in the soil profile. This favors deep-rooting species such as Andropogon hallii and Calamovilfa longifolia (Barnes and Harrison 1982). In the northern and western extent, adjacent grasslands dominated by Pascopyrum smithii or Bouteloua spp. occur on fine-textured soils. In western Texas, these grasslands form mosaics with Quercus havardii shrublands.

Geographic Range: Grasslands in this alliance occur on sandy sites in the central and southern Great Plains in Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, and Nebraska.

Nations: US

States/Provinces:  CO, KS, NE, OK, TX

Confidence Level: Low

Confidence Level Comments: No Data Available

Grank: GNR

Greasons: No Data Available

Concept Lineage: This alliance was not modified from its original format

Predecessors: No Data Available

Obsolete Names: No Data Available

Obsolete Parents: No Data Available

Synonomy: ? Andropogon hallii Series (Johnston 1987) [Colorado]
? Andropogon hallii herbaceous alliance (Hoagland 1998a) [Oklahoma]
? Bunchgrass Community (Weaver and Albertson 1956) [Nebraska]
? Postclimax Grasses on Dunes (Tolstead 1941) [South Dakota]
? Sand Prairie Community (Ramaley 1939a) [Colorado]
? Sand-hills Mixed Type (Weaver and Albertson 1956) [Colorado]
? Tall Grasses of the Dunes (Tolstead 1942) [Nebraska]
? USDA-NRCS Deep Sand Range Sites #15,16,19 (Soil Conservation Service n.d.)

Concept Author(s): R.J. Pool (1913)

Author of Description: S. Menard

Acknowledgements: No Data Available

Version Date: 12-18-14

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  • Burgess, R. L. 1965. A study of plant succession in the sandhills of southeastern North Dakota. Proceedings of the North Dakota Academy of Science 19:62-80.
  • Burzlaff, D. F. 1962. A soil and vegetation inventory and analysis of three Nebraska sandhills range sites. University of Nebraska College of Agriculture Research Bulletin 206. Agricultural Experiment Station. 32 pp.
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  • Johnston, B. C. 1987. Plant associations of Region Two: Potential plant communities of Wyoming, South Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado, and Kansas. R2-ECOL-87-2. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region. Lakewood, CO. 429 pp.
  • Keeler, K. H., A. T. Harrison, and L. S. Vescio. 1980. The flora and sandhills prairie communities of Arapaho Prairie, Arthur County, Nebraska. Prairie Naturalist 12(3 and 4):65-78.
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  • Pool, R. J. 1913. A study of the vegetation of the Sandhills of Nebraska. Unpublished thesis, University of Nebraska, Lincoln. 308 pp.
  • Ramaley, F. 1939a. Life forms of plants in Colorado sandhills. Journal of the Colorado-Wyoming Academy of Science 2(5):33 (Abstract).
  • Ross, R. L., E. P. Murray, and J. G. Haigh. 1973. Soil and vegetation inventory of near-pristine sites, Montana. USDA Soil Conservation Service, Bozeman, MT. 55 pp.
  • Ryan, M. G., L. A. Joyce, T. Andrews, and K. Jones. 1994. Research Natural Areas in Colorado, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and parts of Wyoming. General Technical Report RM-251. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Fort Collins, CO. 57 pp.
  • Savage, D. A. 1937. Drought survival of native grass species in the central and southern Great Plains, 1935. USDA Technical Bulletin 549.
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  • Weaver, J. E., and F. W. Albertson. 1956. Grasslands of the Great Plains: Their nature and use. Johnsen Publishing Co., Lincoln, NE. 395 pp.
  • Wolfe, C. W. 1973. Effects of fire on a sand hills grassland environment. Proceedings of the Tall Timbers Fire Ecology Conference 12:241-255.