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A2036 Populus tremuloides Rocky Mountain Forest & Woodland Alliance

Type Concept Sentence: This alliance is widespread in the southern, central and northern Rocky Mountains, west to the Sierra Nevada and east to the Black Hills and defined by a canopy dominated by Populus tremuloides.

Common (Translated Scientific) Name: Quaking Aspen Rocky Mountain Forest & Woodland Alliance

Colloquial Name: Rocky Mountain Aspen Forest & Woodland

Hierarchy Level:  Alliance

Type Concept: This alliance is widespread in the montane and subalpine zones Rocky Mountains and adjacent regions, including the Sierra Nevada and Black Hills. Stands are found on a variety of landscape positions, but are consistently in mesic habitats. Stands in this alliance often originate following disturbance. The dominant species of the canopy is Populus tremuloides. Scattered conifer trees such as Pseudotsuga menziesii and species of Pinus, Picea, and Abies may also be present. Common shrubs include Acer glabrum, Amelanchier alnifolia, Artemisia tridentata, Juniperus communis, Prunus virginiana, Rosa woodsii, Shepherdia canadensis, Symphoricarpos oreophilus, and the dwarf-shrubs Mahonia repens and Vaccinium myrtillus. The herbaceous layer may be lush and diverse. Common graminoids may include Bromus carinatus, Calamagrostis rubescens, Carex siccata, Carex geyeri, Carex rossii, Elymus glaucus, Elymus trachycaulus, Festuca thurberi, and Hesperostipa comata. Associated forbs may include Achillea millefolium, Eucephalus engelmannii, Delphinium x occidentale, Geranium viscosissimum, Heracleum sphondylium, Ligusticum filicinum, Lupinus argenteus, Osmorhiza berteroi, Pteridium aquilinum, Rudbeckia occidentalis, Thalictrum fendleri, Valeriana occidentalis, Wyethia amplexicaulis, and many others. Elevations generally range from 1525 to 3050 m (5000-10,000 feet), but occurrences can be found at lower elevations in some regions. Topographic positions are variable, but occurrences tend to occupy cooler, moist aspects.

Diagnostic Characteristics: Highly variable and widely distributed alliance is characterized by stands dominated by the broad-leaved deciduous tree Populus tremuloides. Coniferous species may be present but not codominant. Physiognomy varies from open woodlands to dense forests. Understories are dominated by a combination of broad-leaved deciduous shrubs, evergreen shrubs, grasses and occasionally forbs.

Rationale for Nominal Species or Physiognomic Features: No Data Available

Classification Comments: This alliance may eventually be split into two or more alliances based on floristics or regional characteristics.

Similar NVC Types: No Data Available
note: No Data Available

Physiognomy and Structure: Vegetation included in this alliance has a moderately dense to dense tree canopy dominated by cold-deciduous broad-leaved trees (5-20 m tall). Evergreen needle-leaved trees may be present, but do not codominate the tree canopy. The understory is variable. Sparse to dense, tall- and short-shrub layers may be present and are typically dominated by deciduous broad-leaved species; however, a scale-leaved short shrub dominates the understory of some stands. Sparse to dense tall or short herbaceous layers may also be present and may be dominated by perennial forbs or graminoids.

Floristics: Populus tremuloides is typically the sole dominant canopy tree, and stands may have open to closed cover. Other canopy associates may include Abies lasiocarpa, Picea engelmannii, Populus angustifolia, Populus balsamifera, and Pseudotsuga menziesii. Common shrubs include Acer glabrum, Amelanchier alnifolia, Artemisia tridentata, Juniperus communis, Mahonia repens, Prunus virginiana, Rosa woodsii, Shepherdia canadensis, Symphoricarpos oreophilus, and Vaccinium myrtillus. The herbaceous layer may be lush and diverse. Common graminoids may include Bromus carinatus, Calamagrostis rubescens, Carex siccata (= Carex foenea), Carex geyeri, Carex rossii, Elymus glaucus, Elymus trachycaulus, Festuca thurberi, and Hesperostipa comata (= Stipa comata). Associated forbs may include Achillea millefolium, Eucephalus engelmannii (= Aster engelmannii), Delphinium x occidentale, Geranium viscosissimum, Heracleum sphondylium, Ligusticum filicinum, Lupinus argenteus, Osmorhiza berteroi (= Osmorhiza chilensis), Pteridium aquilinum, Rudbeckia occidentalis, Thalictrum fendleri, Valeriana occidentalis, Wyethia amplexicaulis, and many others. Exotic grasses, such as the perennial Poa pratensis and the annual Bromus tectorum, are often common in stands disturbed by grazing.

Dynamics:  Stands in this alliance often originate and are likely maintained by stand-replacing disturbances such as crown fire, disease and windthrow, or cutting by man or beaver. The stems of these thin-barked, clonal trees are easily killed by surface fires, but they can quickly and vigorously resprout in densities of up to 30,000 stems per hectare (Knight 1993). The stems are relatively short-lived (100-150 years), and the stand will succeed to longer-lived conifer forest if undisturbed. Stands are favored by fire in the conifer zone (Mueggler 1988). With adequate disturbance a clone may live many centuries. Although Populus tremuloides produces abundant seeds, seedling survival is rare because of the long moist conditions required to establish are rare in the habitats that it occurs in. Superficial soil drying will kill seedlings (Knight 1994).

Environmental Description:  Sites include variable topographic positions with slopes ranging from level to steep with variable aspects, with occurrences on warmer aspects at higher elevations and cooler aspects are lower elevations. The soils are typically deep and well-developed with rock often absent from the soil. Soil texture ranges from sandy loam to clay loam. Parent materials are variable and may include sedimentary, metamorphic or igneous rocks, but this vegetation appears to grow best on limestone, basalt, and calcareous or neutral shales (Mueggler 1988).

Geographic Range: This alliance is more common in the southern and central Rocky Mountains, but occurs in the montane and subalpine zones throughout much of the western U.S., south into northern Mexico and north into Canada. An eastern extension occurs along the Rocky Mountains foothill front, in mountain "islands" in Montana (Big Snowy and Highwood mountains), the Black Hills of South Dakota and also west to the Sierra Nevada.

Nations: CA,US

States/Provinces:  AB, AZ, BC, CA, CO, ID, MT, ND, NM, NV, OR, SD, TX?, UT, WA, WY

Confidence Level: Moderate

Confidence Level Comments: No Data Available

Grank: GNR

Greasons: No Data Available

Type Name Database Code Classification Code
Class 1 Forest & Woodland Class C01 1
Subclass 1.B Temperate & Boreal Forest & Woodland Subclass S15 1.B
Formation 1.B.2 Cool Temperate Forest & Woodland Formation F008 1.B.2
Division 1.B.2.Nb Rocky Mountain Forest & Woodland Division D194 1.B.2.Nb
Macrogroup 1.B.2.Nb.5 Subalpine Fir - Engelmann Spruce - Whitebark Pine Rocky Mountain Forest Macrogroup M020 1.B.2.Nb.5
Group 1.B.2.Nb.5.d Quaking Aspen Rocky Mountain Forest & Woodland Group G222 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Alliance A2036 Quaking Aspen Rocky Mountain Forest & Woodland Alliance A2036 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000563 Quaking Aspen / Rocky Mountain Maple Forest CEGL000563 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000564 Quaking Aspen / Saskatoon Serviceberry Forest CEGL000564 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000565 Quaking Aspen / Saskatoon Serviceberry / Western Brackenfern Forest CEGL000565 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000566 Quaking Aspen / Saskatoon Serviceberry - Mountain Snowberry / California Brome Forest CEGL000566 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000567 Quaking Aspen / Saskatoon Serviceberry - Mountain Snowberry / Pinegrass Forest CEGL000567 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000568 Quaking Aspen / Saskatoon Serviceberry - Mountain Snowberry / Tall Forbs Forest CEGL000568 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000569 Quaking Aspen / Saskatoon Serviceberry - Mountain Snowberry / Fendler''s Meadowrue Forest CEGL000569 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000570 Quaking Aspen / Saskatoon Serviceberry / Tall Forbs Forest CEGL000570 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000571 Quaking Aspen / Saskatoon Serviceberry / Fendler''s Meadowrue Forest CEGL000571 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000572 Quaking Aspen / Big Sagebrush Forest CEGL000572 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000573 Quaking Aspen / California Brome Forest CEGL000573 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000575 Quaking Aspen / Pinegrass Forest CEGL000575 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000578 Quaking Aspen / Dry-spike Sedge Forest CEGL000578 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000579 Quaking Aspen / Geyer''s Sedge Forest CEGL000579 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000580 Quaking Aspen / Ross'' Sedge Forest CEGL000580 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000581 Quaking Aspen / Snowbrush Ceanothus Forest CEGL000581 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000583 Quaking Aspen / Beaked Hazelnut Forest CEGL000583 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000585 Quaking Aspen / Thurber''s Fescue Forest CEGL000585 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000586 Quaking Aspen / Eltrot Forest CEGL000586 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000587 Quaking Aspen / Common Juniper Forest CEGL000587 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000588 Quaking Aspen / Common Juniper / Geyer''s Sedge Forest CEGL000588 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000589 Quaking Aspen / Common Juniper / Silvery Lupine Forest CEGL000589 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000591 Quaking Aspen / Fernleaf Licorice-root Forest CEGL000591 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000592 Quaking Aspen / Twinberry Honeysuckle Forest CEGL000592 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000593 Quaking Aspen / Silvery Lupine Forest CEGL000593 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000594 Quaking Aspen / Creeping Barberry Forest CEGL000594 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000595 Quaking Aspen / Common Cow-parsnip Forest CEGL000595 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000596 Quaking Aspen / Chokecherry Forest CEGL000596 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000597 Quaking Aspen / Western Brackenfern Forest CEGL000597 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000598 Quaking Aspen / Gambel Oak / Mountain Snowberry Forest CEGL000598 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000602 Quaking Aspen / Thimbleberry Forest CEGL000602 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000603 Quaking Aspen / Western Coneflower Forest CEGL000603 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000604 Quaking Aspen / Scouler''s Willow Forest CEGL000604 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000605 Quaking Aspen / Red Elderberry Forest CEGL000605 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000606 Quaking Aspen / Russet Buffaloberry Forest CEGL000606 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000607 Quaking Aspen / Shinyleaf Meadowsweet Forest CEGL000607 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000608 Quaking Aspen / Needle-and-Thread Forest CEGL000608 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000609 Quaking Aspen / Common Snowberry Forest CEGL000609 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000610 Quaking Aspen / Mountain Snowberry Forest CEGL000610 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000611 Quaking Aspen / Mountain Snowberry / California Brome Forest CEGL000611 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000612 Quaking Aspen / Mountain Snowberry / Pinegrass Forest CEGL000612 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000613 Quaking Aspen / Mountain Snowberry / Ross'' Sedge Forest CEGL000613 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000614 Quaking Aspen / Mountain Snowberry / Thurber''s Fescue Forest CEGL000614 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000615 Quaking Aspen / Mountain Snowberry / Tall Forbs Forest CEGL000615 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000616 Quaking Aspen / Mountain Snowberry / Fendler''s Meadowrue Forest CEGL000616 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000617 Quaking Aspen / Mountain Snowberry / Northern Mule''s-ears Forest CEGL000617 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000618 Quaking Aspen / Tall Forbs Forest CEGL000618 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000619 Quaking Aspen / Fendler''s Meadowrue Forest CEGL000619 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000620 Quaking Aspen / Whortleberry Forest CEGL000620 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000622 Quaking Aspen / Northern Mule''s-ears Forest CEGL000622 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000945 Quaking Aspen / Mallow Ninebark - Saskatoon Serviceberry Scree Woodland CEGL000945 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL000946 Quaking Aspen / Common Snowberry / Blue Wildrye Woodland CEGL000946 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL002816 Quaking Aspen / Saskatoon Serviceberry - Mountain Snowberry / Mixed Graminoid Forest CEGL002816 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL003145 Quaking Aspen / Alpine Mountainbalm Forest CEGL003145 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL003146 Quaking Aspen / Big Sagebrush / Alpine Mountainbalm - Milky Kelloggia Forest CEGL003146 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL003748 Quaking Aspen / Invasive Perennial Grasses Forest CEGL003748 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL005624 Quaking Aspen / Chokecherry Central Rocky Mountain Forest CEGL005624 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL005849 Quaking Aspen / Stinging Nettle Forest CEGL005849 1.B.2.Nb.5.d
Association CEGL005932 Quaking Aspen / Mountain Ninebark Forest CEGL005932 1.B.2.Nb.5.d

Concept Lineage: This alliance is the combination of two former alliances: Populus tremuloides Forest Alliance (A.274) and Populus tremuloides Temporarily Flooded Forest Alliance (A.300).

Predecessors: No Data Available

Obsolete Names: No Data Available

Obsolete Parents: No Data Available

Synonomy: No Data Available

Concept Author(s): K.A. Schulz, in Faber-Langendoen et al. (2013)

Author of Description: M.E. Hall

Acknowledgements: No Data Available

Version Date: 01-08-14

  • Faber-Langendoen, D., J. Drake, M. Hall, G. Kittel, S. Menard, C. Nordman, M. Pyne, M. Reid, M. Russo, K. Schulz, L. Sneddon, K. Snow, and J. Teague. 2013-2019b. Screening alliances for induction into the U.S. National Vegetation Classification: Part 1 - Alliance concept review. NatureServe, Arlington, VA.
  • Knight, D. H. 1994. Mountains and plains: Ecology of Wyoming landscapes. Yale University Press, New Haven, MA. 338 pp.
  • Mueggler, W. F. 1988. Aspen community types of the Intermountain Region. General Technical Report INT-250. USDA Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station, Ogden, UT. 135 pp.