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CEGL005221 Schizachyrium scoparium - Aristida basiramea - Sporobolus cryptandrus - Eragrostis trichodes Grassland

Type Concept Sentence: Dry sand and gravel prairie within the tallgrass region of southeast Nebraska and north Kansas.

Common (Translated Scientific) Name: Little Bluestem - Forked Three-awn - Sand Dropseed - Sand Lovegrass Grassland

Colloquial Name: West-Central Sand Tallgrass Prairie

Hierarchy Level:  Association

Type Concept: This sand and gravel prairie community is found in southeast Nebraska and northeast Kansas, in the east-central Great Plains of the United States. Stands occur on eroded slopes, rolling uplands, and in shallow draws associated with river valleys. Soils are very well-drained and vary from sandy loams to coarse sand and gravels formed in old alluvium or glacial till. Vegetation is dominated by a variety of midgrasses within a predominately tallgrass region. In southeastern Nebraska and northeast Kansas, dominants on sandy soils include Schizachyrium scoparium, Eragrostis trichodes, and Sporobolus cryptandrus. Bouteloua gracilis, Bouteloua hirsuta, and Schizachyrium scoparium dominate areas with gravelly soils. Common herbaceous species include species commonly found in mixedgrass prairies to the west. Other graminoids present include Aristida basiramea, Digitaria cognata, Carex duriuscula, Carex praegracilis, and Cyperus schweinitzii. Scattered tallgrasses such as Andropogon gerardii, Sorghastrum nutans, and Panicum virgatum may be present in areas proximate to tallgrass prairie stands. Fire and drought along with grazing and conversion agriculture impact this community.

Diagnostic Characteristics: Grassland community occurring in sand and gravel soils within the tallgrass region of Nebraska and Kansas. Diagnostic species include Aristida basiramea, Artemisia campestris ssp. caudata, Eragrostis trichodes, Froelichia gracilis, Polygonum tenue, and Sporobolus cryptandrus.

Rationale for Nominal Species or Physiognomic Features: No Data Available

Classification Comments: This community, according to Rolfsmeier and Steinauer (2010), is a mixedgrass community on sand and gravel soils within the tallgrass prairie region of Nebraska and Kansas.

Similar NVC Types: No Data Available
note: No Data Available

Physiognomy and Structure: Mixedgrass prairie with scattered tallgrasses.

Floristics: Vegetation is dominated by a variety of mid- and tallgrasses (but not Andropogon hallii or Calamovilfa longifolia). Species diversity varies based on soil texture. Areas with gravelly soils are typically dominated by Bouteloua gracilis, Bouteloua hirsuta, and Schizachyrium scoparium. In eastern Nebraska, dominants on sandy soils include Schizachyrium scoparium, Eragrostis trichodes, and Sporobolus cryptandrus. Scattered tallgrass species such as Andropogon gerardii, Sorghastrum nutans, and Panicum virgatum can occur. Common herbaceous species include species found in mixedgrass prairies to the west including Artemisia campestris ssp. caudata, Calylophus serrulatus, Heterotheca villosa, Hymenopappus tenuifolius, Opuntia humifusa, and Xanthisma spinulosum var. glaberrimum. Other graminoids present include Aristida basiramea, Digitaria cognata, Carex duriuscula, Carex praegracilis, and Cyperus schweinitzii. Froelichia gracilis and Polygonum tenue are annuals that are mostly restricted to gravelly sites. Yucca glauca can be common on some slopes. Selaginella rupestris is often a common in many gravelly sites along with numerous nonvascular cryptogams (Rolfsmeier and Steinauer 2010).

Dynamics:  This community is impacted by fire and drought. Grazing and conversion to agriculture can also impact this type.

Environmental Description:  This community occurs on upland terraces, rolling uplands, eroded slopes, and shallow draws associated with river valleys. Soils are very well-drained and vary from sandy loams to coarse sand and gravels formed in old alluvium or glacial till (Rolfsmeier and Steinauer 2010).

Geographic Range: This sand/gravel prairie community is found in southeast Nebraska and northeast Kansas.

Nations: US

States/Provinces:  KS, NE

Confidence Level: Moderate

Confidence Level Comments: No Data Available

Grank: GNR

Greasons: No Data Available

Concept Lineage: No Data Available

Predecessors: No Data Available

Obsolete Names: No Data Available

Obsolete Parents: No Data Available

Synonomy: = Schizachyrium scoparium - Aristida basiramea - Sporobolus cryptandrus - Eragrostis trichodes Herbaceous Vegetation (Faber-Langendoen 2001)

Concept Author(s): D. Faber-Langendoen (2001)

Author of Description: D. Faber-Langendoen and S.E. Menard

Acknowledgements: No Data Available

Version Date: 06-09-15

  • Faber-Langendoen, D., editor. 2001. Plant communities of the Midwest: Classification in an ecological context. Association for Biodiversity Information, Arlington, VA. 61 pp. plus appendix (705 pp.).
  • Midwestern Ecology Working Group of NatureServe. No date. International Ecological Classification Standard: International Vegetation Classification. Terrestrial Vegetation. NatureServe, Minneapolis, MN.
  • Rolfsmeier, S. B., and G. Steinauer. 2010. Terrestrial ecological systems and natural communities of Nebraska (Version IV - March 9, 2010). Nebraska Natural Heritage Program, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. Lincoln, NE. 228 pp.
  • Steinauer, G., and S. Rolfsmeier. 2000. Terrestrial natural communities of Nebraska. Unpublished report of the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. Lincoln, NE. 143 pp.