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A3851 Eleocharis obtusa - Eragrostis hypnoides Intertidal Mudflat Alliance
Type Concept Sentence: This is an herbaceous alliance dominated by graminoid species such as Eleocharis obtusa and Eragrostis hypnoides. The alliance is strictly herbaceous and dominated by low and prostrate graminoids, i.e., species that tolerate early-season flooding and summer drying that exposes mudflats with subirrigation. These occur on mudflats around wetlands that are seasonally flooded and subirrigated in the western U.S. These low-elevation (<1000 m [3280 feet]) marshes and mudflats occur along low-gradient streams, shallow ponds, and depressional wetlands. Soil is seasonally flooded to perennially saturated silt loam to clay.
Common (Translated Scientific) Name: Blunt Spikerush - Teal Lovegrass Intertidal Mudflat Alliance
Colloquial Name: Western Graminoid Intertidal Mudflat
Hierarchy Level: Alliance
Type Concept: This is an herbaceous alliance dominated by graminoid species such as Eleocharis obtusa and Eragrostis hypnoides. The alliance is strictly herbaceous and dominated by low and prostrate graminoids, i.e., species that tolerate early-season flooding and summer drying that exposes mudflats with subirrigation. These occur on mudflats around wetlands that are seasonally flooded and subirrigated in the western U.S. These low-elevation (<1000 m [3280 feet]) marshes and mudflats occur along low-gradient streams, shallow ponds, and depressional wetlands. Soil is seasonally flooded to perennially saturated silt loam to clay.
Diagnostic Characteristics: Sparse to dense cover of low and prostrate herbaceous graminoid species on exposed mudflats.
Rationale for Nominal Species or Physiognomic Features: No Data Available
Classification Comments: Forb-dominated mudflats are covered by a different alliance.
Similar NVC Types: No Data Available
note: No Data Available
Physiognomy and Structure: Sparse to dense cover of low and prostrate herbaceous graminoid species on exposed mudflats.
Floristics: This is an herbaceous alliance dominated by graminoid species such as Eleocharis obtusa and Eragrostis hypnoides. The alliance is strictly herbaceous and dominated by low and prostrate graminoids, i.e., species that tolerate early-season flooding and summer drying that exposes mudflats with subirrigation.
Dynamics: No Data Available
Environmental Description: Stands occur on mudflats around wetlands that are seasonally flooded and subirrigated in the western U.S. These low-elevation (<1000 m [3280 feet]) marshes and mudflats occur along low-gradient streams, shallow ponds, and depressional wetlands. Soil is seasonally flooded to perennially saturated silt loam to clay.
Geographic Range: This alliance is currently reported for Oregon and Washington but is likely to occur throughout the western U.S. and possibly adjacent Canada in low-lying places.
Nations: CA,US
States/Provinces: BC, CA, OR, WA
Plot Analysis Summary:
Confidence Level: Low
Confidence Level Comments: No Data Available
Grank: GNR
Greasons: No Data Available
Type | Name | Database Code | Classification Code |
Class | 2 Shrub & Herb Vegetation Class | C02 | 2 |
Subclass | 2.C Shrub & Herb Wetland Subclass | S44 | 2.C |
Formation | 2.C.4 Temperate to Polar Freshwater Marsh, Wet Meadow & Shrubland Formation | F013 | 2.C.4 |
Division | 2.C.4.Nb Western North American Temperate Freshwater Marsh, Wet Meadow & Shrubland Division | D031 | 2.C.4.Nb |
Macrogroup | 2.C.4.Nb.4 Vancouverian Lowland Marsh, Wet Meadow & Shrubland Macrogroup | M073 | 2.C.4.Nb.4 |
Group | 2.C.4.Nb.4.a Blunt Spikerush - Teal Lovegrass - Marsh Seedbox Temperate Pacific Freshwater Wet Mudflat Group | G525 | 2.C.4.Nb.4.a |
Alliance | A3851 Blunt Spikerush - Teal Lovegrass Intertidal Mudflat Alliance | A3851 | 2.C.4.Nb.4.a |
Association | CEGL003326 Blunt Spikerush Mudflat | CEGL003326 | 2.C.4.Nb.4.a |
Association | CEGL003327 Teal Lovegrass - Western Marsh Cudweed Mudflat | CEGL003327 | 2.C.4.Nb.4.a |
Concept Lineage: No Data Available
Predecessors: No Data Available
Obsolete Names: No Data Available
Obsolete Parents: No Data Available
Synonomy: No Data Available
- Faber-Langendoen, D., J. Drake, M. Hall, G. Kittel, S. Menard, C. Nordman, M. Pyne, M. Reid, M. Russo, K. Schulz, L. Sneddon, K. Snow, and J. Teague. 2013-2019b. Screening alliances for induction into the U.S. National Vegetation Classification: Part 1 - Alliance concept review. NatureServe, Arlington, VA.