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A3200 Artemisia cana ssp. bolanderi - Artemisia cana ssp. viscidula Steppe & Shrubland Alliance

Type Concept Sentence: This alliance occurs throughout the northern half of the Intermountain West and is characterized by an open to closed, medium-tall shrub canopy of Artemisia cana ssp. viscidula or Artemisia cana ssp. bolanderi with dry graminoids in the understory. Stands occur in relatively moist environments, including mesic alkaline or saline basins, but not wetland or riparian sites.

Common (Translated Scientific) Name: Bolander''s Silver Sagebrush - Mountain Silver Sagebrush Steppe & Shrubland Alliance

Colloquial Name: Silver Sagebrush Steppe & Shrubland

Hierarchy Level:  Alliance

Type Concept: This shrubland and steppe alliance occurs throughout the northern half of the Intermountain West. The shrub layer ranges from 0.5-1.5 m tall, and shrub canopy cover ranges from 10-60%. In most stands, Artemisia cana ssp. viscidula or Artemisia cana ssp. bolanderi is the only dominant shrub, although other shrubs such as Purshia tridentata can be present. The understory is variable, ranging from a sparse to dense herbaceous layer that is typically dominated by dry to mesic, perennial graminoids with 20% cover. Species include Elymus elymoides, Festuca thurberi, Poa cusickii, Poa fendleriana, Poa pratensis, and Poa secunda. Wetland indicators such as species of Eleocharis, Deschampsia, Juncus, or Salix are absent or restricted to local microsites. This alliance occupies seasonally moist sites in broad meadows. Although it occurs in relatively moist environments and may be marginally riparian, including alkaline or saline basins, it is not a true riparian or wetland type. Soils are mostly well-developed with thick mollic epipedons and lack indicators of seasonally high water tables. Soil texture is variable and includes clayey, clayey skeletal, coarse-loamy and loamy skeletal. Depth to water table is over 75 to 100+ cm.

Diagnostic Characteristics: Stands in this mesic alliance are characterized by an open to closed, medium-tall shrub canopy of Artemisia cana ssp. viscidula or Artemisia cana ssp. bolanderi. Purshia tridentata may be present to codominant. The shrub layer ranges from 0.5-1.5 m tall, and shrub canopy cover ranges from 10-60%. In most stands, herbaceous cover can be abundant to very sparse, but perennial graminoids generally total less than 20% cover. Characteristic herbaceous species include Festuca idahoensis, Festuca thurberi, Poa secunda, Poa cusickii, and Poa fendleriana ssp. fendleriana. Wetland indicators such as species of Eleocharis, Deschampsia, Juncus, and Salix are absent.

Rationale for Nominal Species or Physiognomic Features: No Data Available

Classification Comments: There may be alliance range/taxonomic problems with the subspecies of Artemisia cana. For example, according to Kartesz (1999), ssp. bolanderi is not reported to occur in Oregon, but is reported to occur there by the Oregon Natural Heritage Program. Thus the distribution of this alliance is subject to change as updated information becomes available. Although there may be taxonomic issues with the subspecies, there are two other Artemisia cana alliances: (1) ~Artemisia cana Wet Shrubland Alliance (A2557)$$ in ~Rocky Mountain-Great Basin Lowland-Foothill Riparian Shrubland Group (G526)$$ that is dominated by the same two subspecies of Artemisia cana (ssp. bolanderi, ssp. viscidula), but is riparian, and (2) ~Artemisia cana ssp. cana Wet Shrubland Alliance (A3586)$$ in ~Great Plains Riparian Wet Meadow & Shrubland Group (G337)$$ that is dominated by Artemisia cana ssp. cana and occurs in riparian habitats (not upland) in the Great Plains. The subspecies will remain for now as more taxonomic and classification review is done.

Manning and Padgett (1995) include Artemisia cana / Festuca ovina c.t. (Padgett et al. 1989) and Artemisia cana / Festuca idahoensis c.t. (Youngblood et al. 1985) in the Artemisia cana/Dry Graminoid c.t. These community types are currently included in ~Artemisia cana Wet Shrubland Alliance (A2557)$$ in ~Rocky Mountain-Great Basin Lowland-Foothill Riparian Shrubland Group (G526)$$ so additional review is warranted.

Similar NVC Types: No Data Available
note: No Data Available

Physiognomy and Structure: These are mesic shrubland and steppe communities characterized by moderately to widely spaced microphyllous evergreen shrubs. Widely spaced, often robust bunchgrasses usually dominate the understory, although rhizomatous species occasionally occur. The graminoids may exceed the shrubs in height and total cover. Prostrate and, occasionally, upright forbs may be present.

Floristics: The shrub layer ranges from 0.5-1.5 m tall, and shrub canopy cover ranges from 10-60%. In most stands, Artemisia cana ssp. viscidula or Artemisia cana ssp. bolanderi is the only dominant shrub, although other shrubs such as Purshia tridentata, Rosa woodsii, or Symphoricarpos oreophilus can be present. The understory is variable, ranging from a sparse to dense herbaceous layer that is typically dominated by dry to mesic, perennial graminoids with 20% cover. Species include Bromus anomalus, Bromus porteri, Carex douglasii, Carex geyeri, Danthonia intermedia, Elymus elymoides, Elymus trachycaulus, Festuca idahoensis, Festuca thurberi, Poa cusickii, Poa fendleriana, Poa pratensis (introduced), and Poa secunda (= Poa nevadensis) (Hess 1981, Francis 1983, Johnston 1987, Tiedemann et al. 1987, Manning and Padgett 1995). Forb associates include Achillea millefolium, Eriogonum umbellatum, Geranium richardsonii, Potentilla gracilis, and Wyethia amplexicaulis. Obligate and facultative wetland indicators such as species of Eleocharis, Deschampsia, Juncus, or Salix are generally absent or restricted to local microsites. One exception is the wide-ranging Juncus arcticus, a facultative wetland plant (usually occurs in wetlands, but may occur in non-wetlands) is often present but not dominant.

Dynamics:  Artemisia cana ssp. viscidula and Artemisia cana ssp. bolanderi both resprout vigorously after fire, and prescribed burning may increase shrub cover. Conversely, fire in the fall may decrease shrub abundance (Hansen et al. 1995). These highly productive sites often attract heavy livestock use. Livestock grazing may shift the understory composition to increased abundance of early-seral species such as Achillea millefolium, Potentilla gracilis, or Taraxacum officinale and result in reduced abundance of native bunchgrass species such as Festuca thurberi, Poa cusickii, Poa fendleriana, or Poa secunda.

Environmental Description:  This shrubland and steppe alliance occurs throughout the northern half of the Intermountain West in high mountain valleys, on broad flats and gently sloping to undulating alluvial outwash fans usually at middle elevations (1000-2500 m) and occasionally high elevations (to 3000 m) (Hess 1981, Francis 1983, Johnston 1987, Tiedemann et al. 1987, Manning and Padgett 1995). Climate is temperate. Precipitation varies across the range, from less than 25 cm in semi-arid basins of the western Great Basin, to over 90 cm in moister meadow habitats of the Sierra Nevada and central Rocky Mountains. Stands occupy seasonally moist sites in broad meadows that are flooded during snowmelt, but dry out by mid-late summer. Although it occurs in relatively moist environments and may be marginally riparian, including alkaline or saline basins, it is not a true riparian or wetland type. Substrates are mostly well-developed soils with thick mollic epipedons that lack indicators of seasonally high water tables. Soil texture is variable and includes clayey, clayey skeletal, coarse-loamy and loamy skeletal (Manning and Padgett 1995). Depth to water table us over 75 to 100+ cm.

Geographic Range: This alliance is found west of the Continental Divide from the Rocky Mountains across the Great Basin to the Sierra Nevada and Cascade Range. Associations dominated by Artemisia cana ssp. viscidula occur mostly along streams or in areas with heavy snowpack. Associations dominated by Artemisia cana ssp. bolanderi occur mainly in the Sierra Nevada and Cascade Range, commonly in internally drained basins with poor drainage and/or alkaline conditions.

Nations: US

States/Provinces:  CA, CO, ID, MT, NV?, OR, UT, WY

Confidence Level: Moderate

Confidence Level Comments: No Data Available

Grank: GNR

Greasons: No Data Available

Concept Lineage: This alliance is composed of 2 old alliances III.A.4.N.a. Artemisia cana (ssp. bolanderi, ssp. viscidula) Shrubland Alliance (A.2557) and V.A.7.N.e. Artemisia cana (ssp. bolanderi, ssp. viscidula) Shrub Herbaceous Alliance (A.1531)

Predecessors: No Data Available

Obsolete Names: No Data Available

Obsolete Parents: No Data Available

Synonomy: < Artemisia cana / Festuca thurberi Plant Association (Johnston 1987)
< Artemisia cana (Silver sagebrush scrub) Alliance (Sawyer et al. 2009) [35.150.00]
> Artemisia cana / Dry Graminoid Community Type (Manning and Padgett 1995)
< SRM Cover Type #408 - Other Sagebrush Types (Shiflet 1994)

Concept Author(s): M.E. Manning and W.G. Padgett (1995)

Author of Description: K.A. Schulz

Acknowledgements: No Data Available

Version Date: 12-18-14

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