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CEGL001247 Salix geyeriana - Salix monticola / Calamagrostis canadensis Wet Shrubland

Type Concept Sentence: No Data Available

Common (Translated Scientific) Name: Geyer''s Willow - Park Willow / Bluejoint Wet Shrubland

Colloquial Name: No Data Available

Hierarchy Level:  Association

Type Concept: This plant association occurs on wide floodplains on the Western Slope and Front Range of the Colorado Rocky Mountains at elevations of 2490-2800 m (8170-9200 feet). Sites occur in areas that are flat or hummocky and typically within 0.5 m (2 feet) of the channel high-water mark. Stream channels where this association occurs are typically narrow and highly sinuous. The willow canopy is nearly a homogeneous mix of Salix geyeriana and Salix monticola. Other shrubs that may be present include Salix planifolia, Salix drummondiana, Lonicera involucrata, and Ribes inerme. The herbaceous layer can be patchy but generally is dominated by Calamagrostis canadensis. Other herbaceous species that may be present include Carex aquatilis, Geum macrophyllum, and Heracleum maximum.

Diagnostic Characteristics: No Data Available

Rationale for Nominal Species or Physiognomic Features: No Data Available

Classification Comments: This association is only known from the Western Slope and the Front Range of the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Related tall willow carrs dominated by Salix geyeriana but lacking the Salix monticola component are common in Utah, Wyoming, and Idaho. In these related associations, Salix geyeriana is typically accompanied by minor amounts of Salix planifolia and/or Salix drummondiana. Compare this association with ~Salix geyeriana / Calamagrostis canadensis Wet Shrubland (CEGL001205)$$.

Similar NVC Types: No Data Available
note: No Data Available

Physiognomy and Structure: No Data Available

Floristics: This plant association is a tall (1.5-2.5 m [5-8 feet]), deciduous shrubland that occurs in small and large stands. The shrub canopy is nearly a homogeneous mix of Salix geyeriana and Salix monticola. Other shrubs that may be present include Salix planifolia, Salix drummondiana, Lonicera involucrata, Ribes inerme, and Rubus idaeus ssp. strigosus. The herbaceous layer can be patchy but generally is dominated by Calamagrostis canadensis. Other herbaceous species that may be present include Cardamine cordifolia, Carex aquatilis, Carex disperma, Carex microptera (= Carex festivella), Carex utriculata, Chamerion angustifolium, Erigeron peregrinus, Eucephalus engelmannii, Fragaria virginiana, Geum macrophyllum, Glyceria striata, Heracleum maximum, Juncus arcticus ssp. littoralis (= Juncus balticus), and Polemonium occidentale. Introduced species Phleum pratense, Poa pratensis, and Taraxacum officinale are common in disturbed stands.

Dynamics:  No Data Available

Environmental Description:  This plant association occurs on wide floodplains on the Western Slope and Front Range of the Colorado Rocky Mountains at elevations of 2490-2800 m (8170-9200 feet). Stands occur in small and large stands interspersed with wet meadows, open stream channels, and beaver ponds. Sites are flat or hummocky and typically within 0.5 m (2 feet) of the channel high-water mark. Stream channels where this association occurs are typically narrow and highly sinuous (Kittel et al. 1997b, Carsey et al. 2003a, 2003b). Soils textures range from sandy loam to silty clay, with up to 50% organic matter in the upper layers. Water table depths range from 8-25 in (20-60 cm).

Geographic Range: This association is only known from the Western Slope and Front Range of the Colorado Rocky Mountains.

Nations: US

States/Provinces:  CO

Confidence Level: Low

Confidence Level Comments: No Data Available

Grank: G3

Greasons: No Data Available

Concept Lineage: No Data Available

Predecessors: No Data Available

Obsolete Names: No Data Available

Obsolete Parents: No Data Available

Synonomy: = Salix geyeriana - Salix monticola / Calamagrostis canadensis - Carex aquatilis - Carex rostrata Plant Association (Baker 1986a) [Carex rostrata var. utriculata is a synonym for Carex utriculata.]
= Salix geyeriana - Salix monticola / Calamagrostis canadensis - Carex aquatilis - Carex rostrata Plant Association (Baker 1989b) [Carex rostrata var. utriculata is a synonym for Carex utriculata.]
= Salix geyeriana - Salix monticola / Calamagrostis canadensis Habitat Type (Wasser and Hess 1982) [Salix monticola codominates the shrub canopy.]
= Salix geyeriana - Salix monticola / Calamagrostis canadensis Habitat Type (Hess 1981) [Salix monticola codominates the shrub canopy.]
= Salix geyeriana - Salix monticola / Calamagrostis canadensis Plant Association (Kittel et al. 1999b)
= Salix geyeriana - Salix monticola / Calamagrostis canadensis Shrubland (Carsey et al. 2003b)
= Salix geyeriana - Salix monticola / Calamagrostis canadensis Shrubland (Carsey et al. 2003a)
< Salix monticola / Calamagrostis canadensis Plant Association (Cooper and Cottrell 1990) [Contains several stands codominated by Salix geyeriana (Geyer''s willow) that can be considered synonymous.]

Concept Author(s): J. Thompson and J. Stevens

Author of Description: J. Thompson, J. Stevens, K.A. Schulz

Acknowledgements: No Data Available

Version Date: 07-25-05

  • Baker, W. L. 1986a. Riparian vegetation of the montane and subalpine zones in west-central and southwestern Colorado: Final report prepared for The Nature Conservancy and Colorado Natural Areas Program, Boulder.
  • Baker, W. L. 1989b. Classification of the riparian vegetation of the montane and subalpine zones in western Colorado. Great Basin Naturalist 49(2):214-228.
  • Bourgeron, P. S., and L. D. Engelking, editors. 1994. A preliminary vegetation classification of the western United States. Unpublished report. The Nature Conservancy, Western Heritage Task Force, Boulder, CO. 175 pp. plus appendix.
  • CNHP [Colorado Natural Heritage Program]. 2006-2017. Tracked natural plant communities. Colorado Natural Heritage Program, Colorado State University, Fort Collins. []
  • Carsey, K., D. Cooper, K. Decker, D. Culver, and G. Kittel. 2003b. Statewide wetlands classification and characterization: Wetland plant associations of Colorado. Prepared for Colorado Department of Natural Resources, Denver, by Colorado Natural Heritage Program, College of Natural Resources, Colorado State University, Fort Collins. 79 pp. []
  • Carsey, K., G. Kittel, K. Decker, D. J. Cooper, and D. Culver. 2003a. Field guide to the wetland and riparian plant associations of Colorado. Colorado Natural Heritage Program, Fort Collins, CO.
  • Cooper, D. J., and T. R. Cottrell. 1990. Classification of riparian vegetation in the northern Colorado Front Range. Unpublished report prepared for The Nature Conservancy, Colorado Field Office, Boulder. 115 pp.
  • Hallock, D., N. Lederer, and M. Figgs. 1986. Ecology, status and avifauna of willow carrs in Boulder County. Boulder County Nature Association Publication No. 4. Boulder, CO. 38 pp.
  • Hess, K. 1981. Phyto-edaphic study of habitat types of the Arapaho-Roosevelt National Forest, Colorado. Unpublished dissertation, Colorado State University, Fort Collins. 558 pp.
  • Kittel, G., E. Van Wie, M. Damm, R. Rondeau, S. Kettler, A. McMullen, and J. Sanderson. 1999b. A classification of riparian and wetland plant associations of Colorado: A user''s guide to the classification project. Colorado Natural Heritage Program, Colorado State University, Fort Collins CO. 70 pp. plus appendices.
  • Kittel, G., E. Van Wie, M. Damm, R. Rondeau, S. Kettler, and J. Sanderson. 1999a. A classification of the riparian plant associations of the Rio Grande and Closed Basin watersheds, Colorado. Unpublished report prepared by the Colorado Natural Heritage Program, Colorado State University, Fort Collins.
  • Phillips, C. M. 1977. Willow carrs of the upper Laramie River Valley, Colorado. Unpublished thesis, Colorado State University, Fort Collins. 71 pp.
  • Salas, D., J. Stevens, and K. Schulz. 2005. USGS-NPS Vegetation Mapping Program: Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. Technical Memorandum No. 8260-05-02. USDI Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, CO. 161 pp. plus Appendices A-L (733 pp.).
  • Wasser, C. H., and K. Hess. 1982. The habitat types of Region II. USDA Forest Service: A synthesis. Final report prepared for USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Fort Collins, CO. 140 pp.
  • Western Ecology Working Group of NatureServe. No date. International Ecological Classification Standard: International Vegetation Classification. Terrestrial Vegetation. NatureServe, Boulder, CO.