Print Report

CEGL007936 Euthamia leptocephala - Helianthus angustifolius - Boltonia asteroides - Spartina patens Salt Marsh

Type Concept Sentence: No Data Available

Common (Translated Scientific) Name: Bushy Goldentop - Swamp Sunflower - White Doll''s-daisy - Saltmeadow Cordgrass Salt Marsh

Colloquial Name: Marsh-fringing Coastal Prairie

Hierarchy Level:  Association

Type Concept: This is a very specialized coastal prairie type, occupying low Pleistocene Prairie Terrace exposures within or adjacent to fresh marsh zones in the far southern range of coastal prairie in Louisiana. Very few examples remain, but the best of this type represents the highest quality remaining coastal prairie of any type in the state. The examples observed possess pimple mounds, and there are floristic differences between the mounds and intermound areas; however, this variation is lumped for now into a single type. The remnants of this type that have been observed support a broad diversity of species. It is unique in the prevalence of Spartina patens and other species when compared to other coastal prairie types. Euthamia leptocephala, Helianthus angustifolius, Boltonia asteroides, and Spartina patens are dominant and/or characteristic species. The soils of this prairie type have not been closely analyzed. The coastal prairie zone of southwestern Louisiana has become very seriously infested with Triadica sebifera, which in many places has formed dense thickets and forests. It quickly comes to dominate fallow pastures and fields. Historically, upland coastal prairie was maintained by frequent burning and soil conditions generally inhospitable to the growth of trees and shrubs.

Diagnostic Characteristics: No Data Available

Rationale for Nominal Species or Physiognomic Features: No Data Available

Classification Comments: Essentially all of the prairie has long been completely altered from its native condition, mainly for agriculture, but early accounts state that these areas were essentially treeless and supported luxuriant prairie. The type as here described replaces the former Spartina spartinae - Spartina patens - Panicum hemitomon Herbaceous Vegetation (CEGL004136) that was assigned to Louisiana. The relationship of this type to marsh-fringing coastal prairie in Texas with a strong component of Spartina patens is unclear and needs to be determined. Similar vegetation may exist in Texas in intermound areas of near-coast prairie remnants with pimple mounds at Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge.

Similar NVC Types: No Data Available
note: No Data Available

Physiognomy and Structure: No Data Available

Floristics: The remnants of this type that have been observed support a broad diversity of species. It is unique in the prevalence of Spartina patens and other species when compared to other coastal prairie types. In addition to the nominals Euthamia leptocephala, Helianthus angustifolius, Boltonia asteroides, and Spartina patens, some species present include Acmella oppositifolia var. repens (= Spilanthes americana), Agrostis hyemalis, Amsonia tabernaemontana, Andropogon glomeratus, Asclepias lanceolata, Asclepias viridis, Bacopa caroliniana, Centella erecta, Coelorachis rugosa, Coreopsis tinctoria, Cyperus cephalanthus (rarely), Eleocharis quadrangulata, Eriochloa punctata, Eupatorium serotinum, Eryngium yuccifolium, Fimbristylis littoralis (= Fimbristylis miliacea), Gaura lindheimeri, Hibiscus lasiocarpos (= Hibiscus moscheutos ssp. lasiocarpos), Hydrolea ovata, Hyptis alata, Hymenocallis liriosme, Ipomoea sagittata, Iva angustifolia, Juncus roemerianus, Leersia hexandra, Lycopus rubellus, Lythrum lineare, Neptunia lutea, Oenothera drummondii, Panicum hemitomon, Panicum virgatum, Paspalum floridanum, Paspalum plicatulum, Polygala appendiculata (= Polygala leptocaulis), Ratibida peduncularis, Rhexia mariana, Rhynchospora colorata, Rhynchospora globularis, Rhynchospora macrostachya, Rhynchospora microcarpa, Rhynchospora nitens, Rubus trivialis, Sabatia angularis, Solidago sempervirens var. mexicana, Tradescantia hirsutiflora, Tridens strictus, and Vernonia gigantea. The coastal prairie zone of southwestern Louisiana has become very seriously infested with Triadica sebifera (= Sapium sebiferum), which in many places has formed dense thickets and forests. It quickly comes to dominate fallow pastures and fields.

Dynamics:  No Data Available

Environmental Description:  No Data Available

Geographic Range: This community is known only from the Gulf Coast Prairies and Marshes in Louisiana.

Nations: US

States/Provinces:  LA, TX?

Confidence Level: Low - Poorly Documented

Confidence Level Comments: No Data Available

Grank: G1

Greasons: No Data Available

Concept Lineage: replaces

Predecessors: No Data Available

Obsolete Names: No Data Available

Obsolete Parents: No Data Available

Synonomy: No Data Available

Concept Author(s): Gulf Coast Prairies and Marshes Planning Team

Author of Description: Gulf Coast Prairies and Marshes Planning Team

Acknowledgements: No Data Available

Version Date: 10-29-99

  • Diamond, D. D. 1993. Classification of the plant communities of Texas (series level). Unpublished document. Texas Natural Heritage Program, Austin. 25 pp.
  • LNHP [Louisiana Natural Heritage Program]. 2009. Natural communities of Louisiana. Louisiana Natural Heritage Program, Louisiana Department of Wildlife & Fisheries, Baton Rouge. 46 pp. []
  • Southeastern Ecology Working Group of NatureServe. No date. International Ecological Classification Standard: International Vegetation Classification. Terrestrial Vegetation. NatureServe, Durham, NC.