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CEGL002645 Populus angustifolia / Salix (monticola, drummondiana, lucida) Riparian Woodland
Type Concept Sentence: No Data Available
Common (Translated Scientific) Name: Narrowleaf Cottonwood / (Park Willow, Drummond''s Willow, Shining Willow) Riparian Woodland
Colloquial Name: No Data Available
Hierarchy Level: Association
Type Concept: This riparian woodland association occurs at moderate elevations (2400-2700 m) on all types of active floodplains throughout the Colorado Plateau, Great Basin and San Juan Mountains of Colorado, Utah and Nevada. Stands generally occur within 0.3-1.4 m (1-4.5 feet) of the active channel elevation. All sites show signs of active flooding; soils are somewhat deep (1 m) loamy to clay soils over very coarse alluvial layers. This is an early- to mid-seral stage of more mature Populus angustifolia-dominated plant associations, with an upper canopy dominated by young (12-53 cm dbh) Populus angustifolia (25-80% cover) and a diverse understory of willows and other shrubs. The shrub understory (15-85% cover) consistently includes two or more willow species of the following: Salix exigua, Salix ligulifolia, Salix monticola, Salix lucida ssp. caudata, Salix drummondiana, and Salix geyeriana, although none individually exceeds 10% cover. Other shrubs present may include Rosa woodsii, Ribes spp., Alnus incana, Crataegus rivularis, Dasiphora fruticosa ssp. floribunda, and/or Symphoricarpos spp., with none exceeding 5% cover. The herb layer is generally low in total cover (10-30% cover forbs, 10-15% cover graminoids). Common herbaceous species include Maianthemum stellatum, Erigeron spp., and the introduced species Trifolium spp., Poa pratensis, and Bromus inermis.
Diagnostic Characteristics: No Data Available
Rationale for Nominal Species or Physiognomic Features: No Data Available
Classification Comments: This plant association is known from the Colorado Plateau, the San Juan Mountains, and the Great Basin areas of Colorado, Utah and Nevada. Classification in Colorado is based on 4 quantitative plots in the San Juan Mountains of southwestern Colorado.
Similar NVC Types: No Data Available
note: No Data Available
Physiognomy and Structure: No Data Available
Floristics: This is an early- to mid-seral stage of more mature Populus angustifolia-dominated plant associations, with an upper canopy dominated by young (12-53 cm dbh) Populus angustifolia (25-80% cover) and a diverse understory of willows and other shrubs. The shrub understory (15-85% cover) consistently includes two or more willow species of the following: Salix exigua, Salix ligulifolia (= Salix eriocephala var. ligulifolia), Salix monticola, Salix lucida ssp. caudata, Salix drummondiana, and Salix geyeriana, although none individually exceeds 10% cover. Other shrubs present may include Rosa woodsii, Ribes spp., Alnus incana, Crataegus rivularis, Dasiphora fruticosa ssp. floribunda (= Pentaphylloides floribunda), and/or Symphoricarpos spp., with none exceeding 5% cover. The herb layer is generally low in total cover (10-30% cover forbs, 10-15% cover graminoids). Common herbaceous species include Maianthemum stellatum, Erigeron spp., and the introduced species Trifolium spp., Poa pratensis, and Bromus inermis.
Dynamics: No Data Available
Environmental Description: This riparian woodland association occurs at moderate elevations (2400-2700 m) on all types of active floodplains throughout the Colorado Plateau, Great Basin and San Juan Mountains of Colorado, Utah and Nevada. Stands generally occur within 0.3-1.4 m (1-4.5 feet) of the active channel elevation. All sites show signs of active flooding; soils are somewhat deep (1 m) loamy to clay soils over very coarse alluvial layers.
Geographic Range: The range essentially includes the Great Basin, between the Sierra Nevada, the Rocky Mountains, and the deserts of the southwestern U.S.
Nations: US
States/Provinces: CO, NV, UT
Plot Analysis Summary:
Confidence Level: Low
Confidence Level Comments: No Data Available
Grank: G3
Greasons: No Data Available
Type | Name | Database Code | Classification Code |
Class | 1 Forest & Woodland Class | C01 | 1 |
Subclass | 1.B Temperate & Boreal Forest & Woodland Subclass | S15 | 1.B |
Formation | 1.B.3 Temperate Flooded & Swamp Forest Formation | F026 | 1.B.3 |
Division | 1.B.3.Nc Rocky Mountain-Great Basin Montane Flooded & Swamp Forest Division | D195 | 1.B.3.Nc |
Macrogroup | 1.B.3.Nc.1 Engelmann Spruce - Narrowleaf Cottonwood / Red-osier Dogwood Riparian & Swamp Forest Macrogroup | M034 | 1.B.3.Nc.1 |
Group | 1.B.3.Nc.1.a Engelmann Spruce - Blue Spruce - Narrowleaf Cottonwood Riparian & Swamp Forest Group | G506 | 1.B.3.Nc.1.a |
Alliance | A3759 Narrowleaf Cottonwood Riparian Forest Alliance | A3759 | 1.B.3.Nc.1.a |
Association | CEGL002645 Narrowleaf Cottonwood / (Park Willow, Drummond''s Willow, Shining Willow) Riparian Woodland | CEGL002645 | 1.B.3.Nc.1.a |
Concept Lineage: No Data Available
Predecessors: No Data Available
Obsolete Names: No Data Available
Obsolete Parents: No Data Available
Synonomy: = Populus angustifolia / Salix (monticola, drummondiana, lucida) Woodland (Carsey et al. 2003a)
= Populus angustifolia/mixed Salix species (Kittel et al. 1999b)
= Narrowleaf cottonwood/mixed willow species (Populus angustifolia/mixed Salix species) Plant Association (Kittel et al. 1999a)
= Populus angustifolia/mixed Salix species (Kittel et al. 1999b)
= Narrowleaf cottonwood/mixed willow species (Populus angustifolia/mixed Salix species) Plant Association (Kittel et al. 1999a)
- CNHP [Colorado Natural Heritage Program]. 2006-2017. Tracked natural plant communities. Colorado Natural Heritage Program, Colorado State University, Fort Collins. []
- Carsey, K., G. Kittel, K. Decker, D. J. Cooper, and D. Culver. 2003a. Field guide to the wetland and riparian plant associations of Colorado. Colorado Natural Heritage Program, Fort Collins, CO.
- Dorn, R. D. 1995. A taxonomic study of Salix section Cordatae subsection Luteae (Salicaceae). Brittonia 47(2):160-174.
- Kittel, G., E. Van Wie, M. Damm, R. Rondeau, S. Kettler, A. McMullen, and J. Sanderson. 1999b. A classification of riparian and wetland plant associations of Colorado: A user''s guide to the classification project. Colorado Natural Heritage Program, Colorado State University, Fort Collins CO. 70 pp. plus appendices.
- Kittel, G., E. Van Wie, M. Damm, R. Rondeau, S. Kettler, and J. Sanderson. 1999a. A classification of the riparian plant associations of the Rio Grande and Closed Basin watersheds, Colorado. Unpublished report prepared by the Colorado Natural Heritage Program, Colorado State University, Fort Collins.
- Peterson, E. B. 2008. International Vegetation Classification alliances and associations occurring in Nevada with proposed additions. Nevada Natural Heritage Program, Carson City, NV. 348 pp.
- Richard, C., G. Kittel, and S. Kettler. 1996. A classification of the riparian vegetation of the San Juan National Forest. Draft 1 report. Colorado Natural Heritage Program, Colorado State University, Fort Collins.
- Salas, D. E., J. Stevens, K. Schulz, M. Artmann, B. Friesen, S. Blauer, E. W. Schweiger, and A. Valdez. 2010b. Vegetation classification and mapping project report: Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve. Natural Resource Report NPS/ROMN/NRR--2010/179. National Park Service, Fort Collins, CO.
- Western Ecology Working Group of NatureServe. No date. International Ecological Classification Standard: International Vegetation Classification. Terrestrial Vegetation. NatureServe, Boulder, CO.