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CEGL004597 Pinus cembroides - Quercus emoryi - Juniperus flaccida / Salvia regla / Bouteloua curtipendula Woodland

Type Concept Sentence: No Data Available

Common (Translated Scientific) Name: Mexican Pinyon - Emory Oak - Drooping Juniper / Mountain Sage / Sideoats Grama Woodland

Colloquial Name: Chisos Mountains Pine-Oak Woodland

Hierarchy Level:  Association

Type Concept: This community occurs at higher elevations in the Chisos Mountains of Trans-Pecos Texas. It may also range into the mountains of northern Coahuila, Mexico. The canopy is open to fairly closed, and is dominated by Pinus cembroides, Quercus grisea, Quercus emoryi, and Juniperus flaccida. Prominent shrubs include Salvia regla and Agave havardiana. Bouteloua curtipendula is the dominant grass.

Diagnostic Characteristics: Juniperus flaccida and Salvia regla as nominal species restrict this association to the Big Bend area (at least in the United States). This is warranted by substantial floristic distinctions between the Chisos Mountains and other ranges in Trans-Pecos Texas.

Rationale for Nominal Species or Physiognomic Features: No Data Available

Classification Comments: No Data Available

Similar NVC Types: No Data Available
note: No Data Available

Physiognomy and Structure: The canopy is open to fairly closed.

Floristics: The canopy is dominated by Pinus cembroides, Quercus grisea, Quercus emoryi, and Juniperus flaccida. Prominent shrubs include Salvia regla and Agave havardiana. Bouteloua curtipendula is the dominant grass.

Dynamics:  No Data Available

Environmental Description:  No Data Available

Geographic Range: This community type is documented from the Chisos Mountains, Brewster County, Texas. All known examples are protected within Big Bend National Park. It may also occur in the mountains of northern Coahuila, Mexico.

Nations: MX?,US

States/Provinces:  MXCOA?, TX

Confidence Level: Low - Poorly Documented

Confidence Level Comments: No Data Available

Grank: G2?

Greasons: No Data Available

Concept Lineage: No Data Available

Predecessors: No Data Available

Obsolete Names: No Data Available

Obsolete Parents: No Data Available

Synonomy: < Pinyon Pine-Oak Series (Diamond 1993)

Concept Author(s): Southeastern Ecology Group

Author of Description: M. Pyne

Acknowledgements: No Data Available

Version Date: 12-21-15

  • Diamond, D. D. 1993. Classification of the plant communities of Texas (series level). Unpublished document. Texas Natural Heritage Program, Austin. 25 pp.
  • Southeastern Ecology Working Group of NatureServe. No date. International Ecological Classification Standard: International Vegetation Classification. Terrestrial Vegetation. NatureServe, Durham, NC.