Print Report

CEGL007549 Quercus lyrata - Quercus phellos - Ulmus americana / Rhynchospora spp. Wet Forest

Type Concept Sentence: No Data Available

Common (Translated Scientific) Name: Overcup Oak - Willow Oak - American Elm / Beaksedge species Wet Forest

Colloquial Name: Red River Pimplemound Terrace Depression Oak Forest

Hierarchy Level:  Association

Type Concept: This community occurs in seasonally flooded depressions in old meander scars on second terraces of ancient Red River alluvial valleys in Louisiana and possibly Arkansas and Texas. Microtopographic highs and lows (pimple mounds) are sometimes present. In these situations, this association occurs in the low areas between the mounds. It is not subject to riverine flooding. Characteristic canopy species include Quercus lyrata, Quercus phellos, Ulmus americana, Liquidambar styraciflua, Quercus nigra, Diospyros virginiana, Quercus stellata, Ulmus alata, Fraxinus caroliniana, and, less frequently, Salix nigra and Gleditsia aquatica. Herbaceous species are Polygonum hydropiperoides, Cardamine bulbosa, Amsonia tabernaemontana, Physostegia intermedia, Carex spp., Rhynchospora spp., Hibiscus lasiocarpos, Chasmanthium laxum, Pluchea sp., Bidens aristosa, Juncus sp., Panicum spp., Lycopus virginicus, and Hypericum hypericoides.

Diagnostic Characteristics: No Data Available

Rationale for Nominal Species or Physiognomic Features: No Data Available

Classification Comments: Rhynchospora spp. is chosen as a nominal to emphasize the greater diversity and southern character of this community in comparison to many others in this alliance.

Similar NVC Types: No Data Available
note: No Data Available

Physiognomy and Structure: No Data Available

Floristics: Characteristic canopy species include Quercus lyrata, Quercus phellos, Ulmus americana, Liquidambar styraciflua, Quercus nigra, Diospyros virginiana, Quercus stellata, Ulmus alata, Fraxinus caroliniana, and, less frequently, Salix nigra and Gleditsia aquatica. Herbaceous species are Polygonum hydropiperoides, Cardamine bulbosa, Amsonia tabernaemontana, Physostegia intermedia, Carex spp., Rhynchospora spp., Hibiscus lasiocarpos (= Hibiscus moscheutos ssp. lasiocarpos), Chasmanthium laxum, Pluchea sp., Bidens aristosa, Juncus sp., Panicum spp., Lycopus virginicus, and Hypericum hypericoides.

Dynamics:  No Data Available

Environmental Description:  This community occurs in seasonally flooded depressions in old meander scars on second terraces of ancient Red River alluvial valleys. Microtopographic highs and lows (pimple mounds) are sometimes present. In these situations, this association occurs in the low areas between the mounds. It is not subject to riverine flooding.

Geographic Range: This community occurs in seasonally flooded depressions in old meander scars on second terraces of ancient Red River alluvial valleys in Louisiana and possibly Arkansas and Texas.

Nations: US

States/Provinces:  AR?, LA, TX?

Confidence Level: Low - Poorly Documented

Confidence Level Comments: No Data Available

Grank: G2G3

Greasons: No Data Available

Concept Lineage: No Data Available

Predecessors: No Data Available

Obsolete Names: No Data Available

Obsolete Parents: No Data Available

Synonomy: No Data Available

Concept Author(s): A.S. Weakley and L.M. Smith

Author of Description: A.S. Weakley and L.M. Smith

Acknowledgements: No Data Available

Version Date: 09-01-96

  • LNHP [Louisiana Natural Heritage Program]. 2009. Natural communities of Louisiana. Louisiana Natural Heritage Program, Louisiana Department of Wildlife & Fisheries, Baton Rouge. 46 pp. []
  • Southeastern Ecology Working Group of NatureServe. No date. International Ecological Classification Standard: International Vegetation Classification. Terrestrial Vegetation. NatureServe, Durham, NC.