Print Report
CEGL001843 Bolboschoenus maritimus Marsh
Type Concept Sentence: No Data Available
Common (Translated Scientific) Name: Cosmopolitan Bulrush Marsh
Colloquial Name: Cosmopolitan Bulrush Marsh
Hierarchy Level: Association
Type Concept: In Colorado, this wetland often occurs in standing water. The vegetation is characterized by a sparse cover of Bolboschoenus maritimus, few associated species and mostly open water. Livestock grazing is limited in this association due to the wet conditions. Information on stands that occur outside Colorado will be added later.
Diagnostic Characteristics: No Data Available
Rationale for Nominal Species or Physiognomic Features: No Data Available
Classification Comments: This association is a riparian wetland in Colorado and an interior alkaline wetland in Oregon.
Similar NVC Types: No Data Available
note: No Data Available
Physiognomy and Structure: No Data Available
Floristics: No Data Available
Dynamics: No Data Available
Environmental Description: No Data Available
Geographic Range: This association is found throughout the western United States.
Nations: US
States/Provinces: CA?, CO, ID, MT, NM, NV, OR, WA
Plot Analysis Summary:
Confidence Level: Moderate
Confidence Level Comments: No Data Available
Grank: G4
Greasons: No Data Available
Type | Name | Database Code | Classification Code |
Class | 2 Shrub & Herb Vegetation Class | C02 | 2 |
Subclass | 2.C Shrub & Herb Wetland Subclass | S44 | 2.C |
Formation | 2.C.4 Temperate to Polar Freshwater Marsh, Wet Meadow & Shrubland Formation | F013 | 2.C.4 |
Division | 2.C.4.Nb Western North American Temperate Freshwater Marsh, Wet Meadow & Shrubland Division | D031 | 2.C.4.Nb |
Macrogroup | 2.C.4.Nb.1 Arid West Interior Freshwater Marsh Macrogroup | M888 | 2.C.4.Nb.1 |
Group | 2.C.4.Nb.1.a Clubrush species - Cattail species Interior Freshwater Marsh Group | G531 | 2.C.4.Nb.1.a |
Alliance | A3895 Chairmaker''s Bulrush - Hardstem Bulrush - California Bulrush Marsh Alliance | A3895 | 2.C.4.Nb.1.a |
Association | CEGL001843 Cosmopolitan Bulrush Marsh | CEGL001843 | 2.C.4.Nb.1.a |
Concept Lineage: No Data Available
Predecessors: No Data Available
Obsolete Names: No Data Available
Obsolete Parents: No Data Available
Synonomy: ? Bolboschoenus maritimus (Sawyer et al. 2009) [52.112.03]
= Schoenoplectus maritimus (=Bolboschoenus maritimus) Herbaceous Vegetation (Carsey et al. 2003a)
= Scirpus maritimus (Kittel et al. 1999b)
= Scirpus microcarpus Association (Crowe et al. 2004)
= Schoenoplectus maritimus (=Bolboschoenus maritimus) Herbaceous Vegetation (Carsey et al. 2003a)
= Scirpus maritimus (Kittel et al. 1999b)
= Scirpus microcarpus Association (Crowe et al. 2004)
- Bourgeron, P. S., and L. D. Engelking, editors. 1994. A preliminary vegetation classification of the western United States. Unpublished report. The Nature Conservancy, Western Heritage Task Force, Boulder, CO. 175 pp. plus appendix.
- Bundy, R. M., J. V. Baumgartner, M. S. Reid, P. S. Bourgeron, H. C. Humphries, and B. L. Donohue. 1996. Ecological classification of wetland plant associations in the Lahontan Valley, Nevada. Prepared for Stillwater National Wildlife Refuge and USDI Fish & Wildlife Service. 53 pp. not including inventories, tables and graphs.
- CNHP [Colorado Natural Heritage Program]. 2006-2017. Tracked natural plant communities. Colorado Natural Heritage Program, Colorado State University, Fort Collins. []
- Carsey, K., G. Kittel, K. Decker, D. J. Cooper, and D. Culver. 2003a. Field guide to the wetland and riparian plant associations of Colorado. Colorado Natural Heritage Program, Fort Collins, CO.
- Copeland, W. N. 1979. Harney Lake RNA Guidebook, Supplement #9. USDA Forest Service Experiment Station, Portland, OR.
- Crowe, E. A., B. L. Kovalchik, and M. J. Kerr. 2004. Riparian and wetland vegetation of central and eastern Oregon. Oregon Natural Heritage Information Center, Institute for Natural Resources, Oregon State University, Portland. 473 pp. [ publications.html]
- Griffiths, D. 1902. Forage conditions in the northern border of the Great Basin. USDA Bureau of Plant Industry Bulletin 15.
- Hansen, P. L., R. D. Pfister, K. Boggs, B. J. Cook, J. Joy, and D. K. Hinckley. 1995. Classification and management of Montana''s riparian and wetland sites. Miscellaneous Publication No. 54. Montana Forest and Conservation Experiment Station, School of Forestry, University of Montana. 646 pp. plus posters.
- Hansen, P., K. Boggs, and R. Pfister. 1991. Classification and management of riparian and wetland sites in Montana. Unpublished draft version prepared for Montana Riparian Association, Montana Forest and Conservation Experiment Station, School of Forestry, University of Montana, Missoula. 478 pp.
- IDCDC [Idaho Conservation Data Center]. 2005. Wetland and riparian plant associations in Idaho. Idaho Conservation Data Center, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Boise. [] (accessed 14 June 2005).
- Kagan, J. S., J. A. Christy, M. P. Murray, and J. A. Titus. 2004. Classification of native vegetation of Oregon. January 2004. Oregon Natural Heritage Information Center, Portland. 52 pp.
- Kittel, G. M., and N. D. Lederer. 1993. A preliminary classification of the riparian vegetation of the Yampa and San Miguel/Dolores river basins. Unpublished report prepared for Colorado Department of Health and the Environmental Protection Agency by The Nature Conservancy, Colorado Field Office, Boulder.
- Kittel, G., E. Van Wie, M. Damm, R. Rondeau, S. Kettler, A. McMullen, and J. Sanderson. 1999b. A classification of riparian and wetland plant associations of Colorado: A user''s guide to the classification project. Colorado Natural Heritage Program, Colorado State University, Fort Collins CO. 70 pp. plus appendices.
- MTNHP [Montana Natural Heritage Program]. 2002b. List of ecological communities for Montana. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Montana State Library, Helena, MT.
- NHNM [Natural Heritage New Mexico]. No date. Unpublished data on file. Natural Heritage New Mexico, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque.
- Salas, D. E., J. Stevens, K. Schulz, M. Artmann, B. Friesen, S. Blauer, E. W. Schweiger, and A. Valdez. 2010b. Vegetation classification and mapping project report: Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve. Natural Resource Report NPS/ROMN/NRR--2010/179. National Park Service, Fort Collins, CO.
- Sawyer, J. O., T. Keeler-Wolf, and J. Evens. 2009. A manual of California vegetation. Second edition. California Native Plant Society, Sacramento CA. 1300 pp.
- WNHP [Washington Natural Heritage Program]. 2018. Unpublished data files. Washington Natural Heritage Program, Department of Natural Resources, Olympia, WA.
- Western Ecology Working Group of NatureServe. No date. International Ecological Classification Standard: International Vegetation Classification. Terrestrial Vegetation. NatureServe, Boulder, CO.