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CEGL005479 Artemisia tripartita ssp. tripartita / Achnatherum thurberianum Shrubland
Type Concept Sentence: No Data Available
Common (Translated Scientific) Name: Threetip Sagebrush / Thurber''s Needlegrass Shrubland
Colloquial Name: No Data Available
Hierarchy Level: Association
Type Concept: Shrubs are usually dominant in this vegetation type, but herbaceous species cover is often substantial. Artemisia tripartita ssp. tripartita typically forms a canopy ranging from open to nearly touching crowns. Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis, Purshia tridentata, and Tetradymia canescens occur occasionally but with only a fraction of the cover of Artemisia tripartita ssp. tripartita. Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus is present with high constancy and variable cover. The herbaceous stratum is dominated by graminoids with moderate cover. Achnatherum thurberianum is usually the most abundant graminoid, but Elymus elymoides, Pascopyrum smithii, Poa secunda, and Pseudoroegneria spicata occur with some regularity and often with moderate cover. The introduced annual grass Bromus tectorum occurs at low to moderate cover in the herbaceous stratum. Forbs form an important and highly variable component of this vegetation type. The most constant forb species include Lomatium spp. and Phlox longifolia. This association occurs on flat to steeply sloping upland sites. Sites with little slope tend to have deeper soils while those with steeper slopes have shallow to moderately deep soils. Soil texture is loam, sandy loam, or clay loam, but is highly variable.
Diagnostic Characteristics: No Data Available
Rationale for Nominal Species or Physiognomic Features: No Data Available
Classification Comments: This plant community description is based on data from Craters of the Moon (Bell et al. 2009) and on related plant communities that have been previously described. The description provided herein may vary slightly from similar plant communities found elsewhere due to the local scale at which data were collected. Additional global information will be added as it becomes available.
Similar NVC Types: No Data Available
note: No Data Available
Physiognomy and Structure: No Data Available
Floristics: No Data Available
Dynamics: No Data Available
Environmental Description: No Data Available
Geographic Range: ~Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis Mesic Steppe & Shrubland Alliance (A3182)$$ occurs from eastern Washington and British Columbia, across the upper Columbia Basin to dry habitats of the Rocky Mountains of Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado. This shrubland association is likely found wherever environmental conditions are appropriate throughout the entire range of the alliance.
Nations: US
States/Provinces: ID
Plot Analysis Summary:
Confidence Level: Low - Poorly Documented
Confidence Level Comments: No Data Available
Grank: GNR
Greasons: No Data Available
Type | Name | Database Code | Classification Code |
Class | 3 Desert & Semi-Desert Class | C03 | 3 |
Subclass | 3.B Cool Semi-Desert Scrub & Grassland Subclass | S11 | 3.B |
Formation | 3.B.1 Cool Semi-Desert Scrub & Grassland Formation | F033 | 3.B.1 |
Division | 3.B.1.Ne Western North American Cool Semi-Desert Scrub & Grassland Division | D040 | 3.B.1.Ne |
Macrogroup | 3.B.1.Ne.3 Big Sagebrush - Threetip Sagebrush - Antelope Bitterbrush Steppe & Shrubland Macrogroup | M169 | 3.B.1.Ne.3 |
Group | 3.B.1.Ne.3.b Basin Big Sagebrush - Threetip Sagebrush - Antelope Bitterbrush Big Sagebrush Steppe & Shrubland Group | G302 | 3.B.1.Ne.3.b |
Alliance | A3182 Wyoming Big Sagebrush Mesic Steppe & Shrubland Alliance | A3182 | 3.B.1.Ne.3.b |
Association | CEGL005479 Threetip Sagebrush / Thurber''s Needlegrass Shrubland | CEGL005479 | 3.B.1.Ne.3.b |
Concept Lineage: No Data Available
Predecessors: No Data Available
Obsolete Names: No Data Available
Obsolete Parents: No Data Available
Synonomy: = Threetip Sagebrush / Thurber''s Needlegrass Shrubland (Artemisia tripartita ssp. tripartita / Achnatherum thurberianum Shrubland) (Bell et al. 2009)
- Bell, J., D. Cogan, J. Erixson, and J. Von Loh. 2009. Vegetation inventory project report, Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve. Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/UCBN/NRTR-2009/277. National Park Service, Fort Collins, CO. 358 pp.
- Western Ecology Working Group of NatureServe. No date. International Ecological Classification Standard: International Vegetation Classification. Terrestrial Vegetation. NatureServe, Boulder, CO.