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CEGL005463 Cynodon dactylon Western Ruderal Grassland
Type Concept Sentence: This association comprises improved pastures dominated by Cynodon dactylon, with varying degrees of native composition remaining. It is currently only reported from Arizona and California, but also could be found in other western states and ecoregions.
Common (Translated Scientific) Name: Bermuda Grass Western Ruderal Grassland
Colloquial Name: Western Ruderal Bermuda Grass Pasture
Hierarchy Level: Association
Type Concept: This association comprises improved pastures dominated by Cynodon dactylon, with varying degrees of native composition remaining on a wide variety of soils and sites. It is currently only reported from Arizona in Grand Canyon National Park and Tuzigoot National Monument and the Channel Islands of California, but also could be found in other western states and ecoregions. Vegetation is dominated by the introduced grass Cynodon dactylon, with various remnant native species. Although originally planted, Cynodon dactylon maintains itself spontaneously and is considered weedy or "semi-natural" as opposed to cultivated.
Diagnostic Characteristics: No Data Available
Rationale for Nominal Species or Physiognomic Features: No Data Available
Classification Comments: Cynodon dactylon was introduced to North America from Africa in the late nineteenth century (Hoagland 2000).
Similar NVC Types: No Data Available
note: No Data Available
Physiognomy and Structure: No Data Available
Floristics: Vegetation is dominated by the introduced grass Cynodon dactylon, with various remnant native species. Although originally planted, Cynodon dactylon maintains itself spontaneously and is considered weedy or "semi-natural" as opposed to cultivated. Scattered shrubs often occur intermixed or around the periphery of these dense patches of grass. Along riverbanks the tall non-native shrub Tamarix ramosissima is often present.
Dynamics: Although originally planted, this vegetation maintains itself spontaneously and is considered weedy or "semi-natural" as opposed to cultivated.
Environmental Description: This vegetation is weedy or "semi-natural" and is found in pastures and riverbanks, where it maintains itself spontaneously, aided by grazing or mowing.
Geographic Range: This type is reported from Arizona at Grand Canyon National Park and Tuzigoot National Monument and the Channel Islands of California.
Nations: US
States/Provinces: AZ, CA
Plot Analysis Summary:
Confidence Level: Low - Poorly Documented
Confidence Level Comments: No Data Available
Grank: GNA
Greasons: No Data Available
Type | Name | Database Code | Classification Code |
Class | 3 Desert & Semi-Desert Class | C03 | 3 |
Subclass | 3.A Warm Desert & Semi-Desert Woodland, Scrub & Grassland Subclass | S06 | 3.A |
Formation | 3.A.2 Warm Desert & Semi-Desert Scrub & Grassland Formation | F015 | 3.A.2 |
Division | 3.A.2.Na North American Warm Desert Scrub & Grassland Division | D039 | 3.A.2.Na |
Macrogroup | 3.A.2.Na.90 Honey Mesquite / Red Brome - Lehmann''s Lovegrass Desert Ruderal Scrub & Grassland Macrogroup | M512 | 3.A.2.Na.90 |
Group | 3.A.2.Na.90.a Lehmann''s Lovegrass - Red Brome - Asian Mustard Warm Desert Ruderal Grassland Group | G677 | 3.A.2.Na.90.a |
Alliance | A4081 Bermuda Grass Ruderal Desert Grassland Alliance | A4081 | 3.A.2.Na.90.a |
Association | CEGL005463 Bermuda Grass Western Ruderal Grassland | CEGL005463 | 3.A.2.Na.90.a |
Concept Lineage: AZ portion split out (MP/MEH 1-14)
Predecessors: No Data Available
Obsolete Names: No Data Available
Obsolete Parents: No Data Available
Synonomy: = Cynodon dactylon Association (Rodriguez et al. 2017)
- Hoagland, B. 2000. The vegetation of Oklahoma: A classification for landscape mapping and conservation planning. The Southwestern Naturalist 45(4):385-420.
- Kearsley, M. J. C., K. Green, M. Tukman, M. Reid, M. Hall, T. J. Ayers, and K. Christie. 2015. Grand Canyon National Park-Grand Canyon / Parashant National Monument vegetation classification and mapping project. Natural Resource Report NPS/GRCA/NRR--2015/913. National Park Service, Fort Collins, CO. 75 pp. plus appendices.
- Reid, M. S., and M. E. Hall. 2010. Vegetation classification of Grand Canyon National Park. Draft report submitted to National Park Service, Fort Collins, CO.
- Rodriguez, D., K. G. Sikes, T. Keeler-Wolf, G. Kittel, J. Curtis, C. Curley, and J. Evens. 2017. Vegetation classification of Channel Islands National Park. Report to the National Park Service, Fort Collins, CO.
- TNC [The Nature Conservancy]. 1995e. USGS-NPS Vegetation Mapping Program: Vegetation classification of Tuzigoot National Monument. The Nature Conservancy, Midwest Regional Office, Minneapolis, MN, and International Headquarters, Arlington, VA. 59 pp.
- Western Ecology Working Group of NatureServe. No date. International Ecological Classification Standard: International Vegetation Classification. Terrestrial Vegetation. NatureServe, Boulder, CO.