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A3781 Paxistima myrsinites - Saxifraga spp. - Luina hypoleuca Alpine Rock Crevice Alliance
Type Concept Sentence: This alliance is characterized by sparse vegetation of rock crevices dominated by Campanula piperi, Juniperus communis, Luina hypoleuca, Paxistima myrsinites, Petrophytum hendersonii, and/or Saxifraga bronchialis. It is known from high elevations in the Olympic Mountains and Cascade Range of northern Washington.
Common (Translated Scientific) Name: Oregon Boxleaf - Saxifrage species - Littleleaf Silverback Alpine Rock Crevice Alliance
Colloquial Name: Oregon Boxleaf - Saxifrage - Littleleaf Silverback Alpine Rock Crevice
Hierarchy Level: Alliance
Type Concept: This alliance covers dwarf-shrub- and forb-dominated vegetation that grow in the crevices and cracks of bare rock on cliffs to moderately steep, sloping rock faces as well as talus slopes. Within those places, the canopy cover can be as much as 15%, but the overall impression is of a sparsely vegetated rock surface. Most locations are near treeline at all aspects. Dominant species include Campanula piperi, Juniperus communis, Luina hypoleuca, Paxistima myrsinites, Petrophytum hendersonii, and/or Saxifraga bronchialis. Regardless of the dominant species, many of these companion species can be present and include Achillea millefolium, Carex phaeocephala, Cryptogramma acrostichoides, Douglasia laevigata, Erysimum arenicola, Eucephalus paucicapitatus, Festuca saximontana, Hedysarum occidentale, Lomatium martindalei, Penstemon davidsonii, Phlox diffusa, Saxifraga bronchialis, Sedum divergens, Silene parryi, and Viola flettii. This alliance is known from high in the Olympic Mountains and Cascade Range of northern Washington. It occurs at high elevations (1220-1980 m [4000-6500 feet]). Exposed rock is characteristic of this alliance, while the vegetation is confined to cracks and crevices.
Diagnostic Characteristics: The vegetation is low-statured, ground-hugging dwarf-shrubs and perennial forbs. Exposed rock is characteristic of this alliance, while the vegetation is confined to cracks and crevices. Dominant species include Campanula piperi, Juniperus communis, Luina hypoleuca, Paxistima myrsinites, Petrophytum hendersonii, and/or Saxifraga bronchialis.
Rationale for Nominal Species or Physiognomic Features: No Data Available
Classification Comments: This description is based on 62 quantitative plots.
Similar NVC Types: No Data Available
note: No Data Available
Physiognomy and Structure: Low-statured dwarf-shrub- and forb-dominated vegetation. Nonvascular vegetation may be prominent.
Floristics: Dominant species include Campanula piperi, Juniperus communis, Luina hypoleuca, Paxistima myrsinites, Petrophytum hendersonii, and/or Saxifraga bronchialis. Regardless of the dominant species, many of these companion species can be present and include Achillea millefolium, Carex phaeocephala, Cryptogramma acrostichoides (= Cryptogramma crispa), Douglasia laevigata, Erysimum arenicola, Eucephalus paucicapitatus, Festuca saximontana (= Festuca ovina var. brevifolia), Hedysarum occidentale, Lomatium martindalei, Penstemon davidsonii, Phlox diffusa, Saxifraga bronchialis, Sedum divergens, Silene parryi, and Viola flettii.
Dynamics: No Data Available
Environmental Description: Vegetation grows in the crevices and cracks of bare rock on cliffs to moderately steep, sloping rock faces as well as talus slopes. Most locations are near treeline at all aspects. This alliance occurs at high elevations (1220-1980 m [4000-6500 feet]). Exposed rock is characteristic of this alliance.
Geographic Range: This alliance is known from high in the Olympic Mountains and Cascade Range of northern Washington.
Nations: US
States/Provinces: WA
Plot Analysis Summary:
Confidence Level: Low - Poorly Documented
Confidence Level Comments: No Data Available
Grank: GNR
Greasons: No Data Available
Type | Name | Database Code | Classification Code |
Class | 4 Polar & High Montane Scrub, Grassland & Barrens Class | C04 | 4 |
Subclass | 4.B Temperate to Polar Alpine & Tundra Vegetation Subclass | S12 | 4.B |
Formation | 4.B.1 Temperate & Boreal Alpine Tundra Formation | F037 | 4.B.1 |
Division | 4.B.1.Nb Western North American Alpine Tundra Division | D043 | 4.B.1.Nb |
Macrogroup | 4.B.1.Nb.3 Vancouverian Alpine Tundra Macrogroup | M101 | 4.B.1.Nb.3 |
Group | 4.B.1.Nb.3.d Racomitrium Moss species - Snow Lichen species - Phlox species North Pacific Alpine-Subalpine Bedrock & Scree Group | G319 | 4.B.1.Nb.3.d |
Alliance | A3781 Oregon Boxleaf - Saxifrage species - Littleleaf Silverback Alpine Rock Crevice Alliance | A3781 | 4.B.1.Nb.3.d |
Concept Lineage: No Data Available
Predecessors: No Data Available
Obsolete Names: No Data Available
Obsolete Parents: No Data Available
Synonomy: No Data Available
- Faber-Langendoen, D., J. Drake, M. Hall, G. Kittel, S. Menard, C. Nordman, M. Pyne, M. Reid, M. Russo, K. Schulz, L. Sneddon, K. Snow, and J. Teague. 2013-2019b. Screening alliances for induction into the U.S. National Vegetation Classification: Part 1 - Alliance concept review. NatureServe, Arlington, VA.