Print Report

A3134 Juniperus coahuilensis - Juniperus deppeana - Juniperus monosperma / Grass Understory Open Woodland Alliance

Type Concept Sentence: This Madrean juniper savanna and woodland alliance occurs in lower foothills and plains of southeastern Arizona and southern New Mexico, extending into western Texas and Mexico. It is characterized by the presence of Madrean juniper trees Juniperus coahuilensis or Juniperus deppeana (5-25% cover) and moderate to high cover of perennial graminoids (>25% cover) with low shrub cover.

Common (Translated Scientific) Name: Redberry Juniper - Alligator Juniper - One-seed Juniper / Grass Understory Open Woodland Alliance

Colloquial Name: Madrean Juniper / Grass Open Woodland

Hierarchy Level:  Alliance

Type Concept: This Madrean juniper savanna and woodland alliance occurs in lower foothills and plains of southeastern Arizona and southern New Mexico, extending into western Texas and Mexico. These savannas and open woodlands have widely spaced mature juniper trees (5-25% cover) and moderate to high cover of perennial graminoids (>25% cover). Shrubs are absent or have low cover when compared to the abundant graminoid layer. The presence of Madrean junipers Juniperus coahuilensis or Juniperus deppeana is diagnostic. Juniperus deppeana has a broader range than this Madrean alliance, but is a diagnostic tree species of this wooded savanna alliance. Juniperus monosperma trees may be present to sole canopy dominant when diagnostic Madrean understory species such as Muhlenbergia pauciflora, Muhlenbergia setifolia, and Schizachyrium cirratum are present. Stands occur primarily on flat ridge summits and upper and lower slopes of foothills, and alluvial fans ranging from 1100-2100 m elevation. Substrates are generally shallow rocky soils, but include deeper loamy soils, especially on sites where junipers have recently colonized.

Diagnostic Characteristics: These wooded savannas and open woodlands with a grassy understory have widely spaced mature juniper trees (5-25% cover) and abundant cover of perennial graminoids (>25% cover). The presence of Madrean junipers Juniperus coahuilensis or Juniperus deppeana is diagnostic. Juniperus monosperma trees may be present to sole canopy dominant when diagnostic Madrean understory species such as Muhlenbergia pauciflora, Muhlenbergia setifolia, and Schizachyrium cirratum are present.

Rationale for Nominal Species or Physiognomic Features: No Data Available

Classification Comments: Because of past management actions, such as overgrazing by livestock and fire suppression, some stands or portions of stands may resemble a woodland with denser tree canopy or a patchy herbaceous layer with <25% cover of perennial grasses.

In Flora of North America (FNA Editorial Committee 1993), Juniperus erythrocarpa var. coahuilensis of the southwestern United States is segregated as Juniperus coahuilensis (Kral 1993). Kartesz (1999) now recognizes Juniperus coahuilensis as a distinct species found in Texas, New Mexico and Arizona.

Similar NVC Types: No Data Available
note: No Data Available

Physiognomy and Structure: Vegetation included in this alliance has an open to moderately dense tree canopy (5-25% cover) that is typically 3-8 m tall. Stands are either solely dominated by evergreen needle-leaved trees, or may be codominated by broad-leaved or scale-leaved evergreen trees. A moderate herbaceous layer (>25% cover) dominated by perennial graminoids is typically present. Perennial forbs may be scattered. Annual forbs and grasses may be seasonally present.

Floristics: These savannas and open woodlands have widely spaced mature juniper trees (5-25% cover) and moderate to high cover of perennial graminoids (>25% cover). Shrubs are absent or have low cover when compared to the abundant graminoid layer. The presence of Madrean junipers Juniperus coahuilensis or Juniperus deppeana is diagnostic. Juniperus deppeana has a broader range than this Madrean alliance, but is a diagnostic tree species of this wooded savanna alliance. Juniperus monosperma trees may be present to sole canopy dominant when diagnostic Madrean understory species such as Muhlenbergia pauciflora, Muhlenbergia setifolia, and Schizachyrium cirratum are present. Other characteristic graminoids may include Aristida spp., Bothriochloa barbinodis, Bouteloua chondrosioides, Bouteloua curtipendula, Bouteloua eriopoda, Bouteloua gracilis, Eragrostis intermedia, Lycurus sp., Muhlenbergia emersleyi, Muhlenbergia porteri, Muhlenbergia torreyi, Poa fendleriana, Schizachyrium sanguineum var. hirtiflorum, Schizachyrium scoparium, and on clay soils, Hilaria belangeri. Scattered perennial forbs include species of Eriogonum, Machaeranthera, and Sphaeralcea. Annual grasses and forbs such as Bromus and Erodium are seasonally present.

Dynamics:  Juniperus deppeana is a slow-growing, drought-tolerant, long-lived tree that will resprout if cut or top-killed by fire (Wright et al. 1973, Lamb 1975, Muldavin et al. 1998c). Although fire rarely kills Juniperus deppeana, it will reduce the size of the tree and allow grass to grow under it (Wright 1972). Juniperus coahuilensis will also resprout after being cut or burned which allows quick recovery after fires (Kral 1993). However, Juniperus monosperma is non-sprouting and may be killed by fire (Wright et al. 1979). Large juniper trees do not generally burn unless fine fuels, such as tumbleweeds, have accumulated beneath the tree to provide ladder fuels for the fire to reach the crown. Closed-canopy stands rarely burn because they typically do not have enough understory or wind to carry a fire. Altered fire regimes, fence post cutting, and improper grazing by livestock have significant impacts on the quality of sites. Grazing by livestock can modify the fire regime by removing the fine fuels that carry fire. Fire, livestock grazing, and trampling by recreationalists and vehicles disturb cryptogamic soil crusts that help maintain soil structure, reduce soil erosion, provide habitat for plants and preserve biological diversity (Ladyman and Muldavin 1996). More study is needed to understand and manage these woodlands ecologically.

Environmental Description:  This Madrean juniper savanna and woodland alliance occurs in lower foothills and plains of southeastern Arizona and southern New Mexico, extending into western Texas and Mexico. Stands occur primarily on flat ridge summits and upper and lower slopes of foothills, and alluvial fans. Elevations range from 1100-2100 m. Climate is semi-arid with drought not uncommon. Summers are hot and winters are mild with cold periods and occasional snows. The mean annual precipitation ranges from 40-50 cm with approximately two-thirds occurring during the Arizona monsoon season from July-Sept, often as high-intensity convective storms. May and June are typically dry. Stands typically occur on nearly level to steep, rocky slopes. Sites include dry hillslopes, dissected pediments, toeslopes and elevated plains, alluvial fans and valleys. Soils are typically shallow, rocky, calcareous, alkaline, coarse-textured, and derived from alluvium, but include heavy clays on valley sites. These woodlands often occur in association with Bouteloua spp.-dominated grasslands. Although substrates are generally shallow, rocky soils, they may include deeper loamy soils, especially on sites where junipers have recently colonized.

Geographic Range: This Madrean juniper savanna alliance occurs in lower foothills and plains of southeastern Arizona and southern New Mexico, extending into western Texas and south into the northern Mexican states of Chihuahua, Coahuila, and Sonora.

Nations: MX,US

States/Provinces:  AZ, MXCHH, MXCOA, MXSON, NM, TX

Confidence Level: Low

Confidence Level Comments: No Data Available

Grank: GNR

Greasons: No Data Available

Concept Lineage: In part A.503, A.534, A.504. This alliance was created from associations with perennial grass dominated understory selected from the following Old Alliances II.A.4.N.a. Juniperus coahuilensis Woodland Alliance (A.503), II.A.4.N.a. Juniperus deppeana Woodland Alliance (A.534), II.A.4.N.a. Juniperus monosperma Woodland Alliance (A.504)

Predecessors: No Data Available

Obsolete Names: No Data Available

Obsolete Parents: No Data Available

Synonomy: >< Juniperus deppeana Series (Muldavin 1994) [within the Madrean Open Conifer Woodland Alliance Group.]
? Border Pinyon-Mixed Juniper Series (Dick-Peddie 1993)
>< Oneseed Juniper Series (Dick-Peddie 1993) [Dick-Peddie (1993) classified all the Juniperus monosperma stands.]

Concept Author(s): K.A. Schulz, in Faber-Langendoen et al. (2013)

Author of Description: K.A. Schulz

Acknowledgements: No Data Available

Version Date: 12-18-14

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