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CEGL005294 Yucca brevifolia / Coleogyne ramosissima Wooded Shrubland
Type Concept Sentence: No Data Available
Common (Translated Scientific) Name: Joshua Tree / Blackbrush Wooded Shrubland
Colloquial Name: No Data Available
Hierarchy Level: Association
Type Concept: This Joshua tree shrubland association occurs in northern Arizona and southeastern California. It is currently described from Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona. More survey and classification work are needed to fully characterize this type. It is restricted to low-level sideslopes and valley bottoms at 1475 to 1500 m (4875-4900 feet) elevation, but can occur as high as 1600 m (5275 feet). It is typically found on very gentle slopes (2-4°), but occasionally occurs on more moderate gradients (6-8°). It seems to occur across all aspects other than south-facing. Soils are rapidly-drained sandy loams that usually lie on top of limestone or basalt. Vegetation is characterized by the codominance of the tall shrub Yucca brevifolia and the short shrub Coleogyne ramosissima. Yucca baccata, Ephedra viridis, Atriplex canescens, and Purshia stansburiana also commonly occur in the short-shrub layer. Opuntia basilaris regularly occurs in the dwarf-shrub stratum, while Agave utahensis and Gutierrezia microcephala can be found sporadically. Native bunchgrasses, including Bouteloua eriopoda, Muhlenbergia porteri, Bouteloua gracilis, Dasyochloa pulchella, and Tridens muticus, occur in most stands at relatively low individual covers. The exotic Bromus tectorum is a frequent graminoid, and Cymopterus purpurascens and Erodium cicutarium occur most frequently in a poorly-developed forb layer.
Diagnostic Characteristics: No Data Available
Rationale for Nominal Species or Physiognomic Features: No Data Available
Classification Comments: No Data Available
Similar NVC Types: No Data Available
note: No Data Available
Physiognomy and Structure: No Data Available
Floristics: No Data Available
Dynamics: No Data Available
Environmental Description: No Data Available
Geographic Range: This shrubland association occurs in northern Arizona and southeastern California. More survey work is needed to fully document its global range.
Nations: US
States/Provinces: AZ, CA
Plot Analysis Summary:
Confidence Level: Low
Confidence Level Comments: No Data Available
Grank: GNR
Greasons: No Data Available
Type | Name | Database Code | Classification Code |
Class | 3 Desert & Semi-Desert Class | C03 | 3 |
Subclass | 3.B Cool Semi-Desert Scrub & Grassland Subclass | S11 | 3.B |
Formation | 3.B.1 Cool Semi-Desert Scrub & Grassland Formation | F033 | 3.B.1 |
Division | 3.B.1.Ne Western North American Cool Semi-Desert Scrub & Grassland Division | D040 | 3.B.1.Ne |
Macrogroup | 3.B.1.Ne.1 Yellow Rabbitbrush - Blackbrush / Indian Ricegrass Dry Shrubland & Grassland Macrogroup | M171 | 3.B.1.Ne.1 |
Group | 3.B.1.Ne.1.a Joshua Tree - Eastern Mojave Buckwheat - Rough Joint-fir Mixed Desert Scrub Group | G296 | 3.B.1.Ne.1.a |
Alliance | A3148 Joshua Tree Wooded Scrub Alliance | A3148 | 3.B.1.Ne.1.a |
Association | CEGL005294 Joshua Tree / Blackbrush Wooded Shrubland | CEGL005294 | 3.B.1.Ne.1.a |
Concept Lineage: No Data Available
Predecessors: No Data Available
Obsolete Names: No Data Available
Obsolete Parents: No Data Available
Synonomy: = Yucca brevifolia / Coleogyne ramosissima (Sawyer et al. 2009) [33.170.02]
= Yucca brevifolia / Coleogyne ramosissima Association (Evens et al. 2014)
= Yucca brevifolia / Coleogyne ramosissima Wooded Shrubland (Reid and Hall 2010)
= Yucca brevifolia / Coleogyne ramosissima Woodland Association (Evens et al. 2012)
< Joshua Tree Series (Sawyer and Keeler-Wolf 2005)
= Yucca brevifolia / Coleogyne ramosissima Association (Evens et al. 2014)
= Yucca brevifolia / Coleogyne ramosissima Wooded Shrubland (Reid and Hall 2010)
= Yucca brevifolia / Coleogyne ramosissima Woodland Association (Evens et al. 2012)
< Joshua Tree Series (Sawyer and Keeler-Wolf 2005)
- Evens, J. M., D. Roach-McIntosh, and D. Stout. 2012. Vegetation descriptions for Joshua Tree National Park. Unpublished report submitted to USDI, National Park Service, Mojave Desert Inventory and Monitoring Network. California Native Plant Society, Sacramento, CA.
- Evens, J. M., K. Sikes, D. Hastings, and J. Ratchford. 2014. Vegetation alliance descriptions for Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Death Valley National Park and Mojave National Preserve. Unpublished report submitted to USDI National Park Service, Mojave Desert Network Inventory and Monitoring Program. California Native Plant Society, Sacramento, CA.
- Kearsley, M. J. C., K. Green, M. Tukman, M. Reid, M. Hall, T. J. Ayers, and K. Christie. 2015. Grand Canyon National Park-Grand Canyon / Parashant National Monument vegetation classification and mapping project. Natural Resource Report NPS/GRCA/NRR--2015/913. National Park Service, Fort Collins, CO. 75 pp. plus appendices.
- Keeler-Wolf, T., and K. Thomas. 2000. Draft descriptions of vegetation alliances for the Mojave Ecosystem Mapping project. California Natural Diversity Database, California Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento.
- Reid, M. S., and M. E. Hall. 2010. Vegetation classification of Grand Canyon National Park. Draft report submitted to National Park Service, Fort Collins, CO.
- Sawyer, J. O., T. Keeler-Wolf, and J. Evens. 2009. A manual of California vegetation. Second edition. California Native Plant Society, Sacramento CA. 1300 pp.
- Sawyer, J. O., and T. Keeler-Wolf. 2005. A manual of California vegetation. II. Draft manuscript. California Native Plant Society, Sacramento, CA.
- Western Ecology Working Group of NatureServe. No date. International Ecological Classification Standard: International Vegetation Classification. Terrestrial Vegetation. NatureServe, Boulder, CO.