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CEGL004170 Juniperus ashei - Quercus sinuata var. breviloba Woodland
Type Concept Sentence: No Data Available
Common (Translated Scientific) Name: Ashe''s Juniper - White Shin Oak Woodland
Colloquial Name: Edwards Plateau Ashe''s Juniper - White Shin Oak Woodland
Hierarchy Level: Association
Type Concept: This woodland occurs over shallow soils, on limestone mesatops, typically underlain by the Fredricksburg Group in the Edwards Plateau of Texas. The association is dominated by Juniperus ashei and Quercus sinuata var. breviloba. Height and density of the vegetation can range from an open woodland to a forest. When canopy cover is high, Quercus sinuata var. breviloba is sometimes limited to the understory. Other woody species include Fraxinus albicans, Quercus fusiformis, Quercus buckleyi, Ulmus crassifolia, Ilex decidua, Diospyros texana, Rhus virens, Rhus trilobata, Forestiera pubescens, Yucca pallida, Mahonia trifoliolata, Toxicodendron radicans, Lonicera albiflora, Sophora secundiflora, Ungnadia speciosa, and Cercis canadensis var. texensis. With the exception of Fraxinus albicans, which may occasionally be a canopy dominant, cover of these other species is generally very low. Herbaceous cover is sparse, especially when canopy density is high, and may include Carex planostachys, Lespedeza texana, Tragia ramosa, Matelea spp., Rhynchosia senna, Commelina erecta, Sporobolus compositus, and Galactia volubilis. Adjacent associations include ~Quercus fusiformis / Schizachyrium scoparium Woodland (CEGL002115)$$ on slightly deeper soils, as well as ~Quercus buckleyi - Fraxinus albicans - Juniperus ashei Forest (CEGL002135)$$ and ~Juniperus ashei - Quercus buckleyi Woodland (CEGL004172)$$ on adjacent slopes.
Diagnostic Characteristics: No Data Available
Rationale for Nominal Species or Physiognomic Features: No Data Available
Classification Comments: This association is restricted to Texas. It is a part of the former Juniperus ashei - Quercus (buckleyi, fusiformis, vaseyana, sinuata var. breviloba) Woodland (CEGL002126) and is described based on data collected at Fort Hood. This association is differentiated from Juniperus-invaded Quercus fusiformis woodlands by soil type: ~Quercus fusiformis / Schizachyrium scoparium Woodland (CEGL002115)$$ occurs on deeper (clay loam) soils, while this association is restricted to shallow, rocky soils over hard-bedded limestone. This association could represent the result of long-term fire suppression of ~Quercus sinuata var. breviloba Scrub (CEGL004453)$$ but likely is a natural association. The prevalence of Juniperus ashei has likely increased since presettlement times in some areas of central Texas. This is speculated to have resulted from several factors, including overgrazing and altered fire regimes. As a result, it may be difficult to distinguish juniper-invaded habitats from areas where juniper was naturally a dominant component of the vegetation. This association is intended to represent areas where Juniperus ashei is expected to be naturally dominant. These areas are thought to occur on dry to xeric mesas and slope shoulders with thin soils and a sparse ground cover. Fires are thought to have been naturally patchy in this setting due to the rocky substrate and sparse fine fuels.
Similar NVC Types: No Data Available
note: No Data Available
Physiognomy and Structure: No Data Available
Floristics: The association is dominated by Juniperus ashei and Quercus sinuata var. breviloba. Height and density of the vegetation can range from an open woodland to a forest. When canopy cover is high, Quercus sinuata var. breviloba is sometimes limited to the understory. Other woody species include Fraxinus albicans (= Fraxinus texensis), Quercus fusiformis, Quercus buckleyi, Ulmus crassifolia, Ilex decidua, Diospyros texana, Rhus virens, Rhus trilobata, Forestiera pubescens, Yucca pallida, Mahonia trifoliolata (= Berberis trifoliolata), Toxicodendron radicans, Lonicera albiflora, Sophora secundiflora, Ungnadia speciosa, and Cercis canadensis var. texensis. With the exception of Fraxinus albicans, which may occasionally be a canopy dominant, cover of these other species is generally very low. Herbaceous cover is sparse, especially when canopy density is high, and may include Carex planostachys, Lespedeza texana, Tragia ramosa, Matelea spp., Rhynchosia senna, Commelina erecta, Sporobolus compositus, and Galactia volubilis.
Dynamics: Due to low fine-fuel loads, fire is infrequent. High-intensity crownfires will kill most Juniperus ashei trees, and ~Quercus sinuata var. breviloba Scrub (CEGL004453)$$ will return.
Environmental Description: This woodland occurs over shallow soils, on limestone mesatops in the Edwards Plateau of Texas. Outcrops of bedrock are common.
Geographic Range: This community occurs in the Edwards Plateau and Lampasas Cutplain of central Texas.
Nations: US
States/Provinces: TX
Plot Analysis Summary:
Confidence Level: Low
Confidence Level Comments: No Data Available
Grank: G4
Greasons: No Data Available
Type | Name | Database Code | Classification Code |
Class | 1 Forest & Woodland Class | C01 | 1 |
Subclass | 1.B Temperate & Boreal Forest & Woodland Subclass | S15 | 1.B |
Formation | 1.B.1 Warm Temperate Forest & Woodland Formation | F018 | 1.B.1 |
Division | 1.B.1.Nd Madrean-Balconian Forest & Woodland Division | D060 | 1.B.1.Nd |
Macrogroup | 1.B.1.Nd.3 Texas Red Oak - Texas Live Oak - Ashe''s Juniper Forest & Woodland Macrogroup | M015 | 1.B.1.Nd.3 |
Group | 1.B.1.Nd.3.a Texas Live Oak - Ashe''s Juniper Dry Forest & Woodland Group | G126 | 1.B.1.Nd.3.a |
Alliance | A3212 Ashe''s Juniper Woodland Alliance | A3212 | 1.B.1.Nd.3.a |
Association | CEGL004170 Ashe''s Juniper - White Shin Oak Woodland | CEGL004170 | 1.B.1.Nd.3.a |
Concept Lineage: CEGL002126 split into 4 new types: CEGL004170, CEGL004172, CEGL004221, and CEGL004215.
Predecessors: No Data Available
Obsolete Names: No Data Available
Obsolete Parents: No Data Available
Synonomy: No Data Available
- Diamond, D. D. 1993. Classification of the plant communities of Texas (series level). Unpublished document. Texas Natural Heritage Program, Austin. 25 pp.
- Southeastern Ecology Working Group of NatureServe. No date. International Ecological Classification Standard: International Vegetation Classification. Terrestrial Vegetation. NatureServe, Durham, NC.