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CEGL005313 Quercus douglasii - Pinus sabiniana / Cercocarpus montanus var. glaber Woodland

Type Concept Sentence: No Data Available

Common (Translated Scientific) Name: Blue Oak - California Foothill Pine / Birchleaf Mountain-mahogany Woodland

Colloquial Name: No Data Available

Hierarchy Level:  Association

Type Concept: This woodland/forest association is known from the foothills and mountains of the Sierra Nevada from Butte to Fresno counties and the Central Coast in Monterey and San Benito counties. It occurs on somewhat steep to steep north-facing slopes. The overstory tree layer is dominated by Quercus douglasii and is typically codominated by Pinus sabiniana, but the pine can be merely present. The shrub layer is thickly dominated by Cercocarpus montanus var. glaber. Other trees and shrubs may be present but never dominant. The herbaceous layer is typically overwhelmingly dominated by non-native graminoids such as Bromus diandrus, Bromus hordeaceus, and Bromus rubens.

Diagnostic Characteristics: No Data Available

Rationale for Nominal Species or Physiognomic Features: No Data Available

Classification Comments: No Data Available

Similar NVC Types: No Data Available
note: No Data Available

Physiognomy and Structure: No Data Available

Floristics: In this association, Quercus douglasii is the dominant overstory tree canopy. Pinus sabiniana is typically codominant, but it can be merely present. Other tree species occasionally present include Quercus wislizeni and Aesculus californica. Cercocarpus montanus var. glaber (= Cercocarpus betuloides) is consistently present in the understory usually as the dominant shrub. Fraxinus dipetala, Rhamnus ilicifolia, Ericameria linearifolia, Eriogonum fasciculatum var. foliolosum, Toxicodendron diversilobum, Arctostaphylos virgata, Rhamnus crocea, and Juniperus californica may also be present with <1 to 20% cover. The herbaceous layer is typically overwhelmingly dominated by non-native graminoids such as Bromus diandrus, Bromus hordeaceus, and Bromus rubens (= Bromus madritensis ssp. rubens). Avena sp. and Poa secunda consistently occur in the herb layer with a variety of other native and non-native grass and forb species.

Dynamics:  No Data Available

Environmental Description:  This association occurs at elevations between 419 and 1316 m (1374-4320 feet), on mostly northeastern and northwestern aspects, but it can occur on others. Stands occur on somewhat steep to steep slopes, ranging from 23-40°, on all parts of the slope. Surface topography is usually undulating. Parent material is variable, occurring on sedimentary, fanglomerate, or rhyolite. Soil textures tend to be fine and range from fine sandy clay loam to clay to sandy loam.

Geographic Range: This association is known from the foothills and mountains of the Sierra Nevada from Butte to Fresno counties and the Central Coast in Monterey and San Benito counties.

Nations: US

States/Provinces:  CA

Confidence Level: Moderate

Confidence Level Comments: No Data Available

Grank: GNR

Greasons: No Data Available

Concept Lineage: No Data Available

Predecessors: No Data Available

Obsolete Names: No Data Available

Obsolete Parents: No Data Available

Synonomy: = Quercus douglasii - Pinus sabiniana / Cercocarpus betuloides Association (Evens et al. 2006)
= Quercus douglasii - Pinus sabiniana / Cercocarpus montanus var. glaber Woodland (Kittel et al. 2012a)
= Quercus douglasii - Pinus sabiniana / Cercocarpus montanus (Sawyer et al. 2009) [71.020.25]
= Blue Oak - Foothill Pine / Wedgeleaf Ceanothus - Mountain Mahogany (Allen et al. 1989) [(Quercus douglasii - Pinus sabiniana / Ceanothus cuneatus - Cercocarpus betuloides)]

Concept Author(s): Kittel et al. (2012a)

Author of Description: G. Kittel and J. Evens

Acknowledgements: No Data Available

Version Date: 09-24-07

  • Allen, B. H., R. R. Evett, B. A. Holzman, and A. J. Martin. 1989. Report on rangeland cover type description for California hardwood rangelands. Department of Forestry and Fire Protection and Department of Forestry and Resource Management. Berkeley, CA.
  • Evens, J., A. Klein, J. Taylor, T. Keeler-Wolf, and D. Hickson, principal investigators. 2006. Vegetation classification, descriptions, and mapping of the Clear Creek Management Area, Joaquin Ridge, Monocline Ridge, and Environs in San Benito and western Fresno counties, California. Final report prepared by California Native Plant Society and California Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento, CA. 273 pp.
  • Kittel, G., E. Reyes, J. Evens, J. Buck, and D. Johnson. 2012a. Vegetation classification and mapping project report, Pinnacles National Monument. Natural Resource Report NPS/SFAN/NRR-2012/574. National Park Service, Fort Collins, CO. 428 pp.
  • Sawyer, J. O., T. Keeler-Wolf, and J. Evens. 2009. A manual of California vegetation. Second edition. California Native Plant Society, Sacramento CA. 1300 pp.
  • Western Ecology Working Group of NatureServe. No date. International Ecological Classification Standard: International Vegetation Classification. Terrestrial Vegetation. NatureServe, Boulder, CO.