Print Report

CEGL002797 Acer negundo / Quercus gambelii Riparian Woodland

Type Concept Sentence: No Data Available

Common (Translated Scientific) Name: Box-elder / Gambel Oak Riparian Woodland

Colloquial Name: No Data Available

Hierarchy Level:  Association

Type Concept: This is a riparian woodland found in scattered locations on the Colorado Plateau. The vegetation is characterized by an open to moderately dense tree canopy of Acer negundo and Quercus gambelii. Occasional emergent Pseudotsuga menziesii trees or subcanopy Juniperus scopulorum may be present. The understory is typically sparse and variable in species composition. Tall, short, and dwarf-shrubs contribute low cover and include Celtis laevigata var. reticulata, Cornus sericea, Fendlerella utahensis, Holodiscus dumosus, Mahonia repens, Rhus trilobata, Ribes cereum, Ribes inerme, and Prunus virginiana. The herbaceous layer is sparse and low in species diversity. Species include Maianthemum stellatum, Piptatheropsis micrantha, Arabis sp., Brickellia grandiflora, Solidago canadensis, and Artemisia michauxiana. This woodland association is known from the Gunnison River in Curecanti National Recreation Area, and on seeps and streams in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. Stands occur in riparian sites and springs and seeps with natural or human disturbance, including constructed roadway fill slopes and rockfall or talus from adjacent cliffs. Sites are steep (75% slopes), occur between 2032 and 2073 m elevation, and are oriented to northeastern and southern aspects. The unvegetated surface has high cover of bedrock, large and small rocks, and low to moderate cover of litter. Soil is not present in the rockfill and rockfall substrate in the sampled stands.

Diagnostic Characteristics: No Data Available

Rationale for Nominal Species or Physiognomic Features: No Data Available

Classification Comments: This association has only been sampled from a few locations in western Colorado, and a few locations on the Colorado Plateau of southern Utah and northern Arizona. More survey and classification work are needed to understand the full distribution of this association.

Similar NVC Types: No Data Available
note: No Data Available

Physiognomy and Structure: No Data Available

Floristics: This riparian woodland is characterized by an open to moderately dense tree canopy of Acer negundo and Quercus gambelii. Occasional emergent Pseudotsuga menziesii trees or subcanopy Juniperus scopulorum may be present. The understory is typically sparse and variable in species composition. Tall, short, and dwarf-shrubs contribute low cover and include Celtis laevigata var. reticulata (= Celtis reticulata), Cornus sericea, Fendlerella utahensis, Holodiscus dumosus, Mahonia repens, Rhus trilobata, Ribes cereum, Ribes inerme, and Prunus virginiana. The herbaceous layer is sparse and low in species diversity. Species include Maianthemum stellatum, Piptatheropsis micrantha (= Piptatherum micranthum), Arabis sp., Brickellia grandiflora, Solidago canadensis, and Artemisia michauxiana.

Dynamics:  No Data Available

Environmental Description:  This woodland association is known from the Gunnison River in Curecanti National Recreation Area, and on seeps and streams in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. Stands occur in riparian sites and springs and seeps with natural or human disturbance, including constructed roadway fill slopes and rockfall or talus from adjacent cliffs. Sites are steep (75% slopes), occur between 2032 and 2073 m elevation, and are oriented to northeastern and southern aspects. The unvegetated surface has high cover of bedrock, large and small rocks, and low to moderate cover of litter. Soil is not present in the rockfill and rockfall substrate in the sampled stands.

Geographic Range: This association has been sampled from a few isolated locations in in western Colorado, northern Arizona and in southern Utah.

Nations: US

States/Provinces:  AZ, CO, UT

Confidence Level: Low

Confidence Level Comments: No Data Available

Grank: GNR

Greasons: No Data Available

Concept Lineage: No Data Available

Predecessors: No Data Available

Obsolete Names: No Data Available

Obsolete Parents: No Data Available

Synonomy: = Acer negundo / Quercus gambelii Woodland (Tendick et al. 2010)

Concept Author(s): Tendick et al. (2010)

Author of Description: K.A. Schulz and G. Kittel

Acknowledgements: No Data Available

Version Date: 09-01-16

  • Clark, D., M. Dela Cruz, T. Clark, J. Coles, S. Topp, A. Evenden, A. Wight, G. Wakefield, and J. Von Loh. 2009. Vegetation classification and mapping project report, Capitol Reef National Park. Natural Resource Report NPS/NCPN/NRTR--2009/187. National Park Service, Fort Collins, CO. 882 pp.
  • Coles, J., A. Tendick, J. Von Loh, G. Bradshaw, G. Manis, A. Wight, G. Wakefield, and A. Evenden. 2010. Vegetation classification and mapping project report, Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park. Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/NCPN/NRTR--2010/361. National Park Service, Fort Collins, CO.
  • Kearsley, M. J. C., K. Green, M. Tukman, M. Reid, M. Hall, T. J. Ayers, and K. Christie. 2015. Grand Canyon National Park-Grand Canyon / Parashant National Monument vegetation classification and mapping project. Natural Resource Report NPS/GRCA/NRR--2015/913. National Park Service, Fort Collins, CO. 75 pp. plus appendices.
  • Reid, M. S., and M. E. Hall. 2010. Vegetation classification of Grand Canyon National Park. Draft report submitted to National Park Service, Fort Collins, CO.
  • Romme, W. H., K. D. Heil, J. M. Porter, and R. Fleming. 1993. Plant communities of Capitol Reef National Park, Utah. USDI National Park Service, Technical Report NPS/NAUCARE/NRTER-93/02. Cooperative Park Studies Unit, Northern Arizona University. 37 pp.
  • Spence, J. R. 2008. Spring-supported vegetation along the Colorado River on the Colorado Plateau: Floristics, vegetation structure, and environment. Pages 185-210 in: L. E. Stevens and V. J. Meretsky, editors. Aridland Springs in North America: Ecology and Conservation. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.
  • Tendick, A., J. Coles, P. Williams, G. Bradshaw, G. Manis, A. Wight, G. Wakefield, and A. Evenden. 2010. Vegetation classification and mapping project report, Curecanti National Recreation Area. Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/NCPN/NRTR--2010/408. National Park Service, Fort Collins, CO. 797 pp.
  • Tendick, A., J. Spence, M. Reid, K. Shulz, G. Kittel, K. Green, A. Wight, and G. Wakefield. 2017. Vegetation classification and mapping project report, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area and Rainbow Bridge National Monument. Natural Resource Report NPS/NCPN/NRR—2017/1500. National Park Service, Fort Collins, CO. 1464 pp.
  • Western Ecology Working Group of NatureServe. No date. International Ecological Classification Standard: International Vegetation Classification. Terrestrial Vegetation. NatureServe, Boulder, CO.