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CEGL005165 Thuja occidentalis - Fraxinus nigra Swamp Forest
Type Concept Sentence: No Data Available
Common (Translated Scientific) Name: Northern White-cedar - Black Ash Swamp Forest
Colloquial Name: Northern White-cedar - Black Ash Swamp
Hierarchy Level: Association
Type Concept: This white-cedar - black ash forest is found in the hemi- and subboreal regions of the Great Lakes in the United States and Canada where it occurs on wet, saturated soils. Substrate is well-decomposed peat and hummocky topography is present. Canopy cover is variable, sometimes fairly open. Thuja occidentalis, with or without Fraxinus nigra, dominates the canopy (some stands may have Fraxinus in the upper canopy and Thuja in the lower canopy). Populus tremuloides can be a major component, but this may be caused by logging of Thuja occidentalis. Acer rubrum, Betula alleghaniensis, and Picea glauca may also be present. Shrubs include Acer spicatum, Cornus alternifolia, Lonicera canadensis, Ribes spp., and Rubus pubescens. The herb layer includes Aralia nudicaulis, Arisaema triphyllum, Clintonia borealis, Cornus canadensis, Dryopteris carthusiana, Galium triflorum, Maianthemum canadense, Tiarella cordifolia and Trientalis borealis.
Diagnostic Characteristics: No Data Available
Rationale for Nominal Species or Physiognomic Features: No Data Available
Classification Comments: This type (CEGL005165) occurs on wet hummocky soils. Soils may be more minerotrophic than those found in white-cedar - conifer swamps, i.e., ~Thuja occidentalis - (Picea mariana, Abies balsamea) / Alnus incana Swamp Forest (CEGL002456)$$). Type should be compared with ~Thuja occidentalis - Acer rubrum / Cornus sericea Swamp Forest (CEGL006199)$$, which is more north temperate than hemi-boreal.
Similar NVC Types: No Data Available
note: No Data Available
Physiognomy and Structure: No Data Available
Floristics: Canopy cover is variable, sometimes fairly open. Thuja occidentalis and Fraxinus nigra dominate the canopy (some stands may have Fraxinus in the upper canopy and Thuja in the lower canopy). Thuja occidentalis tends to occur on the hummocks and Fraxinus in the hollows. Populus tremuloides can be a major component, but this may be caused by logging of Thuja. Acer rubrum, Betula alleghaniensis, and Picea glauca may also be present. Shrubs include Acer spicatum, Cornus alternifolia, Lonicera canadensis, Ribes spp., and Rubus pubescens. The herb rich layer includes Aralia nudicaulis, Arisaema triphyllum, Clintonia borealis, Cornus canadensis, Dryopteris carthusiana, Galium triflorum, Maianthemum canadense, Tiarella cordifolia, and Trientalis borealis (Chambers et al. 1997).
Dynamics: No Data Available
Environmental Description: Stands occur on wet, saturated soils. Substrate is either wet mineral soils or well-decomposed peat, and hummocky topography is present.
Geographic Range: This white-cedar - black ash swamp type is found in the northern Great Lakes region of the United States and Canada.
Nations: CA,US
States/Provinces: MI, MN, ON, WI
Plot Analysis Summary:
Confidence Level: Moderate
Confidence Level Comments: No Data Available
Grank: GNR
Greasons: No Data Available
Type | Name | Database Code | Classification Code |
Class | 1 Forest & Woodland Class | C01 | 1 |
Subclass | 1.B Temperate & Boreal Forest & Woodland Subclass | S15 | 1.B |
Formation | 1.B.3 Temperate Flooded & Swamp Forest Formation | F026 | 1.B.3 |
Division | 1.B.3.Na Eastern North American-Great Plains Flooded & Swamp Forest Division | D011 | 1.B.3.Na |
Macrogroup | 1.B.3.Na.3 <i>Tsuga canadensis - Fraxinus nigra - Larix laricina</i> Flooded & Swamp Forest Macrogroup | M504 | 1.B.3.Na.3 |
Group | 1.B.3.Na.3.d Northern White-cedar - Black Ash - Red Maple Swamp Forest Group | G046 | 1.B.3.Na.3.d |
Alliance | A4464 <i>Thuja occidentalis - Acer rubrum - Larix laricina</i> Laurentian Swamp Forest Alliance | A4464 | 1.B.3.Na.3.d |
Association | CEGL005165 Northern White-cedar - Black Ash Swamp Forest | CEGL005165 | 1.B.3.Na.3.d |
Concept Lineage: No Data Available
Predecessors: No Data Available
Obsolete Names: No Data Available
Obsolete Parents: No Data Available
Synonomy: = Thuja occidentalis - Fraxinus nigra Forest (Faber-Langendoen 2001)
- Chambers, B. A., B. J. Naylor, J. Nieppola, B. Merchant, and P. Uhlig. 1997. Field guide to forest ecosystems of central Ontario. Southcentral Science Section (SCSS) Field Guide FG-01, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, North Bay, Ontario, Canada. 200 pp.
- Faber-Langendoen, D., editor. 2001. Plant communities of the Midwest: Classification in an ecological context. Association for Biodiversity Information, Arlington, VA. 61 pp. plus appendix (705 pp.).
- Harris, A. G., S. C. McMurray, P. W. C. Uhlig, J. K. Jeglum, R. F. Foster, and G. D. Racey. 1996. Field guide to the wetland ecosystem classification for northwestern Ontario. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Northwest Science and Technology, Thunder Bay, Ontario. Field guide FG-01. 74 pp. plus appendix.
- Hop, K., D. Faber-Langendoen, M. Lew-Smith, N. Aaseng, and S. Lubinski. [1999]. USGS-NPS Vegetation Mapping Program: Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota. USDI U.S. Geological Survey, La Crosse, WI. 210 pp.
- Hop, K., S. Menard, J. Drake, S. Lubinski, and J. Dieck. 2010a. National Park Service Vegetation Inventory Program: Apostle Islands National Lakeshore, Wisconsin. Natural Resource Report NPS/GLKN/NRR-2010/199. National Park Service, Fort Collins, CO. 310 pp.
- Hop, K., S. Menard, J. Drake, S. Lubinski, and J. Dieck. 2010c. National Park Service Vegetation Inventory Program: Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, Michigan. Natural Resource Report NPS/GLKN/NRR-2010/201. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado. 358 pp.
- Kost, M. A., D. A. Albert, J. G. Cohen, B. S. Slaughter, R. K. Schillo, C. R. Weber, and K. A. Chapman. 2007. Natural communities of Michigan: Classification and description. Report No. 2007-21, Michigan Natural Features Inventory, Lansing. 314 pp. []
- Lee, H., W. Bakowsky, J. Riley, J. Bowles, M. Puddister, P. Uhlig, and S. McMurray. 1998. Ecological land classification for southern Ontario: First approximation and its application. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Southcentral Science Section, Science Development and Transfer Branch. SCSS Field Guide FG-02.
- Midwestern Ecology Working Group of NatureServe. No date. International Ecological Classification Standard: International Vegetation Classification. Terrestrial Vegetation. NatureServe, Minneapolis, MN.
- Minnesota DNR [Minnesota Department of Natural Resources]. 2003-2005a. Field guide to the native plant communities of Minnesota. Three volumes: The Laurentian Mixed Forest Province (2003), The Eastern Broadleaf Forest Province (2005c), The Prairie Parkland and Tallgrass Aspen Parklands provinces (2005b). Ecological Land Classification Program, Minnesota County Biological Survey, and Natural Heritage and Nongame Research Program. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, St. Paul.
- Minnesota DNR [Minnesota Department of Natural Resources]. 2005c. Field guide to the native plant communities of Minnesota: The Eastern Broadleaf Forest Province. Ecological Land Classification Program, Minnesota County Biological Survey, and Natural Heritage and Nongame Research Program. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, St. Paul.
- ONHIC [Ontario Natural Heritage Information Centre]. 2018. Unpublished data. Ontario Natural Heritage Information Centre, Ministry of Natural Resources, Ontario, Canada.
- TNC [The Nature Conservancy]. 1999b. USGS-NPS Vegetation Mapping Program: Classification of the vegetation of Isle Royale National Park. The Nature Conservancy, Midwest Regional Office, Minneapolis, MN, and International Headquarters, Arlington, VA. 143 pp.
- WDNR [Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources]. 2015. The ecological landscapes of Wisconsin: An assessment of ecological resources and a guide to planning sustainable management. PUB-SS-1131 2015. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Madison. []