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CEGL002142 Quercus alba - Quercus macrocarpa - Quercus rubra / Corylus americana Woodland
Type Concept Sentence: No Data Available
Common (Translated Scientific) Name: White Oak - Bur Oak - Northern Red Oak / American Hazelnut Woodland
Colloquial Name: North-Central Dry-Mesic Oak Woodland
Hierarchy Level: Association
Type Concept: This white oak - bur oak woodland is found in the northern prairie-forest border of the midwestern United States. Stands occur on flat, gently rolling or hilly landscapes subject to fires of low frequency and variable intensity. Canopy cover ranges from 30-80%. The tree layer is dominated by Quercus alba and Quercus macrocarpa on drier soils (or even Quercus ellipsoidalis or Quercus velutina) and occasionally codominated by Quercus rubra on more mesic soils. The ground layer is codominated by shrubs and tree grubs, forbs and graminoids. Shrub cover is usually high (30-50%) with some stands forming impenetrable thickets. Typical shrubs include Corylus americana and Cornus foemina. Dominant herbs include Andropogon gerardii, Carex pensylvanica, Desmodium glutinosum, and Geranium maculatum. This community is maintained by a fire regime that is frequent enough to prevent full canopy closure and sapling establishment of fire-sensitive tree species, but infrequent enough to allow saplings of fire-tolerant tree species to reach fire-resistant size.
Diagnostic Characteristics: No Data Available
Rationale for Nominal Species or Physiognomic Features: No Data Available
Classification Comments: This type typically covers dry to dry-mesic stands, but some mesic stands could also be placed here. Traditionally, partially canopied communities with a canopy cover of 10-50% have been classified as savanna, while communities with greater than 50% canopy cover have been classified as forest (Curtis 1959). Recent studies (Pruka 1994, Faber-Langendoen et al. unpubl.) suggest that there is enough turnover in understory composition along this broad canopy continuum to merit the subdivision of partially canopied communities into two communities: savanna (10-30% canopy) and woodland (30-80% canopy) (Anderson 1991, MNNHP 1993, Packard 1993, Pruka 1994). Forest communities in this region generally have >80% canopy cover. This distinction, however, is not clean. For example, in the Driftless area, drier oak forests on loess are typically treated as part of the dry-mesic white oak - red oak forest, ~Quercus alba - Quercus rubra - Carya ovata Glaciated Forest (CEGL002068)$$ because of the finer soils that, despite slope and aspect, are more nutrient rich and moist. The driest stands would have been maintained by fire and best fit into this woodland type (H. Dunevitz pers. comm. 2000). This type may occur in Missouri and southern Iowa. Stands in southern Iowa and northern Missouri are currently placed in ~Quercus alba - (Carya ovata) / Carex pensylvanica Glaciated Woodland (CEGL002134)$$.
Similar NVC Types: No Data Available
note: No Data Available
Physiognomy and Structure: Structure in this community ranges from large open-grown trees 10-12 m tall covering 30-80% of the canopy. In the years following occasional catastrophic fires, characteristic canopy dominants may exist only as oak grubs 1-2 m tall. Shrubs similarly reach peak height of 1-3 m after several years without fire, but average less than 1 m tall for the first few years following a fire. Shrubs dominate the ground layer, with forbs and graminoids still remaining as important understory components. Many of the predominant graminoids are sedges.
Floristics: There are three main structural layers: tree canopy, tall-shrub and herbaceous. Tree densities for stems greater than 10 cm dbh may historically have been between 50-200 stems per hectare (Bowles et al. 1994). The tree layer is composed predominantly of Quercus alba and Quercus macrocarpa, with Quercus ellipsoidalis or Quercus velutina more common on dry sites, and occasional codominance by Quercus rubra, Carya spp., and Populus spp. (MNNHP 1993). Sassafras albidum can become an important tree layer component in the eastern end of the oak woodland range.
This community may include portions of stands also described as brushland (Grimm 1984, MNNHP 1993) or barrens (Bowles and McBride 1994, White 1994a). Shrub cover is usually high (30-50%) with some stands forming impenetrable thickets. Typical shrubs include Corylus americana and Cornus foemina. Throughout the range of the type, dominant herbs include Andropogon gerardii, Carex pensylvanica, Desmodium glutinosum, Geranium maculatum, and many others. These brushlands are dominated by woody species capable of reaching overstory size, but nearly all woody individuals are found in a shrubby state because intense fires are frequent enough to preclude them from reaching overstory size. Other barrens have been described to have scattered woody individuals of canopy size (White 1994a).
This community may also include stands described as "closed savanna" or "closed woodland" (Packard 1988, Swink and Wilhelm 1994). These stands experience low-intensity but moderately frequent fires that preclude the establishment of fire-sensitive tree saplings of species such as Acer saccharum, Tilia americana and Fagus grandifolia, but allow the establishment and growth to canopy size of moderately fire-tolerant tree saplings such as Quercus rubra and even Acer nigrum. Shrub cover is quite low in this subtype due to the high frequency of low-intensity fire. Fuel loads for fires in this community are provided by several cool-season sedges and grasses such as Carex rosea, Carex pensylvanica, Elymus villosus, and Elymus hystrix (Wilhelm 1991).
Macroclimate, as expressed in relative moisture stress levels, is hypothesized to play an important role in species composition variation from east to west in the Oak Woodlands region. Although an oak woodland in Minnesota and Michigan may have soils of the same water-holding capacity, plants in the Minnesota site will experience more drought stress due to macroclimate than the Michigan site. Thus, species that compete best in high-moisture stress situations will require a more open canopy to compete in an eastern oak woodland than they will in a western oak woodland of similar soil type. Conversely, species that compete best in lower moisture stress situations will require a more closed canopy to compete in a western oak woodland than they will in an eastern oak woodland. For example, Hamamelis virginiana, a species which competes well only under low moisture stress conditions, readily invades unburned woodland in Michigan, but is found only in more shaded ravine situations in Wisconsin (B. Pruka pers. obs.) and Minnesota (MNNHP 1993).
Quercus alba is the most common overstory tree in dry-mesic oak woodland (Bowles et al. 1994). Quercus rubra becomes important in more mesic soils where it can successfully compete with Quercus alba (Nowacki et al. 1990). Quercus rubra is a successful gap-colonizer species, and woodlands codominated by it are more likely to be located adjacent to nearby dry-mesic and mesic forests (Kline and Cottam 1979). The catastrophic nature of many woodland fires promotes the presence of woody invaders such as Populus tremuloides, Populus grandidentata, and Fraxinus americana (Kline and Cottam 1979, MNNHP 1993).
This community may include portions of stands also described as brushland (Grimm 1984, MNNHP 1993) or barrens (Bowles and McBride 1994, White 1994a). Shrub cover is usually high (30-50%) with some stands forming impenetrable thickets. Typical shrubs include Corylus americana and Cornus foemina. Throughout the range of the type, dominant herbs include Andropogon gerardii, Carex pensylvanica, Desmodium glutinosum, Geranium maculatum, and many others. These brushlands are dominated by woody species capable of reaching overstory size, but nearly all woody individuals are found in a shrubby state because intense fires are frequent enough to preclude them from reaching overstory size. Other barrens have been described to have scattered woody individuals of canopy size (White 1994a).
This community may also include stands described as "closed savanna" or "closed woodland" (Packard 1988, Swink and Wilhelm 1994). These stands experience low-intensity but moderately frequent fires that preclude the establishment of fire-sensitive tree saplings of species such as Acer saccharum, Tilia americana and Fagus grandifolia, but allow the establishment and growth to canopy size of moderately fire-tolerant tree saplings such as Quercus rubra and even Acer nigrum. Shrub cover is quite low in this subtype due to the high frequency of low-intensity fire. Fuel loads for fires in this community are provided by several cool-season sedges and grasses such as Carex rosea, Carex pensylvanica, Elymus villosus, and Elymus hystrix (Wilhelm 1991).
Macroclimate, as expressed in relative moisture stress levels, is hypothesized to play an important role in species composition variation from east to west in the Oak Woodlands region. Although an oak woodland in Minnesota and Michigan may have soils of the same water-holding capacity, plants in the Minnesota site will experience more drought stress due to macroclimate than the Michigan site. Thus, species that compete best in high-moisture stress situations will require a more open canopy to compete in an eastern oak woodland than they will in a western oak woodland of similar soil type. Conversely, species that compete best in lower moisture stress situations will require a more closed canopy to compete in a western oak woodland than they will in an eastern oak woodland. For example, Hamamelis virginiana, a species which competes well only under low moisture stress conditions, readily invades unburned woodland in Michigan, but is found only in more shaded ravine situations in Wisconsin (B. Pruka pers. obs.) and Minnesota (MNNHP 1993).
Quercus alba is the most common overstory tree in dry-mesic oak woodland (Bowles et al. 1994). Quercus rubra becomes important in more mesic soils where it can successfully compete with Quercus alba (Nowacki et al. 1990). Quercus rubra is a successful gap-colonizer species, and woodlands codominated by it are more likely to be located adjacent to nearby dry-mesic and mesic forests (Kline and Cottam 1979). The catastrophic nature of many woodland fires promotes the presence of woody invaders such as Populus tremuloides, Populus grandidentata, and Fraxinus americana (Kline and Cottam 1979, MNNHP 1993).
Dynamics: Occasional, but often intense, fire is the important natural disturbance which encourages woodland formation. Fires must be infrequent enough to allow tree species to occasionally reach tree size yet frequent enough to kill fire-tolerant tree saplings as well as prevent canopy closure. Because fires are rather infrequent, a large buildup of woody fuels occurs between fires. Woodland understories, shaded by heavier tree and shrub canopies, do not dry out during spring and fall as quickly as prairie and savanna (Stearns 1974) and so are not always dry enough to burn during these seasons. Additionally, these site are often topographically protected from fire by streams or lakes (Bowles et al. 1994). Yet when they do burn, woodlands often burn so intensely that many of the adult trees die, and woodland overstory canopy is temporarily reduced to that of a brushland or brushy oak savanna. With vigorous resprouting of oak grubs and an extended period before another catastrophic fire, these temporal brushlands can recover to a woodland overstory. Fires were intentionally set by Native Americans in the pre-European settlement era. This may have led to larger expanses of oak woodland than would have occurred without human presence, particularly in the eastern end of the oak woodland range where fire prevented the development of closed forests composed of shade-tolerant tree species (Grimm 1984).
Environmental Description: Stands occur on level to rolling topography on well-drained outwash plains and coarse-textured end moraines, as well as on moderately fire-protected slopes in the Driftless Area. The pH varies from 6.1-7.3. Soils are excessively to moderately well-drained (dry to dry-mesic). Textures range from loams to sandy loams, and include silt loams (loess-derived) close to bedrock in the Driftless Area. This community may develop on a slope of any aspect so long as the topography encourages infrequent but occasional fire. On shallow-to-bedrock slopes, a lower fire frequency is required to maintain oak woodland on south-facing slopes. This is because the combination of shallow soils and high evapotranspiration slows the rate of canopy closure by slowing the rate at which trees grow to canopy size. Soils range from coarse-grained sandy loams to fine-grained loams and silt loams. The effect of topography on the fire regime, rather than soil texture/water-holding capacity, plays the important dynamic role in forming and maintaining dry-mesic oak woodland structure (Grimm 1984, MNNHP 1993). More mesic soils favor increased presence of Quercus rubra.
Geographic Range: This white oak - bur oak woodland is found in the northern prairie-forest border of the midwestern United States, ranging from southeastern Minnesota and Wisconsin south to northeastern Iowa and northern Illinois, and possibly further east in the prairie peninsula.
Nations: US
States/Provinces: IA, IL, IN, MN, WI
Plot Analysis Summary:
Confidence Level: Moderate
Confidence Level Comments: No Data Available
Grank: G3G4
Greasons: No Data Available
Type | Name | Database Code | Classification Code |
Class | 1 Forest & Woodland Class | C01 | 1 |
Subclass | 1.B Temperate & Boreal Forest & Woodland Subclass | S15 | 1.B |
Formation | 1.B.2 Cool Temperate Forest & Woodland Formation | F008 | 1.B.2 |
Division | 1.B.2.Na Eastern North American Forest & Woodland Division | D008 | 1.B.2.Na |
Macrogroup | 1.B.2.Na.4 White Oak - Bur Oak - Shagbark Hickory Forest, Woodland & Savanna Macrogroup | M012 | 1.B.2.Na.4 |
Group | 1.B.2.Na.4.b North-Central Oak - Hickory Forest & Woodland Group | G649 | 1.B.2.Na.4.b |
Alliance | A3324 White Oak - Bur Oak - Swamp White Oak Woodland Alliance | A3324 | 1.B.2.Na.4.b |
Association | CEGL002142 White Oak - Bur Oak - Northern Red Oak / American Hazelnut Woodland | CEGL002142 | 1.B.2.Na.4.b |
Concept Lineage: No Data Available
Predecessors: No Data Available
Obsolete Names: No Data Available
Obsolete Parents: No Data Available
Synonomy: = Quercus alba - Quercus macrocarpa - Quercus rubra / Corylus americana Woodland (Faber-Langendoen 2001) [Southern Mesic Woodland White Oak-Bur Oak Subtype]
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