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CEGL000868 Pinus ponderosa / Quercus arizonica Woodland
Type Concept Sentence: No Data Available
Common (Translated Scientific) Name: Ponderosa Pine / Arizona White Oak Woodland
Colloquial Name: No Data Available
Hierarchy Level: Association
Type Concept: No Data Available
Diagnostic Characteristics: Quercus arizonica is well-represented (>5% canopy coverage). This is one of the warmest, driest Pinus ponderosa environments. Quercus gambelii, Quercus hypoleucoides, and Quercus emoryi are poorly represented or absent. Pseudotsuga menziesii, Abies concolor, Pinus strobiformis, and Juniperus scopulorum are absent or accidental.
Rationale for Nominal Species or Physiognomic Features: No Data Available
Classification Comments: Stuever and Hayden (1997a) identify two phases: the blue grama phase is drier than the typic phase, with a stronger expression of pinyon.
Similar NVC Types: No Data Available
note: No Data Available
Physiognomy and Structure: No Data Available
Floristics: No Data Available
Dynamics: No Data Available
Environmental Description: This pine woodland is found on a wide range of soils and parent materials. Elevation ranges from 1640 to 2360 m (5380-7750 feet).
Geographic Range: This association occurs south of the Mogollon Rim, in southwestern New Mexico and southern Arizona. It is more likely found in the Central Highlands, along the base of the Mogollon Rim and the Nantanes Plateau and is uncommon in the basin ranges and plateau regions of southern Arizona.
Nations: US
States/Provinces: AZ, NM?
Plot Analysis Summary:
Confidence Level: Low - Poorly Documented
Confidence Level Comments: No Data Available
Grank: G4
Greasons: No Data Available
Type | Name | Database Code | Classification Code |
Class | 1 Forest & Woodland Class | C01 | 1 |
Subclass | 1.B Temperate & Boreal Forest & Woodland Subclass | S15 | 1.B |
Formation | 1.B.1 Warm Temperate Forest & Woodland Formation | F018 | 1.B.1 |
Division | 1.B.1.Nd Madrean-Balconian Forest & Woodland Division | D060 | 1.B.1.Nd |
Macrogroup | 1.B.1.Nd.2 Chihuahuan Pine - Douglas-fir / Silverleaf Oak Madrean Montane Forest & Woodland Macrogroup | M011 | 1.B.1.Nd.2 |
Group | 1.B.1.Nd.2.a Apache Pine - Chihuahuan Pine - Arizona Pine Forest & Woodland Group | G203 | 1.B.1.Nd.2.a |
Alliance | A3112 Arizona Pine - Apache Pine - Chihuahuan Pine Woodland Alliance | A3112 | 1.B.1.Nd.2.a |
Association | CEGL000868 Ponderosa Pine / Arizona White Oak Woodland | CEGL000868 | 1.B.1.Nd.2.a |
Concept Lineage: No Data Available
Predecessors: No Data Available
Obsolete Names: No Data Available
Obsolete Parents: No Data Available
Synonomy: = Pinus ponderosa - Quercus arizonica - Ceanothus integerrimus Association (Warren and Treadwell 1980)
= Pinus ponderosa / Quercus arizonica (Stuever and Hayden 1997a)
= Pinus ponderosa / Quercus arizonica (Stuever and Hayden 1997a)
- Bourgeron, P. S., and L. D. Engelking, editors. 1994. A preliminary vegetation classification of the western United States. Unpublished report. The Nature Conservancy, Western Heritage Task Force, Boulder, CO. 175 pp. plus appendix.
- Muldavin, E. H., R. L. DeVelice, and F. Ronco, Jr. 1996. A classification of forest habitat types of southern Arizona and portions of the Colorado Plateau. General Technical Report RM-GTR-287. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Fort Collins, CO. 130 pp.
- Stuever, M. C., and J. S. Hayden. 1997a. Plant associations of Arizona and New Mexico, edition 3. Volume 1: Forests. USDA Forest Service, Southwestern Region. Habitat Typing Guides. 291 pp.
- USFS [U.S. Forest Service]. 1987b. Forest and woodland habitat types (plant associations) of Arizona south of the Mogollon Rim and southwestern New Mexico. USDA Forest Service, Southwestern Region, Albuquerque, NM. Second edition, 168 pp. plus insert.
- Warren, P. L., and B. D. Treadwell. 1980. Vegetation of the Three-Bar Wildlife Study Area, Mazatzal Mountains, Arizona. Unpublished report prepared for Arizona Game and Fish Department.
- Western Ecology Working Group of NatureServe. No date. International Ecological Classification Standard: International Vegetation Classification. Terrestrial Vegetation. NatureServe, Boulder, CO.