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CEGL002001 Nuphar polysepala Aquatic Vegetation
Type Concept Sentence: No Data Available
Common (Translated Scientific) Name: Rocky Mountain Pond-lily Aquatic Vegetation
Colloquial Name: No Data Available
Hierarchy Level: Association
Type Concept: This association is composed of floating aquatic vegetation. It occurs on permanently flooded ponds, lakes, deeper beaver ponds, and glacial kettle lakes, from sea level to 2410 m (7900 feet) in elevation. Soils are usually organic Histosols, on anoxic muck or peat. Water depths range from 40 to 200 cm (1.25-6.5 feet). Stands have been observed where water levels fluctuate seasonally, leaving Nuphar high and dry on exposed mudflats, especially in drought years. Stands can completely fill smaller ponds, or occurrences may be only as large as the water depth allows, and are part of a larger mosaic of other freshwater emergent marsh communities. Nuphar polysepala is often the only species present. Cover is continuous, intermittent, or open. Other aquatic and emergent herbs present may include Menyanthes spp., Potamogeton spp., Glyceria spp., Eleocharis spp., Carex spp., Equisetum spp., Typha spp., and Lemna spp. Many of these associates are in shallower, adjacent water.
Diagnostic Characteristics: No Data Available
Rationale for Nominal Species or Physiognomic Features: No Data Available
Classification Comments: This association is defined as a PNV vegetation type. Dorn (1984) states that Nuphar variegatum occurs in northwestern Montana, while Nuphar polysepala occurs in the west and south-central parts of the state. Specimens from Glacier National Park were not identified to subspecies. As both subspecies occurs in Montana, Glacier NP stands may represent the transition between western Nuphar polysepala and the northerly Nuphar variegata.
Similar NVC Types: No Data Available
note: No Data Available
Physiognomy and Structure: No Data Available
Floristics: This aquatic association is characterized by the dominance of Nuphar polysepala (= Nuphar lutea ssp. polysepala; = Nuphar polysepalum), which is the often the only species present. Cover is continuous, intermittent, or open. Other aquatic and emergent herbs present may include Menyanthes spp., Potamogeton spp., Glyceria spp., Eleocharis spp., Carex spp. Equisetum spp., Typha spp., and Lemna spp. Many of these associates are in shallower, adjacent water.
Dynamics: No Data Available
Environmental Description: This association is composed of floating aquatic vegetation. It occurs on permanently flooded ponds, lakes, deeper beaver ponds, and glacial kettle lakes, from sea level to 3140 m (10,300 feet) elevation. Soils are usually organic Histosols, on anoxic muck or peat. Water is 40 to 200 cm (1.25-6.5 feet) deep, although stands have been observed where water levels fluctuate seasonally, leaving Nuphar high and dry on exposed mudflats, especially in drought years. Stands can completely fill smaller ponds, or stands may be only as large as the water depth allows and are part of a larger mosaic of other freshwater emergent marsh communities.
Geographic Range: This association occurs throughout northern California, from the Central Valley into the Sierra-Nevada, in Oregon, on the western Olympic Peninsula and the northern lowlands of the Puget Trough of Washington, throughout eastern Washington, north into British Columbia, and in the mountains of northwestern Montana, Idaho, northwestern Wyoming, and northern Colorado.
Nations: CA,US
States/Provinces: BC, CA, CO, ID, MT, OR, WA, WY?
Plot Analysis Summary:
Confidence Level: Moderate
Confidence Level Comments: No Data Available
Grank: G5
Greasons: No Data Available
Type | Name | Database Code | Classification Code |
Class | 5 Aquatic Vegetation Class | C05 | 5 |
Subclass | 5.B Freshwater Aquatic Vegetation Subclass | S13 | 5.B |
Formation | 5.B.2 Temperate to Polar Freshwater Aquatic Vegetation Formation | F057 | 5.B.2 |
Division | 5.B.2.Na North American Freshwater Aquatic Vegetation Division | D049 | 5.B.2.Na |
Macrogroup | 5.B.2.Na.2 Rocky Mountain Pond-lily - Pacific Mosquito Fern - Western Waterweed Western North American Freshwater Aquatic Vegetation Macrogroup | M109 | 5.B.2.Na.2 |
Group | 5.B.2.Na.2.a Pond-lily species - Pondweed species - Duckweed species Freshwater Aquatic Vegetation Group | G544 | 5.B.2.Na.2.a |
Alliance | A3926 Rocky Mountain Pond-lily Western Aquatic Vegetation Alliance | A3926 | 5.B.2.Na.2.a |
Association | CEGL002001 Rocky Mountain Pond-lily Aquatic Vegetation | CEGL002001 | 5.B.2.Na.2.a |
Concept Lineage: No Data Available
Predecessors: No Data Available
Obsolete Names: No Data Available
Obsolete Parents: No Data Available
Synonomy: = Nuphar lutea ssp. polysepala (McCain and Christy 2005) [5 plots]
= Nuphar lutea ssp. polysepala Association (Crowe et al. 2004)
= Nuphar lutea ssp. polysepala Association (Christy 2004)
= Nuphar lutea ssp. polysepala Herbaceous Vegetation (Crawford et al. 2009)
= Nuphar lutea association (Stumpf et al. 2017)
= Nuphar polysepala association (Odion et al. 2013)
= Nuphar polysepala Aquatic Vegetation (DiPaolo et al. 2018)
= Nuphar polysepala Association (Kovalchik 1993) [(p.183)]
= Nuphar polysepala Herbaceous Vegetation (Copass and Ramm-Granberg 2016a)
= Nuphar polysepalum community type (Kunze 1994) [(p.23,80)]
= Pond Lily Herbaceous Vegetation (Nuphar lutea ssp. polysepala) (Christy et al. 1998) [(p.134)]
= Yellow pond-lily series (Sawyer and Keeler-Wolf 1995) [(p.90)]
= Nuphar lutea ssp. polysepala Association (Crowe et al. 2004)
= Nuphar lutea ssp. polysepala Association (Christy 2004)
= Nuphar lutea ssp. polysepala Herbaceous Vegetation (Crawford et al. 2009)
= Nuphar lutea association (Stumpf et al. 2017)
= Nuphar polysepala association (Odion et al. 2013)
= Nuphar polysepala Aquatic Vegetation (DiPaolo et al. 2018)
= Nuphar polysepala Association (Kovalchik 1993) [(p.183)]
= Nuphar polysepala Herbaceous Vegetation (Copass and Ramm-Granberg 2016a)
= Nuphar polysepalum community type (Kunze 1994) [(p.23,80)]
= Pond Lily Herbaceous Vegetation (Nuphar lutea ssp. polysepala) (Christy et al. 1998) [(p.134)]
= Yellow pond-lily series (Sawyer and Keeler-Wolf 1995) [(p.90)]
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