Print Report

CEGL001545 Artemisia tridentata / Sporobolus cryptandrus - Achnatherum hymenoides Shrub Grassland

Type Concept Sentence: No Data Available

Common (Translated Scientific) Name: Big Sagebrush / Sand Dropseed - Indian Ricegrass Shrub Grassland

Colloquial Name: No Data Available

Hierarchy Level:  Association

Type Concept: This association is known only from the upper Rio Puerco watershed in northwestern New Mexico where it occurs on alluvial flats with weakly developed, loamy to mixed shallow soils (Entisols) at an average elevation of 2135 m (7000 feet). Bare soil is extensive and total plant cover is low (21.8%). Although there is high species diversity, only seven species contributed to more than 80% of this cover. They are in order of percent cover: Sporobolus cryptandrus, Artemisia tridentata, Eriogonum spp., Sporobolus contractus, Achnatherum hymenoides, Asteraceae spp., and Machaeranthera pinnatifida. Canopy cover for Achnatherum hymenoides is very low (0.4%) and therefore probably should not be considered in the community type name.

Diagnostic Characteristics: No Data Available

Rationale for Nominal Species or Physiognomic Features: No Data Available

Classification Comments: No Data Available

Similar NVC Types: No Data Available
note: No Data Available

Physiognomy and Structure: No Data Available

Floristics: This is a poorly described association, with only one stand of data collected. It is a grassland association dominated by the perennial bunchgrass Sporobolus cryptandrus, which averages 13% cover. Several other species of perennial grass are present, including Achnatherum hymenoides (= Oryzopsis hymenoides) and Pascopyrum smithii. A very sparse shrub layer (4% cover) is present, composed of the evergreen shrub Artemisia tridentata and occasionally Ericameria nauseosa (= Chrysothamnus nauseosus). Forbs contribute little cover.

Dynamics:  No Data Available

Environmental Description:  This association occurs in a semi-arid basin of northwestern New Mexico, at about 2135 m (7000 feet) elevation. Annual precipitation is variable, ranging from 21 to 33 cm, with a peak during July through September. These summer rains are convectional, of short duration and high intensity. Summers are hot. This association is found on alluvial flats, with 0-2% slopes and fine-textured alluvial parent materials. Soils are Typic Torriorthents, calcareous soils with loamy, mixed textures. Soil depth is less than 25 cm, with little to no rock in the profile. Litter cover of the soil surface averages 17%.

Geographic Range: This association is known only from the upper Rio Puerco watershed in northwestern New Mexico.

Nations: US

States/Provinces:  NM

Confidence Level: Low

Confidence Level Comments: No Data Available

Grank: G2?

Greasons: No Data Available

Concept Lineage: No Data Available

Predecessors: No Data Available

Obsolete Names: No Data Available

Obsolete Parents: No Data Available

Synonomy: = Artemisia tridentata / Sporobolus cryptandrus - Oryzopsis hymenoides Plant Community (Francis 1986)

Concept Author(s): M.S. Reid

Author of Description: M.S. Reid

Acknowledgements: No Data Available

Version Date: 07-27-93

  • Bourgeron, P. S., and L. D. Engelking, editors. 1994. A preliminary vegetation classification of the western United States. Unpublished report. The Nature Conservancy, Western Heritage Task Force, Boulder, CO. 175 pp. plus appendix.
  • Francis, R. E. 1986. Phyto-edaphic communities of the Upper Rio Puerco Watershed, New Mexico. Research Paper RM-272. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Fort Collins, CO. 73 pp.
  • Western Ecology Working Group of NatureServe. No date. International Ecological Classification Standard: International Vegetation Classification. Terrestrial Vegetation. NatureServe, Boulder, CO.