Print Report

CEGL004797 Quercus palustris - Carya illinoinensis / Ilex decidua Floodplain Forest

Type Concept Sentence: No Data Available

Common (Translated Scientific) Name: Pin Oak - Pecan / Possum-haw Floodplain Forest

Colloquial Name: Pin Oak Floodplain Forest

Hierarchy Level:  Association

Type Concept: This association is described from the Verdigris and Neosho rivers in northeastern Oklahoma, where it occurs on moist to wet soils of bottomlands and floodplains. The canopy is characteristically dominated by Quercus palustris and Carya illinoinensis. A characteristic species of the subcanopy or tall-shrub layer is Ilex decidua. Other characteristic species include Ampelopsis cordata, Celtis laevigata, Cinna arundinacea, Crataegus viridis, Gleditsia triacanthos, Morus rubra, Packera glabella, and Ulmus rubra.

Diagnostic Characteristics: No Data Available

Rationale for Nominal Species or Physiognomic Features: No Data Available

Classification Comments: This type needs review in relation to other related types. The area of the overlap of the natural ranges of Quercus palustris and Carya illinoinensis is actually quite limited (primarily in eastern Oklahoma), so as described, this type would have a limited range, but that may be simply an artifact of the distributions of those nominal species.

Similar NVC Types: No Data Available
note: No Data Available

Physiognomy and Structure: No Data Available

Floristics: The canopy is characteristically dominated by Quercus palustris and Carya illinoinensis. A characteristic species of the subcanopy or tall-shrub layer is Ilex decidua. Other characteristic species include Ampelopsis cordata, Celtis laevigata, Cinna arundinacea, Crataegus viridis, Gleditsia triacanthos, Morus rubra, Packera glabella (= Senecio glabellus), and Ulmus rubra (Hoagland 2000).

Dynamics:  No Data Available

Environmental Description:  This association is described from the Verdigris and Neosho rivers in northeastern Oklahoma, where it occurs on moist to wet soils of bottomlands and floodplains.

Geographic Range: This association is described from the Verdigris and Neosho rivers in northeastern Oklahoma.

Nations: US

States/Provinces:  OK

Confidence Level: Low - Poorly Documented

Confidence Level Comments: No Data Available

Grank: GNR

Greasons: No Data Available

Concept Lineage: No Data Available

Predecessors: No Data Available

Obsolete Names: No Data Available

Obsolete Parents: No Data Available

Synonomy: No Data Available

Concept Author(s): B. Hoagland

Author of Description: B. Hoagland

Acknowledgements: No Data Available

Version Date: 11-26-97

  • Blair, W. F. 1938. Ecological relationships of the mammals of the Bird Creek region, northeastern Oklahoma. The American Midland Naturalist 20:473-526.
  • Hoagland, B. 2000. The vegetation of Oklahoma: A classification for landscape mapping and conservation planning. The Southwestern Naturalist 45(4):385-420.
  • Southeastern Ecology Working Group of NatureServe. No date. International Ecological Classification Standard: International Vegetation Classification. Terrestrial Vegetation. NatureServe, Durham, NC.