South Carolina Research Activities

The Cooperative Research Units Program conducts research related to fish, wildlife, and natural resource management. The programs offer Federal and State agencies access not only to unit scientists, but also to university expertise and facilities available at each of the 40 cooperating universities. Most research projects are carried out by graduate students participating with and/or under the direction of unit or other university scientists.
Research expertise at the SC Unit includes include ecology and conservation of aquatic, terrestrial, and marine wildlife, aquatic ecology, foraging ecology, functional ecology, conservation physiology, movement ecology, spatial ecology, and human-wildlife interactions.
Research Publications | Publication Date |
Zinsser, L., F. Sanders, and P. Jodice. Daily survival rate and habitat characteristics of nests of Wilson’s Plover. Southeastern Naturalist 16:149-156. | May 2017 |
Zaluski, S., L.M. Soanes, J.A. Bright, A. George, P.G.R. Jodice, K. Meyer, N. Woodfield-Pascoe, J.A. Green. 2019. Potential threats facing a globally important population of the magnificent frigatebird. Tropical Zoology 32: 188-201. /doi/full/10.1080/03946975.2019.1682352 | Download | December 2019 |
Young, S. P., and J. J. Isely. 2007. Diel behavior of adult striped bass using tailwater habitat as summer refuge. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 136:1104-1112. July 2007. | July 2007 |
Young, S. P., and J. J. Isely. 2006. Posttournament survival and dispersal of adult striped bass. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26:1030-1033. January 2007. | January 2007 |
Young, S. P., and J. J. Isely. 2004. Temporal and Spatial Estimates of Adult Striped Bass Mortality from Telemetry and Transmitter Return Data. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24:1112-1119. | August 2004 |
Young, S. P., and J. J. Isely. 2002. Striped Bass Annual Site Fidelity and Habitat Utilization in J. Strom Thurmond Reservoir, South Carolina-Georgia. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 131:828-837. | August 2002 |
Young S.P., T.B. Grabowski, P.C. Ely, and J.J. Isely. 2010. First record of highfin carpsucker Carpiodes velifer in the Apalachicola River, Florida. Southeastern Naturalist 9:165-170. | Abstract | Publisher Website | March 2010 |
Wood, J.M., A.K. Tegeler, and B.E. Ross. Vegetation management on private forestland can increase avian species richness and abundance. | August 2020 |
Winemiller KO, Keppeler FW, Bower LM, Cunha ER, Quintana Y, Saenz DE, Lopez‐Delgado EO, Bokhutlo T, Arantes CC, Andrade MC, Robertson CR, Mayes KB. Can spatial food web subsidies associated with river hydrology and lateral connectivity be detected using stable isotopes? Food Webs. 2023. | Abstract | March 2023 |
Wilkinson, B.P., and P.G.R. Jodice. Support for the fasting endurance hypothesis of partial migration in Brown Pelicans. 2023. Ecosphere 2023;14:e4365. | Abstract | Download |
February 2023 |
Wilkinson, B.P., and P.G.R. Jodice. 2022. Interannual colony exchange among breeding Eastern Brown Pelicans. J. Field Ornithology. 93(1) 5. | Download | April 2022 |
Wilkinson, B.P., Y.G. Satge, J.S. Lamb, P.G.R. Jodice. 2019. Tropical cyclones alter short-term activity patterns of coastal seabird. Movement Ecology 7:30. | Download | November 2019 |
Wilkinson, B.P., A.R. Robuck, R. Lohmannm, H.M., Packard, P.G.R. Jodice. 2022. Urban proximity while breeding is not a predictor of perfluoroalkyl substance contamination in the eggs of brown pelicans. Science of the Total Environment 803 (2022) 150110 | Download | September 2021 |
Wilkinson, B.P., A.M. Haynes-Sutton, L. Meggs, and P.G.R Jodice. 2020. High spatial fidelity among foraging trips of Masked Boobies from Pedro Bank, Jamaica. PLoOS ONE 15(4): e0231654. | Download | April 2020 |
Wickliffe, L.C.*, P.G.R. Jodice. 2010. Abundance of nearshore seabirds at shrimp trawlers in South Carolina. Marine Ornithology 38:31-39. | Publisher Website | October 2010 |
Walsh, M. G., K. A. Bjorgo, and J. J. Isely. 2000. Effects of implantation method and temperature on mortality and loss of simulated transmitters in hybrid striped bass. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 129:545-550. | March 2000 |
Vander Pol, S.S., D.W. Anderson, P.G.R. Jodice, and J.E. Stuckey. 2012. East versus west: organic contaminant differences in Brown Pelican eggs from South Carolina, USA and the Gulf of California, Mexico. Science and the Total Environment 438: 527-532 | Download | September 2012 |
Ureta, J. C., Ureta, J. U., Bower, L. M., Peoples B. K, & Motallebi, M. (2024). The value of improving freshwater ecosystem services: South Carolina residents’ willingness-to-pay for improved water quality. Journal of Ecological Economics. | Publisher Website | February 2024 |
Thibault, J.*, F. Sanders, P.G.R. Jodice. 2010. Parental attendance and brood success in American Oystercatchers. Waterbirds 33:511-517. | July 2010 |
Takahashi, F., F. Sanders, and P.G.R. Jodice. 2021. Spatial and Temporal Overlap between Foraging Shorebirds and Spawning Horseshoe Crabs (Limulus polyphemus) in the Cape Romain - Santee Delta Region of the U.S. Atlantic Coast. Wilson Journal of Ornithology. | Download | October 2021 |
Suryan, R. M., D. B. Irons, E. D. Brown, P. G. R. Jodice, and D. D. Roby. 2006. Site-specific effects on productivity of an upper trophic-level marine predator: Bottom-up, top-down, and mismatch effects on reproduction in a colonial seabird. Progress in Oceanography 68:303-328. | June 2006 |
Streker, R.A., J.S. Lamb, J. Dindo, and P.G.R. Jodice. 2021. Fine-scale weather patterns drive reproductive success in the Brown Pelican. Waterbirds 44:153-166. | Download | January 2022 |
Stoczynski, L., Scott, M. C., Bower, L., & Peoples, B. Effects of environment and metacommunity delineation on multiple dimensions of stream fish beta diversity. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 11, 182. | Abstract | March 2023 |
Sowers, A., S. P. Young, J. J. Isely, C. L. Browdy, and J. R. Tomasso, Jr. 2004. Nitrite toxicity of Litopenaeus vannamei in water containing low concentrations of sea salt and mixed salt. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 35:445-451. | October 2005 |
Sowers, A. D., D. M. Gatlin, S. P. Young, J. J. Isely, C. L. Browdy, and J. R. Tomasso. 2005. Responses of Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone) in water containing low concentrations of total dissolved solids. Aquaculture Research 36:819-823. | October 2005 |
Sofaer, HR, CS Jarnevich, EK Buchholtz, BS Cade, JT Abatzoglou, CL Aldridge, PJ Comer, D Manier, LE Parker, and JA Heinrichs. 2022. Potential cheatgrass abundance within lightly invaded areas of the Great Basin. Landscape Ecology 37, 2607–2618. | Abstract | Publisher Website | October 2022 |
Sciera, K. L., J. J. Isely, J. R. Tomasso, and S. J. Klaine. 2004. Influence of multiple water-quality characteristics on copper toxicity to fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23:2900-2905. | November 2005 |
Schindler, AR, DA Haukos, CA Hagen, and BE Ross. A multi-species approach to manage effects of land cover and weather on upland game birds. Ecology and Evolution. 10:14330-14345. | December 2020 |
Schindler, A.R., D.A. Haukos, C.A. Hagen, B.E. Ross. 2020. A decision-support tool to prioritize candidate landscapes for lesser prairie-chicken conservation. Landscape Ecology 35:1417-1434. | May 2020 |
Schaffler, J. J., and J. J. Isely. 2001. Retention of coded wire tags, maturation, and survival in meal worms (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Florida Journal of Entomology 84:454-456. | September 2001 |
Schaffler, J. J., J. J. Isely, and W. E. Hayes. 2002. Habitat Use byStriped Bass in Relation to Seasonal Changes in Water Quality in a Southern Reservoir. 2002. Transactions of the American FisheriesSociety 131:817-827. | September 2002 |
Satgé, Y.G., S. Janssen, E. Rupp, B. Patteson, C. Gaskin, P.G.R. Jodice. 2024. Mesopelagic diet as pathway of high mercury levels in body feathers of the endangered Diablotin Black-capped Petrel. Marine Ornithology 52:261-274. | Download | October 2024 |
Satgé, Y.G., E. Rupp, and P.G.R. Jodice. 2019. A preliminary report of ongoing research of the ecology of Black-capped Petrel (Pterodroma hasitata) in Sierra de Bahoruco, Dominican Republic – I: GPS tracking of breeding adults. Unpublished Report, South Carolina Cooperative Research Unit, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina, USA. | June 2019 |
Satgé, Y.G., E. Rupp, A. Brown, and P.G.R Jodice. 2020. Habitat modelling locates nesting areas of the Endangered Black-capped Petrel Pterodroma hasitata on Hispaniola and identifies habitat loss. Bird Conservation International 1-18. doi:10.1017/S0959270920000490 | Download |
November 2020 |
Satgé, Y.G., B. Keitt, C. Gaskin, P.G.R. Jodice. 2023. Spatial segregation between phenotypes of the diablotin black-capped petrel Pterodroma hasitata during the non-breeding period. Endangered Species Research. 51:183-201. doi: 10.3352/esr01254 | Download | July 2023 |
Sachs, E. B., and P. G. R Jodice. 2009. Behavior of parent and nestling brown pelicans during early chick rearing. Waterbirds 32:276-281 | July 2009 |
Ross, B.E., D.A. Haukos, and P.T. Walther. 2018. Quantifying changes and drivers of mottled duck density in Texas. Journal of Wildlife Management 82:374–382. | February 2018 |
Ross, B.E., D.A. Haukos, C. Hagen, and J. Pitman. 2018. Combining multiple sources of data to inform conservation of Lesser Prairie-Chicken populations. Auk 135:228-239. | April 2018 |
Ross, B.E., D. Sullins, and D. Haukos. Using an individual-based model to assess common biases in lek-based count data to estimate population trajectories of lesser prairie-chickens. | May 2019 |
Ross, B. E., D. Haukos, C. Hagen, and J. Pitman. 2016. The relative contribution of climate to changes in lesser prairie- chicken abundance. Ecosphere 7(6):e01323. doi: 10.1002/ecs2.1323 | June 2016 |
Rooney, B., Kays, R., Cove, M. V., Jensen, A., Goldstein, B. R., Pate, C., ... & Lesmeister, D. B. (2025). SNAPSHOT USA 2019–2023: The First Five Years of Data From a Coordinated Camera Trap Survey of the United States. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 34(1), e13941. | Abstract | January 2025 |
Rogan, J.E., M.R. Parker, Z.B. Hancock, A.D. Earl, E.K. Buchholtz, K. Chyn, J. Martina, & L.A. Fitzgerald (2023). Genetic and demographic consequences of range contraction patterns during biological annihilation. Scientific Reports 13, 1691. | Abstract | January 2023 |
Roche, M.D., D.J. Saher, E.K. Buchholtz, M.R. Crist, D.J. Shinneman, C.L. Aldridge, B.E. Brussee, P.S. Coates, C.L. Weise, J.A. Heinrichs. 2024. Ecological trade-offs associated with fuel breaks in the sagebrush ecosystem. Fire Ecology. 107. | Abstract | December 2024 |
Ramos, R., V.H. Paiva, Z. Zajkova, C. Precheur, A.I. Fagundes, P.G.R. Jodice, W. Mackin, V. Neves, F. Zino, V. Bretagnolle, J. Gonzalez-Solis. 2020. Spatial ecology of closely related taxa: the case of the little shearwater complex in the North Atlantic Ocean. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society XX 1-21. | Download | May 2020 |
Ramos, R., N. Carlile, J. Madeiros, I. Ramirez, V. Paiva, H. Dinis, F. Zino, M. Biscoito, G. Leal, L. Bugoni, P.G.R. Jodice, P.G. Ryan, J. Gonzalez-Solis. 2017. The time for oceanic seabirds: tracking year-round distribution of gadfly petrels across the Atlantic Ocean. Diversity and Distributions. | May 2017 |
Population distribution of green turtles at Palmyra Atoll, Central Pacific: Insights from mtDNA and dispersal modeling. 2013. Naro-Maciel E, Gaughran SJ, Putman NF, Amato G, Arengo F, Dutton PH, McFadden KW, Vintinner E, Sterling EJ. Journal of the Royal Society Interface | Abstract | Download | April 2014 |
Poli, C.L., A-L. Harrison, A. Vallarino, P.D. Gerard, Jodice, P.G.R. 2017. Dynamic oceanography predicts fine scale foraging behavior of Masked Boobies in the Gulf of Mexico. PLoS ONE 12(6): e0178318. | April 2017 |
Plumpton, H.M., S.G. Gilliland, and B.E. Ross. 2020. Geographic differences in the winter movements of the Atlantic population of Black Scoters. Submitted to Avian Conservation and Ecology. | August 2020 |
Peden-Adams, M. M., J. E. Stuckey, K. Gaworecki, J. Berger-Ritchie, K. Bryant?z P. G. R. Jodice, T. R. Scott, S. Boone, W. D. McGuinn, J. C. DeWitt, D. E. Keil. 2009. Developmental Toxicity of Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS) In White Leghorn Chickens Following In Ovo Exposure. Reproductive Toxicology 27:307-318 | April 2009 |
Paller, M.H., D.E. Fletcher, M.M. Standora, T.B. Grabowski, T.A. Jones, S.A. Dyer and J.J. Isely. 2006. Emigration of fish from two South Carolina cooling reservoirs. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26:976-982. | Abstract | Publisher Website | December 2006 |
Paller, M. H., D. E. Fletcher, T. A. Jones, S. A. Dyer, J. J. Isely, and J. W. Littrell. 2005. Potential of largemouth bass as vectors of 137Cs dispersal. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 80:27-43. | November 2005 |
Paller, M. F., D. E. Fletcher, M. M. Standora, T. B. Grabowski, T. Jones, S. A. Dyer and J. J. Isely. 2006. Emigration of fish from Two South Carolina Cooling Reservoirs. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26:976-982. January 2007. | January 2007 |
Paller, M. F., D. E. Fletcher, M. M. Standora, T. B. Grabowski, T. Jones, S. A. Dyer and J. J. Isely. 2006. Emigration of fish from Two South Carolina Cooling Reservoirs. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26:976-982. January 2007. | February 2007 |
Ottinger, M.A., T. Maness, J.K. Grace, R. Wilson, P.G.R. Jodice. 2019. Strategic Avian Monitoring Plan for the Gulf of Mexico: Avian Health Assessments. In Wilson et al. (eds.). Strategic Bird Monitoring Guidelines for the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Extension Research Bulletin 1228, Mississippi State University. | Download | January 2020 |
Ndu, U., J.S. Lamb, S. Janssen, R. Rossi, Y. Satgé, and P.G.R Jodice. 2020. Mercury, cadmium, copper, arsenic, and selenium measurements in the feathers of adult Eastern Brown Pelicans and chicks in multiple breeding grounds in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Environmental Research Letters 192, 286. | Download | April 2020 |
Michael, P.E., K.M Hixson, J.S. Gleason, J.C. Haney, Y.G. Satgé, P.G.R. Jodice. 2024. Black tern beyond the breeding grounds: temporal occurrence, relative density, and habitat associations in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 136:220-236. | Download | July 2024 |
Michael, P.E., K.M Hixson, J.S. Gleason, J.C. Haney, Y.G. Satgé, P.G.R. Jodice. 2023. Migration, breeding area, and seascape features shape seabird communities in the northern Gulf of Mexico. . PLoS ONE 18(6): e0287316. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0287316. | Download | June 2023 |
Michael, P.E., K.M Hixson, J.C. Haney, Y.G. Satgé, J.S. Gleason, P.G.R. Jodice. 2022. Seabird vulnerability to oil: exposure potential, sensitivity, and uncertainty in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Frontiers in Marine Science 9:880750. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.880750 | Download |
September 2022 |
Meehan, K.*, P.G.R. Jodice. 2010. Landscape scale correlates of fox squirrel (Sciurus niger) presence on golf courses in coastal South Carolina. Southeastern Naturalist 9:573-586. | October 2010 |
Madden, H., Y.G. Satgé, B.P. Wilkinson, P.G.R. Jodice. 2022. Foraging ecology of Red-billed Tropicbirds in the Caribbean during early chick-rearing revealed by GPS tracking. Marine Ornithology 50:165-175. | Download | November 2022 |
Madden, H., M. Leopold, F. Rivera-Milan, K. Verdel, E. Eggermont, P.G.R. Jodice. Reproductive success of Red-billed Tropicbirds on St. Eustatius, Caribbean Netherlands is affected by temporal and oceanographic factors, but not by factors at the nest site. Waterbids. | Download | December 2022 |
Lucas, J.S., S.C. Loeb, and P.G.R. Jodice. 2015 Roost selection by Rafinesque’s big-eared bats (Corynorhinus rafinesquii): a multi-scale approach. Acta Chiroptologica 17:131-141. | Abstract | July 2015 |
Loeb, S.C., P.G.R. Jodice. Activity of southeastern bats along sandstone cliffs used for rock climbing. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 9:255-265; e1944-687x. | January 2018 |
Lawson, A.J., P.G.R. Jodice, T.R. Rainwater, K.D. Dunham, M. Hart, J.W. Butfiloski, P.M. Wilkinson, K.W. McFadden, C.T. Moore. 2022. Hidden in plain sight: integrated population models to resolve partially observable latent population structure. Ecosphere 13(12):e4321 | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website | December 2022 |
Lawson, A.J., Clinton T. Moore, Thomas R. Rainwater, Frances M. Nilsen, Philip M. Wilkinson, Russell H. Lowers, Louis J. Guillette Jr., K.W. McFadden, and Patrick G.R. Jodice. 2020. Nonlinear patterns in mercury bioaccumulation in American alligators are a function of predicted age. Science of the Total Environment 707:135103. | Download | March 2020 |
Lamb, J.S., Y.G. Satgé, R.A. Streker, and P.G.R. Jodice. Ecological drivers of Brown Pelican movement patterns, health, and reproductive success in the Gulf of Mexico. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, New Orleans, LA. OCS Study BOEM-2020-036. 232 pp. | Download | July 2020 |
Lamb, J.S., Y.G. Satgé, P.G.R. Jodice. 2020. Seasonal variation in environmental and behavioral drivers of annual-cycle habitat selection in a nearshore seabird. Diversity and Distributions. | Download | December 2019 |
Lamb, J.S., Y.G. Satge, P.G.R. Jodice. 2017. Influence of density-dependent competition on foraging and migratory behavior of a subtropical colonial seabird. Ecology and Evolution 2017;00:1–13. | Publisher Website | July 2017 |
Lamb, J.S., Y.G. Satge, P.G.R. Jodice. 2017. Diet composition and provisioning rates of nestlings determine reproductive success in a subtropical seabird. Marine Ecology Progress Series 581:149-164. | September 2017 |
Lamb, J.S., Y.G. Satge, C.V. Fiorello, P.G.R. Jodice. 2016. Behavioral and reproductive effects of bird-borne data logger attachment on Brown Pelicans on three temporal scales. Journal of Ornithology. doi:10.1007/s10336-016-1418-3 | December 2016 |
Lamb, J.S., K.M. O’Reilly, P.G.R. Jodice. 2016. Physical condition and stress levels during early development reflect feeding rates and predict pre- and post-fledging survival in a nearshore seabird. Conservation Physiology 4 (1): cow060. doi: 10.1093/conphys/cow060 | December 2016 |
Lamb, J.S., D.J. Newstead, L.M. Koczur, B.M. Ballard, C.M. Green, P.G.R. Jodice. 2018. A bridge between oceans: Overland migration of marine birds in a wind energy corridor. Journal Avian Biology e01474 doi: 10.1111/jav.01474 | November 2017 |
Lamb, J.S., C.V. Fiorello, Y.G. Satge, K. Mills-Parker, M. Ziccardi, P.G.R. Jodice. 2018. Movement patterns of California brown pelicans following oiling and rehabilitation. Marine Pollution Bulletin 131:22-31 | April 2018 |
Kubicek, K. M., Britz, R., Pinion, A. K., Bower, L. M., & Conway, K. W. (2022). Three scleral ossicles in the West African Denticle herring Denticeps clupeoides (Clupeiformes: Denticipitidae). Journal of Fish Biology, 100(3), 852-855. | Abstract | February 2022 |
K. McFadden and S. Meiri. Dwarfism in Insular Carnivores: A Case Study of the Pygmy Raccoon. Journal of Zoology | January 2013 |
Jodice, P.G.R., and R.M. Suryan. 2010. The transboundary nature of seabird ecology. Pages 139-165In Landscape Scale Conservation Planning (R. Baldwin and S. Trembulak, eds.). Springer Verlag. | Abstract | December 2010 |
Jodice, P.G.R., R.A. Ronconi, E. Rupp, G.E. Wallace, Y. Satge. 2015. First satellite tracks of the endangered Black-capped Petrel. Endangered Species Research 29:23-33. doi: 10.3354/esr00697 | Abstract | Download | November 2015 |
Jodice, P.G.R., P.E. Michael, J.S. Gleason, J.C. Haney, Y.G. Satgé. 2021. Revising the marine range of the endangered black-capped petrel Pterodroma hasitata: Occurrence in the northern Gulf of Mexico and exposure to conservation threats. Endangered Species Research. | Abstract | Download |
September 2021 |
Jodice, P.G.R., L.C. Wickliffe*, E.B. Sachs*. 2011. Seabird use of discards from a nearshore shrimp fishery in the South Atlantic Bight, USA. Marine Biology 158:2289-2298. | Abstract | July 2011 |
Jodice, P.G.R., J.S. Lamb, Y.G. Satgé, C.R. Perkins. 2023. Spatial and individual factors mediate the tissue burden of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in adult and chick brown pelicans in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11:1185659. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2023.1185659. | Download | June 2023 |
Jodice, P.G.R., J.S. Lamb, Y.G. Satgé, C.E. Fiorello. 2022. Blood biochemistry and haematology of adult and chick Brown Pelicans in the northern Gulf of Mexico: Basleine health values and ecological relationships. Conservation Physiology 10(1): coac064; doi:10.1093/conphys/coac064 | Download | September 2022 |
Jodice, P.G.R., J. Thibault, S.A.Collins, M. Spinks, F.J. Sanders. 2014. Reproductive ecology of American Oystercatchers nesting on shell rakes. Condor 116:588-598. | Abstract | October 2014 |
Jodice, P.G.R., E.M. Adams, J.S. Lamb, Y. Satge, J. Gleason. 2019. Strategic Bird Monitoring Guidelines for the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Seabirds. Pages 133 – 172. In Wilson et al. (eds.). Strategic Bird Monitoring Guidelines for the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Extension Research Bulletin 1228, Mississippi State University.2019. | Download | March 2020 |
Jodice, P. G. R., T. M. Murphy, F. J. Sanders, L. Ferguson. 2007. Longterm Trends in Nest Counts of Colonial Nesting Seabirds in South Carolina, USA. Waterbirds 30:40-51 | February 2007 |
Jodice, P. G. R., D. M. Epeprson, and G. H. Visser. 2006. Daily energy expenditure in free-ranging gopher tortoises (Gopherus polyphmeus). Copeia 2006:129-136. | February 2006 |
Jodice, P. G. R., D. D. Roby, R. Suryan, D. B. Irons, K. R. Turco, E. D. Brown, J. F. Thedinga, and G. H. Visser. 2006. Increased energy expenditure by a seabird in response to higher food abundance. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 306:283-293. | January 2006 |
Jodice, P. G. R., D. D. Roby, R. Suryan, D. B. Irons, G. H. Visser, M. Kaufmann, and K. R. Turco. 2003. Variation in energy expenditure among black-legged kittiwakes: effects of activity-specific metabolic rates and activity budgets. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 76:375-388. | August 2003 |
Jodice, P. G. R., D. D. Roby, K. R. Turco, R. M. Suryan, D. B. Irons, J. F. Piatt, M. T. Shultz, D. G. Roseneau, A. B. Kettle. 2008. Growth rates of Black- legged Kittiwake chicks in relation to delivery rate, size and energy density of meals. Marine Ornithology 36:107-114 | Publisher Website | October 2008 |
Jodice, P. G. R., D. D. Roby, K. R. Turco, R. M. Suryan, D. B. Irons, J. F. Piatt, M. T. Shultz, D. G. Roseneau, A. B. Kettle, and J. A. Anthony. 2006. Assessing the nutritional stress hypothesis: the relative influence of diet quantity and quality on seabird productivity. Marine Ecology Progress Series 325:267-279. | November 2006 |
Jodice, P. G. R., D. D. Roby, D. Lyons, S. K. Nelson, S. Wright, M. Antollos, C. Anderson, S. Anderson, A. Gall, D. Rizzolo. 2003. Book review: Biology of Marine Birds. Auk 121:240-245. | May 2003 |
Isely, J.J., D.G. Trested and T.B. Grabowski. 2004. Tag retention and survivorship of hatchery rainbow trout marked with large format VIalpha tags. North American Journal of Aquaculture 66:73-74. | Abstract | Publisher Website | December 2004 |
Isely, J.J. and T.B. Grabowski. 2004. Occurrence, size, and tag retention of sneaker male hatchery rainbow trout. North American Journal of Aquaculture 66:234-236. | Abstract | Publisher Website | December 2004 |
Isely, J. J., and T. B. Grabowski. 2007. Age and growth. In M. L. Brown and C. S. Guy, editors. Analysis and interpretation of freshwater fisheries data. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. | October 2007 |
Isely, J. J., and T. B. Grabowski. 2003. Occurrence, size, and tag retention of sneaker male hatchery rainbow trout. North American Journal of Aquaculture. | February 2004 |
Isely, J. J., and P. E. Stockett. 2001. Tag retention, growth and survival of red swamp crayfish marked with a visible implant tag. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 21:422-424. | July 2001 |
Isely, J. J., and C. Kempton. 2000. Influence of co-stocking on growth of young-of-year brook trout and rainbow trout. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 129:613-617. | January 2000 |
Isely, J. J., Young, S. P., T. A. Jones, and J. J. Schaffler. 2002. Effect of antibiotics and antenna placement on loss of simulated transmitters and mortality in hybrid striped bass. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 22:204-207. | January 2002 |
Isely, J. J., D. G. Trested, and T. B. Grabowsky. 2003. Tag retention and Survival of hatchery rainbow trout marked with large format VIalpha tags. North American Journal of Aquaculture | August 2004 |
Isely J.J. and T.B. Grabowski. 2007. Age and growth. Pages 187-228 in ML Brown & CS Guy, eds. Analysis and interpretation of freshwater fisheries data. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. | Abstract | Publisher Website | December 2007 |
Haney, J.C., P.G.R. Jodice, W.A. Montevecchi, D.C. Evers. 2017. Challenges to oil spill assessment for seabirds in the deep ocean. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. doi:10.1007/s00244-016-0355-8 | July 2017 |
Hand, C.*, F. Sanders, P.G.R. Jodice. 2010. Foraging proficiency during the nonbreeding season in a specialized forager: Are juvenile American Oystercatchers (Haematopus palliatus) 'bumble-beaks'* compared to adults? Condor 112:670-675. | October 2010 |
Hackney, A., R. Baldwin, P.G.R. Jodice. 2013. Mapping risk for nest predation on a barrier island. Journal of Coastal Conservation. DOI 10.1007/s11852-013-0260-5. Journal of Coastal Conservation. | September 2013 |
Grady, J. T., Bower, L. M., Gienger, C. M., & Blanton, R. E. (2022). Fish scale shape follows predictable patterns of variation based on water column position, body size, and phylogeny. Evolutionary Ecology, 36(1), 93-116. | Abstract | January 2022 |
Grabowski, T.B., J.J. Isely, and R.R. Weller. 2004. Age and growth of flathead catfish, Pylodictis olivaris Rafinesque, in the Altamaha River, Georgia. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 19:411-417 | Abstract | December 2004 |
Grabowski, T.B. and J.J. Isely. 2007. Spatial and temporal segregation of spawning habitat by catostomids in the Savannah River, Georgia and South Carolina, U.S.A. Journal of Fish Biology 70:782-798. | Abstract | Publisher Website | December 2007 |
Grabowski, T.B. and J.J. Isely. 2006. Seasonal and diel movement and habitat use of robust redhorses in the Savannah River, Georgia and South Carolina. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 135:1145-1155. | Abstract | Publisher Website | December 2006 |
Grabowski, T. G., and J. J. Isely. 2007. Effects of flow fluctuations on the spawning habitat of a riverine fish. Southeastern Naturalist 6:471-478 | November 2007 |
Grabowski, T. B., and J. J. Isely. 2008. Spawning population size, residence time, and territory shifts of individuals in the spawning aggregation of a riverine catostomid. Southeastern Naturalist (in press). | September 2008 |
Grabowski, T. B., and J. J. Isely. 2007. Spatial and temporal segregation of spawning habitat by catostomids in the Savannah River, Georgia and South Carolina, U. S. A. Journal of Fish Biology 70:1?17. January 2007. | January 2007 |
Grabowski, T. B., and J. J. Isely. 2005. Use of prepositioned grid electrofishers for the collection of robust redhorse broodstock. North American Journal of Aquaculture 67: 89-92. | September 2005 |
Grabowski, T. B., J. J. Isely, J. J., and R. Weller. 2004. Age and growth of flathead catfish in the Altamaha River, Georgia. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. (M03-179) | September 2004 |
Grabowski TB & JJ Isely. 2005. Use of prepositioned grid electrofishers for the collection of robust redhorse broodstock. North American Journal of Aquaculture 67:89-92 | Abstract | Publisher Website | December 2005 |
Grabowski T.B., and J.J. Isely. 2007. Effects of flow fluctuations on riverine fish spawning habitat. Southeastern Naturalist 6:471-478. | Abstract | Publisher Website | July 2007 |
Grabowski T.B., N.L. Ratterman and J.J. Isely. 2008. Demographics of the spawning aggregations of four catostomid species in the Savannah River, South Carolina and Georgia. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 17:318-327. | Abstract | Publisher Website | June 2008 |
Grabowski T.B. and J.J. Isely. 2008. Size of spawning population, residence time, and territory shifts of individuals in the spawning aggregation of a riverine catostomid. Southeastern Naturalist 7:475-482. | Abstract | Publisher Website | July 2008 |
Giles, M.M., P.G.R. Jodice, R.F. Baldwin, J. Stanton, M. Epstein. 2013. Spring migratory pathways and migration chronology of Canada Geese wintering at the Santee NWR. Canadian Field Naturalist 127: 17-25. | July 2013 |
Gallman, E. A., J. J. Isely, J. R. Tomasso, and T. I. J. Smith. 1999. Short-term physiological responses of wild and hatchery-produced red drum during angling. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 19:833-836. | November 1999 |
Friebel, B. A., P. G. R. Jodice. 2009. Home range and habitat use of wild hogs in the Congaree National Park, South Carolina. Human-Wildlife Conflicts 3:49-63 | January 2009 |
Fontenot, Q. C., J. J. Isely, and J. R. Tomasso. 1999. Characterization and inhibition of nitrite uptake in shortnose sturgeon fingerlings. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 11:76-80. | November 1999 |
Fiorello, C., P.G.R. Jodice, J.S. Lamb, Y.G. Satge, K. Mills, M. Zicardi. 2021. Post-release survival of California Brown Pelicans following oiling and rehabilitation after the Refugio oil spill. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57(3). DOI: 10.7589/JWD-D-20-00171 | Download | April 2021 |
Finney, S. T., J. J. Isely and D. W. Cooke. 2006. Upstream migration of two pre-spawning shortnose sturgeon passed upstream of Pineopolis Dam, Cooper River, South Carolina. Southeastern Naturalist 5:369-375. | April 2006 |
Ferguson, L.M., Y. Satge, J. Tavano, and P.G.R. Jodice. 2018. Seabird colony registry and atlas for the Southeastern U.S. Final Report for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. South Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Clemson, SC. | June 2018 |
Ferguson, L.M.*, T.M. Norton, A. Dipl, C. Cray, M. Olivia, P.G.R. Jodice. 2014. Health assessments of brown pelican nestlings from colonies in South Carolina and Georgia. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 45:835-845. | Abstract | July 2014 |
Ferguson, L. M., P. G. R. Jodice, W. Post, F. I. Sanders. 2005. Reddish Egret extends its breeding range on the North American Atlantic Coast. Waterbirds 28:525-526. | December 2005 |
Fallon, J.A., E.P. Smith. N. Shoch, J.D. Paruk, E.A. Adams, D.C. Evers, P.G.R. Jodice, W.A. Hopkins. 2020. Ultraviolet-assisted oiling assessment improves detection of oiled birds experiencing clinical signs of hemolytic anemia exposed to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Ecotoxicology. | Download | August 2020 |
Fallon, J.A., E.P. Smith. N. Shoch, J.D. Paruk, E.A. Adams, D.C. Evers, P.G.R. Jodice, C. Perkins, S. Shulte, W.A. Hopkins. 2017. Hematological indices of physiological injury to lightly oiled birds from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. | October 2017 |
Eversole, A. G., W. D. Anderson, and J. Jeffery Isely. 2008. Age and growth of the knobbed whelk Busycon carica (Gmelin 1791) in South Carolina Subtidal Waters. Journal of Shellfish Research 24:423-426. | September 2008 |
Ely, P., Young, S. P., and J. J. Isely. 2008. Population size and relative abundance of Alabama shad reaching Jim Woodruff Lock and Dam, Apalachicola River, Florida. North American Journal of Fisheries Management | September 2008 |
Eggert, L.M.F. *, P.G.R. Jodice, K.M. O’Reilly. 2009. Stress response of Brown Pelican nestlings to ectoparasite infestation. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 166: 33-38. | June 2009 |
Eggert, L. M. F., P. G. R. Jodice. 2008. Growth of Brown Pelican nestlings exposed to sublethal levels of soft tick infestation. Condor 1104:134-142. | February 2008 |
Eddy, M. C., Lord, B., Perrot, D., Bower, L. M., & Peoples, B. K. (2022). Predictability of flow metrics calculated using a distributed hydrologic model across ecoregions and stream classes: Implications for developing flow–ecology relationships. Ecohydrology, 15(2), e2387. | Abstract | March 2022 |
E. Sterling, K. McFadden, K. Holmes, E. B. Vintinner, F. Arengo, E. Naro-Maciel. Accepted. Ecology and Conservation of Marine Turtles in a Central Pacific Foraging Ground. Chelonian Conservation and Biology | January 2013 |
Duncan, M. M., J. J. Isely, and D. W. Cooke. 2004. Evaluation of Shortnose Sturgeon Spawning in the Pinopolis Dam Tailrace, South Carolina. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. (M03-131) | August 2004 |
Duncan, M. M., J. J. Isely, and D. W. Cooke. 2004. Evaluation of Shortnose Sturgeon Spawning in the Pinopolis Dam Tailrace, South Carolina. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24:932-938. | November 2004 |
Dertien, J., S. Self, R. Baldwin, B. Ross, and K. Barrett. 2020. Spatial variability of biodiversity and wetland density in the conterminous United States. PLoS ONE 15:e0232052. | May 2020 |
Danielson-Oweczynsky, H., H. Madden, P.G.R. Jodice. In prep. Filial infanticide by egg destruction in Red-billed Tropicbirds on the Caribbean Island of Sint Eustatius. Marine Ornithology 51:261-264. | Download | October 2023 |
Cooke, D. W., S. D. Leach, and J. J. Isely. 2002. Behavior and Lackof Upstream Passage of Shortnose Sturgeon at a Hydroelectric Facility/Navigation Lock Complex. American Fisheries Society Symposium 28:183-192. | June 2002 |
Collins, S.A., F.J. Sanders, and P.G.R. Jodice. Assessing conservation tools for an at-risk shorebird: Feasibility of headstarting for American Oystercatchers. Bird Conservation International 26:451-465. | April 2016 |
Clark, BC, et al. Global assessment of plastic encounter risk for marine birds. Nature. | Download | July 2023 |
Carlson-Bremer, D., T.M. Norton, F.J. Sanders, B. Winn, M. Spinks, B.A. Glatt, L. Mazzaro, P.G.R. Jodice, T. Chen, E.S. Dierenfeld. 2014. Circulating fat-soluble vitamin concentrations and nutrient composition of aquatic prey eaten by American Oystercatchers in the southeastern United States. Submitted Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 28:216-224 | Abstract | April 2014 |
Buchholtz, E.K., M. McDaniels, G. McCulloch, A. Songhurst, and A. Stronza (2023). A mixed-methods assessment of human-elephant conflict in the Western Okavango Panhandle, Botswana. People and Nature. | Abstract | February 2023 |
Buchholtz, E.K., J. Kreitler, D. Shinneman, M. Crist, & J. Heinrichs (2023). Assessing large landscape patterns of potential fire connectivity using circuit methods. Landscape Ecology. | Abstract | April 2023 |
Buchholtz, E.K., J. Heinrichs, & M. Crist (2023). Landscape and connectivity metrics as a spatial tool to support invasive annual grass management decisions. Biological Invasions. | Abstract | Publisher Website | January 2023 |
Buchholtz, E. K., O’Donnell, M. S., Heinrichs, J. A., & Aldridge, C. L. (2023). Temporal Patterns of Structural Sagebrush Connectivity from 1985 to 2020. Land, 12(6), 1176. | Abstract | June 2023 |
Buchholtz E. People in a biodiverse region experienced varying types and timing of conflict with multiple wildlife species. Tropical Conservation Science. 2024;17. doi:10.1177/19400829241233479 | April 2024 |
Brooks, G.L., F.J. Sanders, P.D. Gerard, P.G.R. Jodice. 2013. Predation and flooding reduce nesting success of Least Terns at natural nest sites in South Carolina. Waterbirds 36:1-10. | Download | January 2013 |
Brooks, G.L.*, F.J. Sanders, P.D. Gerard, and P.G.R. Jodice. Daily survival rates for nests of Black Skimmers from a core breeding area of the Southeastern USA. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 126:443-450. | Abstract | Download | July 2014 |
Bower, L. M., Stoczynski, L., Peoples, B. K., Patrick, C. J., & Brown, B. L. (2023). Multiple dimensions of functional diversity affect stream fish taxonomic β‐diversity. Freshwater Biology, 68(3), 437-451. | Abstract | March 2023 |
Bower, L. M., Peoples, B. K., Eddy, M. C., & Scott, M. C. (2022). Quantifying flow–ecology relationships across flow regime class and ecoregions in South Carolina. Science of The Total Environment, 149721. | Download | Publisher Website | January 2022 |
Bower, L. M., Marion, C. A., Scott, M., Kubach, K., and Gelder, A. Fish assemblage and functional trait responses to the removal of two dams on a southeastern river. Freshwater Biology. 2024. | Abstract | April 2024 |
Bower, L. M., & Peoples, B. K. (2022). Microhabitat use of larval fish in a South Carolina Piedmont stream. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 37(1), 583-596. | Abstract | November 2022 |
Bodinof Jachowski, C.M., B.E. Ross, and W.A. Hopkins. Evaluating artificial shelter arrays as a minimally invasive monitoring tool for the hellbender, Cryptobranchus alleganiensis. Endangered Species Research. | February 2020 |
Bielmyer, G. K., D. M. Gatlin, J. J. Isely, J. R. Tomasso and S. J. Klaine. 2005. Responses of hybrid striped bass to waterborne and dietary copper in freshwater and saltwater. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 140C:131-137. | October 2005 |
Bettinger, J. M., J. R. Tomasso, and J. J. Isely. 2005. Hooking mortality and physiological responses of striped bass angled in freshwater and held in live-release tubes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 25:1273-1280. | September 2005 |
Bailey, M. M., J. J. Isely, and W. E. Bridges. 2003. Population size and movement of American shad through a low head lock and dam. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. | January 2004 |
Atwood, H. L., Q. C. Fontenot, J. R. Tomasso, and J. J. Isely. 2001. Toxicity of nitrite to Nile tilapia: effect of fish size and environmental chloride. North American Journal of Aquaculture 63:49-51. | March 2001 |
Alves, F., N. Queiroz, P.G.R. Jodice. 2023. Ecological and behavioral traits of apex predators in oceanic insular ecosystems - Advances and challenges in research and conservation. Frontiers in Marine Science. 10.1252360. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1252360 | Download | July 2023 |
. McFadden, K., A. Gomez, E. Sterling and E.Naro-Maciel. 2014. Potential Impacts of Historical Disturbance on Green Turtle Health in the Unique & Protected Marine Ecosystem of Palmyra Atoll (Central Pacific). Marine Pollution Bulletin 89:160-167 | October 2014 |
Presentations | Presentation Date |
Young, S. P., and J. J. Isely. 2004. Estimating mortality in fish telemetry studies. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Madison, WI. | August 2004 |
Young, S. P., J. J. Isely, and W. Bales. May 2000. Habitat utilization by striped bass in J. Strom Thurmond reservoir. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Animal Care Technicians. Savannah, GA. | May 2000 |
Young, S. P., J. J. Isely, and W. Bales. February 2000. Habitat utilization by striped bass in J. Strom Thurmond reservoir during the summer. Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Midyear Meeting. Savannah, GA. | February 2000 |
Young, S. P., J. J. Isely, and W. Bales. February 2000. Habitat utilization by striped bass in J. Strom Thurmond reservoir during the summer. South Carolina Fisheries Workers Association Annual Meeting. Clemson, SC. | February 2000 |
Young, S. P., J. J. Isely, and W. Bales. 2001. Habitat utilization and distribution of striped bass in J. Strom Thurmond Reservoir. Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Midyear Meeting. Jacksonville, FL. | March 2001 |
Young, S. P., J. J. Isely, and W. Bales. 2001. Habitat utilization and distribution of striped bass in J. Strom Thurmond Reservoir. Annual Meeting of the North Carolina and South Carolina Chapters of the American Fisheries Society. Sea Trails, NC. | February 2001 |
Wrege, B.M., P. C. Ely, and J. J. Isely. 2008. Acoustic tracking and passage of anadromous fish at Jim Woodruff Dam, Florida, USA. International Symposium on Advances in Fish Tagging and Marking Technology. Auckland, New Zealand. | September 2008 |
Wood, J.M., A.K. Tegeler, and B.E. Ross. July 2018. The effects of US Farm Bill cost-share conservation practices and private lands management on avian communities in South Carolina, USA. North American Congress for Conservation Biology. Toronto, Ontario, CA. | July 2018 |
Wood, J.M., A.K. Tegeler, B.E. Ross. September 2017. Quantifying the effects of Farm Bill cost-share conservation practices on avian species on private lands in South Carolina. 24th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society. Albuquerque, New Mexico. | September 2017 |
Wilkinson, B.P., and Jodice, P.G.R. 2019. Expansion of Brown Pelican diet associated with shrimp trawling effort in South Carolina. 43rd Annual Conference of the Waterbird Society, Salisbury, Maryland. | November 2019 |
Wilkinson, B.P., A.R. Robuck, R. Lohmann, H. Pickard, P.G.R. Jodice. 2020. Perfluoroalkyl substances in the eggs of brown pelicans from South Carolina. Annual Conference of the Waterbird Society (virtual). | November 2020 |
Wilkinson, B.P.*, Y. Satge^, J. Lamb*, P.G.R. Jodice. 2018. Behavioral responses of eastern brown pelicans to the passage of Hurricane Irma along the Atlantic coast. 2018. Pacific Seabird Group Annual Meeting, La Paz, Baja, Mexico. | February 2018 |
Wilkinson, B., and P.G.R. Jodice. 2021. Brown pelicans as a model of partial migration in nearshore seabirds. 3rd World Seabird Conference, Hobart, Australia. | October 2021 |
Wickliffe, L.C.*, E.B. Sachs*, P.G.R. Jodice. 2009. Fisheries discards as food for seabirds: fast food, junk food, or health food? Pacific Seabird Group Annual Meeting, Hakodate, Japan | February 2009 |
Wickliffe, L., and P.G.R. Jodice. 2008 Seabird use of bycatch from shrimp trawlers. Southeastern Seabird Working Group Annual Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina | March 2008 |
Wheeler J; Adam Brown; James Goetz; Anderson Jean; Patrick Jodice; Matthew McKown; Ernst Rupp; George Wallace. 2015. Advances in Scientific Understanding and Conservation of the Black-capped Petrel. World Seabird Conference, Capetown South Africa. | October 2015 |
Wakefield, E.D., and 50 authors including P.G.R. Jodice. 2012. A newly described seabird diversity hotspot in the deep northwest Atlantic identified using individual movement data. Pacific Seabird Group Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii. | February 2012 |
Vander Pol, S.S., D.W. Anderson, P.G.R. Jodice, J.E. Stuckey. 2009. East versus west: contaminant differences in Brown Pelican eggs from Gulf of California and South Carolina, USA. Carolina Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Charleston, South Carolina. | February 2009 |
UPDATE ON THE BIOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ARCHIVAL OF SEA TURTLE TISSUES (BEMAST) PROJECT: SAMPLE ARCHIVE AND CONTAMINANT ANALYSIS Jennifer M. Keller 1 George H. Balazs 2 Marc R. Rice 4 Thierry M. Work 5 Eleanor Sterling 6 Felicity Arengo 6 Kate McFadden 7 Frannie Nilsen3 Brenda Jensen 3 Rebecca S. Pugh 1 Paul R. Becker 1 | April 2014 |
Trested, D. G., J. J. Isely, and R. S. Bakal. 2003. A behavioral comparison of wild and hatchery-reared adult shortnose sturgeon on the Savannah River: preliminary results. South Carolina Chapter of the American Fisheries Society annual Meeting. McCormick, SC. | March 2003 |
Trested, D. G., J. J. Isely, and R. S. Bakal. 2003. A behavioral comparison of wild and hatchery-reared adult shortnose sturgeon on the Savannah River: preliminary results. Georgia Chapter of the American Fisheries Society annual Meeting. Rome, GA. | February 2003 |
Trested, D. G., J. J. Isely, and R. S. Bakal. 2002. A behavioral comparison of wild and hatchery-reared adult shortnose sturgeon on the Savannah River: preliminary results. Georgia Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Augusta, GA. | February 2002 |
Trested, D. G., J. J. Isely, and R. S. Bakal. 2002. A behavioral comparison of wild and hatchery-reared adult shortnose sturgeon on the Savannah River: preliminary results. Annual Midyear Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society. Little Rock, AR. | August 2002 |
Trested, D. G., J. J. Isely, and R. S. Bakal. 2002. A behavioral comparison of wild and hatchery-reared adult shortnose sturgeon on the Savannah River: preliminary results. Annual Meeting of the South Carolina Fisheries Association. Isle of Palms, SC. | January 2002 |
Trested, D. G., J. J. Isely, and R. S. Bakal. 2002. A behavioral comparison of wild and hatchery-reared adult shortnose sturgeon on the Savannah River: preliminary results. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Baltimore, MD. | August 2002 |
Tobias, T.N. and E.K. Buchholtz. 2025. The Impact of a Racialized Land-Use Legacy on Herpetofauna Communities in Coastal South Carolina. Southeastern Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation 2025 Annual Meeting, Guntersville, AL, 13 - 16 March 2025. | March 2025 |
Tobias, T.N. and E.K. Buchholtz. 2025. Integrating Critical Ecologies and Black Ecological Knowledge with Physical Ecology to Understand Land-Use Legacies. 2025 Annual Meeting of the North American Regional Chapter of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, Raleigh NC, 13 - 17 April 2025. | April 2025 |
Tobias, T.N. and E.K. Buchholtz. 2025. Environmental Drivers and Species-Habitat Relationships of Herpetofauna Communities in Coastal South Carolina Historic Rice Fields. South Carolina Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Annual Meeting, Chester, SC, 7 - 8 February 2025. | February 2025 |
Tobias, T.N. and E.K. Buchholtz. 2023. Using herpetofauna to understand land-use impacts on ecological communities in SC historic rice fields. Clemson University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Graduate Research Symposium, Georgetown, SC, 16 - 17 October 2023. | October 2023 |
Thompson, H.L., P.G.R. Jodice, A.E. Lacy. 2016. A day in the life of a Whooping Crane: habitat use and movements on the wintering grounds. North American Ornithological Conference, Washington, DC | August 2016 |
Thompson, H.L., A.E. Lacey, P.G.R. Jodice. 2015. Non-breeding habitat use of reintroduced Whooping Cranes (Grus americana) in the southeastern United States. Waterbird Society Annual Meeting, Bar Harbor, Maine. | August 2015 |
Thistle, M.R., Dozier, J., McAlister, M.A., and B.E. Ross. 2020. Habitat selection and breeding ecology of Bachman’s Sparrow in a wiregrass-free ecosystem. The Wildlife Society Conference, Louisville, Kentucky. Poster | September 2020 |
Thistle, M.R., Dozier, J., McAlister, M.A., and B.E. Ross. 2020. Habitat selection and breeding ecology of Bachman’s Sparrow in a wiregrass-free ecosystem. North American Ornithological Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico. | August 2020 |
Thibault, J., P.G.R. Jodice. 2006. Reproductive success of American Oystercatchers in South Carolina: Sources, sinks and traps. American Oystercatcher Working Group, Cedar Key, FL. | December 2006 |
Thibault, J., F. Sanders, P.G.R. Jodice. 2008. Reproductive success of American Oystercatchers in the southeast: evidence of an ecological trap? Society for Conservation Biology Annual Meeting, Chattanooga, Tennessee | July 2008 |
Thibault, J., C. Hand, P.G.R. Jodice. 2007. American Oystercatcher breeding and feeding: nesting success and foraging ecology in South Carolina. Shorebird conservation workshop, Huntington Beach State Park, SC | August 2007 |
Takahashi, F., P.G.R. Jodice, F. Sanders. 2016. Shorebird utilization of horseshoe crab eggs at Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge, South Carolina. The Wildlife Society, Durham, North Carolina. [Poster] | October 2016 |
Takahashi, F.*, P.G.R. Jodice, F. Sanders. 2016. Shorebird utilization of horseshoe crab eggs at Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge, South Carolina. The Waterbird Society, New Bern, North Carolina. | September 2016 |
Suthar, A.R., M.A. McAlister, J. Dozier, J.A. Elmore, E.K. Buchholtz, T.H. Folk, A.R. Pierce, and J.T. Anderson. 2024. Factors Affecting Waterbird Use of Antebellum Rice Fields of Coastal South Carolina: A Case Study from Yawkey Wildlife Center. Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Conference (SEAFWA), Augusta, GA, 12 - 16 October 2024. | October 2024 |
Suthar, A.R., M.A. McAlister, B.A. Bauer, T.H. Folk, J. Dozier, J.A. Elmore, E.K. Buchholtz and J.T. Anderson. 2024. Eyes in the Sky: Evaluating Drones as a Tool for Aerial Waterbird Surveys in Antebellum Rice Fields in Coastal South Carolina. The Wildlife Society, Baltimore, MD, 19 October 2024. | October 2024 |
Suthar, A.R., M.A. McAlister, B.A. Bauer, T.H. Folk, J. Dozier, J.A. Elmore, E.K. Buchholtz and J.T. Anderson. 2024. Eyes in the Sky: Evaluating Drones as a Tool for Aerial Waterbird Surveys in Antebellum Rice Fields in Coastal South Carolina. ACE Basin Symposium, Walterboro, South Carolina, 1 March 2024. | March 2024 |
Suryan, R.M., D.B. Irons, E.D. Brown, P.G.R. Jodice, and D.D. Roby. Site-specific factors affecting productivity of an upper trophic level marine predator: bottom-up, top-down, and mismatch effects on reproduction in a colonial seabird. North Pacific Marine Science Organization, Honolulu, HI. | October 2004 |
Sullivan, S., W. Bridges, K.W. McFadden, J. Mayer, P.G.R. Jodice. G. Yarrow. 2015. Prevalence of Six Viral and Bacterial Diseases in Wild Hogs in South Carolina (2007-2014). The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. Winnipeg, Manitoba. | October 2015 |
Sullins, D.S., B.E. Ross, and D.A. Haukos. 2018. Influence of individual heterogeneity on lesser prairie-chicken population persistence. Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Cleveland, Ohio. | October 2018 |
Streker, R., J.S. Lamb, J. Dindo, and P.G.R. Jodice. 2019. Diet of maturing Brown Pelican chicks in Coastal Alabama. 43rd Annual Conference of the Waterbird Society, Salisbury, Maryland, USA. | November 2019 |
Stockett, P., and J. J. Isely. February 2000. Retention of a visual implant tag in crayfish. South Carolina Fisheries Workers Association Annual Meeting. Clemson, SC. | February 2000 |
Steinkamp, M., and P.G.R. Jodice. [Poster]. The Atlantic Marine Bird Conservation Cooperative: Developing Partnerships to Conserve Western Atlantic Seabirds. Pacific Seabird Group Annual Meeting, Girdwood, AK. | February 2006 |
Smith, S., M.D. Jones, B.M. Marshall, S. Waengsothorn, G.A. Gale, C.T. Strine, and E.K. Buchholtz. 2023. Movements, space use, and habitat preferences of native Burmese pythons (Python bivittatus) in a heterogenous agricultural landscape in Northeast Thailand. Clemson University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Graduate Research Symposium, Georgetown, SC, 16 - 17 October 2023. | October 2023 |
Shyvers, J.E., B.C. Tarbox, C.J. Duchardt, A.P. Monroe, D.R. Edmunds, B.S. Robb, N.J. Van Lanen, E.K. Buchholtz, M.S. O'Donnell, N.D. Van Schmidt, J.A. Heinrichs, C.L. Aldridge. Optimizing conservation and restoration of imperiled sagebrush ecosystems to benefit multiple species. Oral Presentation. The Wildlife Society’s 29th Annual Conference, Spokane, WA, November 6-10, 2022. | November 2022 |
Shyvers, J.E., B.C. Tarbox, C.J. Duchardt, A.P. Monroe, D.R. Edmunds, B.S. Robb, N.J. Van Lanen, E.K. Buchholtz, M.S. O'Donnell, N.D. Van Schmidt, J.A. Heinrichs, C.L. Aldridge. Optimizing conservation and restoration of imperiled sagebrush ecosystems to benefit multiple species. Lightning Talk. WAFWA - 33rd Sage and Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse Workshop, Hybrid format, Logan, UT, 15 - 18 August, 2022. | August 2022 |
Shyvers, J.E., B.C. Tarbox, C.J. Duchardt, A.P. Monroe, D.R. Edmunds, B.S. Robb, N.J. Van Lanen, E.K. Buchholtz, J.A. Heinrichs, C.L. Aldridge. Optimizing conservation and restoration of imperiled sagebrush ecosystems to benefit multiple avian species. Oral Presentation. American Ornithological Society and BirdsCaribbean Ornithological Conference, Puerto Rico, 27 June - 2 July 2022. | July 2022 |
Shurba, JA, EM Miller, J Merendino, BA Bauer, RM Kaminski, BE Ross, and EP Wiggers. Southeastern regional examination of box-nesting wood ducks: a 2019 pilot study at Lake Moultrie, South Carolina. Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Hilton Head, SC. | October 2019 |
Sheehan, K.*, P.G.R. Jodice. 2009. Impacts of Avian Induced Eutrophication on Parasites. Waterbird Society Annual Meeting, Atlantic City, New Jersey | November 2009 |
Sheehan, K.*, P.G.R. Jodice, W. Bowerman. 2011.Intestinal parasite assemblages of the Double-Crested Cormorant: a comparison of three lake colonies in Minnesota USA. Waterbird Society Annual Meeting, Grand Island, Nebraska | March 2011 |
Sciera, K. L., J. J. Isely, J. R. Tomasso, and S. J. Klaine. 2003. Influence of Water Quality Characteristics on Copper Toxicity to Larval Fathead Minnows (Pimephales promelas). Annual Conference of the Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, San Antonio, TX. | March 2003 |
Schindler, A., B.E. Ross, and D.A. Haukos. 2018. A multi-species approach to managing the effects of weather and land cover on upland game birds. | February 2018 |
Schindler, A and B.E. Ross. 2019. The use of decision-support software to select candidate areas for lesser prairie-chicken conservation. US-IALE. Fort Collins, Colorado. | April 2019 |
Schaffler, J. J., J. J. Isely, and E. Hayes. February 2000. Movement of striped bass in Lake Murray: a study design. South Carolina Fisheries Workers Association Annual Meeting. Clemson, SC. | February 2000 |
Schaffler, J. J., J. J. Isely, and E. Hayes. 2001. Seasonal habitat selection by adult striped bass in Lake Murray, South Carolina. Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Midyear Meeting. Jacksonville, FL. | March 2001 |
Schaffler, J. J., J. J. Isely, and E. Hayes. 2001. Seasonal habitat selection by adult striped bass in Lake Murray, South Carolina. Annual Meeting of the North Carolina and South Carolina Chapters of the American Fisheries Society. Sea Trails, NC. | February 2001 |
Schaffler, J. J., J. J. Isely, and E. Hayes. 2001. Seasonal habitat selection by adult striped bass in Lake Murray, South Carolina. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Phoenix., AZ. | August 2001 |
Satgé, Y.^, E. Rupp., and P.G.R. Jodice. 2019. Individual tracking informs exposure of the endangered Black-capped Petrel to marine threats during the breeding season. Pacific Seabird Group Meeting, Lihue, HI, USA | March 2019 |
Satgé, Y.^, E. Rupp, A. Brown, and P.G.R. Jodice. 2019. Modelling the nesting habitat of the endangered Black-capped Petrel to inform regional conservation actions in the Caribbean. Waterbirds Society Annual Meeting, Maryland, USA. | November 2019 |
Satgé, Y.G.^, R. Gomes, R. Castro-Alvarez, JC. Fernandez-Ordonez, and P.G.R. Jodice. 2019. Updates on pelican research and conservation in the Caribbean. 43rd Annual Conference of the Waterbird Society, Salisbury, Maryland, USA. | November 2019 |
Satgé, Y.G.^, J.S. Lamb, and P.G.R. Jodice. 2019. Using near real-time nighttime light imagery to locate existent seabird exposure to active oil and gas extraction. 43rd Annual Conference of the Waterbird Society Annual Meeting, Maryland, USA. | November 2019 |
Satgé, Y.G., K. Hixson, J.S. Gleason, and P.G.R. Jodice. 2025. Atlas of Breeding Sites for Waterbirds in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: A new tool to facilitate the management and conservation of waterbirds along coastal northern Gulf of Mexico. Waterbird Society - Pacific Seabird Group Joint Conference. | January 2025 |
Satgé, Y.G., K. Hixson, J.S. Gleason, and P.G.R. Jodice. 2025. Atlas of Breeding Sites for Waterbirds in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: A new tool to facilitate the management and conservation of waterbirds along coastal northern Gulf of Mexico. Annual meeting of the Atlantic Marine Bird Cooperative. | December 2024 |
Satgé, Y.G., E. Rupp, and P.G.R. Jodice. 2025. Satellite tracking suggests differences in year-round distribution of dark and light phenotypes of an endangered endemic Caribbean petrel, the Diablotin Black-capped Petrel Pterodroma hasitata. Waterbird Society - Pacific Seabird Group Joint Conference. | January 2025 |
Satgé, Y., and P.G.R. Jodice. 2020. Looking for the devil's nest: Modelling the nesting habitat of the endangered Black-capped Petrel in the Caribbean. 6th World Seabird Twitter Conference. | May 2020 |
Satgé, Y., K.M. Hixson, J. Gleason, P.G.R. Jodice. 2023. Update on the forthcoming Gulf of Mexico nesting waterbird atlas and registry. Waterbird Society 46th Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA. | October 2023 |
Satgé, Y., Jodice, P.G.R., Keitt, B., Gaskin, C., Clucas, G., Janssen, S.E. 2021. Recent advances in the ecological study of the endangered Diablotin Black-capped Petrel: at-sea distribution in the western North Atlantic, diet, and threat exposure. Atlantic Marine Bird Cooperative Annual Meeting. | December 2021 |
Satgé, Y., Jodice, P.G.R., Keitt, B., Clucas, G., Janssen, S. 2021. Recent advances in the ecological study of the endangered Diablotin Black-capped Petrel: at-sea distribution, diet, and threat exposure. Annual Conference of the Waterbird Society (virtual). | November 2021 |
Satgé, Y., E. Rupp., and P.G.R. Jodice. 2019. Individual tracking informs exposure of the endangered Black-capped Petrel to marine threats during the breeding season. Pacific Seabird Group Meeting, Lihue, HI, USA. | March 2019 |
Satge, Y.G., and P.G.R. Jodice. 2021. Looking for the devil's nest: Modelling the nesting habitat of the endangered Black-capped Petrel in the Caribbean. 3rd World Seabird Conference, Hobart, Australia. | October 2021 |
Satge, Y., J. Wilder, J. Sorber, P.G.R. Jodice. 2016. An automated alert system to help with the recovery of archival loggers deployed on seabirds. The Waterbird Society, New Bern, North Carolina [Poster] | September 2016 |
Sachs, E., P.G.R. Jodice. 2007. Provisioning Behavior in Brown Pelicans. | September 2007 |
Sachs, E., L. Wickliffe, P.G.R. Jodice. 2007. Brown Pelicans (Pelecanus occidentalis): Provisioning and Prey Quality in South Carolina. Shorebird conservation workshop, Huntington Beach State Park, SC | August 2007 |
Ross, B.E., N. Masto, R. Kaminski, J. Dozier, M. McAlister, and J. Woods. 2019. Integrating counts from aerial and ground surveys to estimate densities of waterfowl. SEAFWA, Hilton Head, SC. | October 2019 |
Ross, B.E., N. Masto, R. Kaminski, J. Dozier, M. McAlister, and J. Woods. 2019. Integrating counts from aerial and ground surveys to estimate densities of waterfowl. North American Duck Symposium. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. | August 2019 |
Ross, B.E., N. Masto, C. Roy, R. Kaminski, J. Dozier, M. McAlister, and J. Woods. 2019. Integrating counts from aerial and ground surveys to estimate densities of waterfowl. The Wildlife Society, Louisville, KY | September 2020 |
Ross, B.E., M.B. Hooten, and D.N. Koons. 2017. Evaluating the inference from dynamic occupancy models relative to population abundance. American Ornithology 2017, Michigan. | July 2017 |
Ross, B.E., M. Schaub, T.W. Arnold, M.D. Weegman, J.M. Warren, C.A. Nicolai, R.G. Clark, D.N. Koons. 2016. Using integrated population models to examine drivers of avian population dynamics in changing environments. 6th North American Ornithological Conference, Washington, D.C., 16-20 August 2016. | August 2016 |
Ross, B.E., D.S. Sullins, and D.A. Haukos. 2018. Using an individual-based model to assess monitoring for lesser prairie-chicken population growth rates. International Grouse Symposium, Logan, Utah. | September 2018 |
Ross, B.E., D.S. Sullins, and D.A. Haukos. 2018. Using an individual-based model to assess monitoring for lesser prairie-chicken population growth rates. | February 2018 |
Ross, B.E., D.A. Haukos, and P. Walther. 2017. Quantifying changes and drivers of mottled duck density in Texas. 24th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society | September 2017 |
Ross, B.E., D. Haukos, C. Hagen, and J. Pitman. 2016. Combining multiple data sources to determine drought and land-use impacts on Lesser Prairie-Chickens. 6th North American Ornithological Conference, Washington, D.C. 16-20 August 2016. | August 2016 |
Ross, B.E., C. Brady, S. Felege, and A. Mini. 2019. Effective networking strategies for hunter and non-hunters. North American Duck Symposium, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. | August 2019 |
Ross, B.E. and M. Weegman. 2018. Quantifying the power to detect trends in vital rates using integrated population models. International Statistical Ecology Conference, St. Andrews, Scotland. | July 2018 |
Ross, B.E. and J.M. Wood. 2020. Data integration for autonomous recording units and traditional point-count sampling. NAOC, San Juan, Puerto Rico. | August 2020 |
Ross, B.E. and J.M. Wood. 2018. Optimal sampling designs for autonomous recording units and traditional point-count sampling. The Wildlife Society, Cleveland, Ohio. | October 2018 |
Roche, M., J. Saher, E.K. Buchholtz, M. Crist, D. Shinneman, C. Aldridge, B. Brussee, P. Coates, C. Roth, J. Heinrichs. 2022. A spatial synthesis of fuel breaks in the sagebrush biome in relation to wildfire, invasive annual grasses, and Greater Sage-Grouse. Western Agencies 33rd Sage & Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse workshop. 15 - 18 August 2022. Logan, Utah. | August 2022 |
Roche, M., J. Saher, E.K. Buchholtz, M. Crist, D. Shinneman, C. Aldridge, B. Brussee, P. Coates, C. Roth, J. Heinrichs. 2022. A Spatial Data Synthesis of Fuel Breaks in the Sagebrush Biome in Relation to Wildfire, Invasive Annual Grasses, and Sagebrush Obligate Wildlife. Oral presentation, North American Congress for Conservation Biology. 17 - 21 July 2022. Reno, NV. | July 2022 |
Roby, DD, D.E. Lyons, R.M. Suryan, P.G.R. Jodice, and K. Collis. Junk food, regime shifts, and nesting failures: sorting out what matters in seabird forage fish dynamics. Northwest Section of The Wildlife Society, Girdwood, Alaska. | May 2004 |
Roby, D.D., D.E. Lyons, P.G.R. Jodice, and A. M. Myers. 2006. Whither conservation physiology: providing relevant information to managers of marine ecosystems using indicators from seabirds. The Wildlife Society, Anchorage, AK. | September 2006 |
Poli, C., Harrison, A-L., P.G.R. Jodice. 2015. Dispersal Patterns and Habitat Use of Brown Pelicans (Pelecanus occidentalis) Along the US Atlantic Coast. Waterbird Society Annual Meeting, Bar Harbor, Maine. | August 2015 |
Poli, C., Harrison, A-L., P.G.R. Jodice. 2015. Comparative Foraging Behavior of Masked Boobies and Red-footed Boobies Breeding in the Gulf of Mexico. Waterbird Society Annual Meeting, Bar Harbor, Maine. | August 2015 |
Poli, C., A-L. Harrison, P.G.R. Jodice. 2014. Foraging ecology of Masked Boobies breeding in the Gulf of Mexico. Pacific Seabird Group Annual Meeting, Juneau, Alaska. | February 2014 |
Poli, C., A-L Harrison, and P. Jodice. 2015. Evidence for multi-scale foraging behavior of Masked Boobies (Sula dactylatra) in the Gulf of Mexico. 2nd World Seabird Conference, Cape Town, South Africa. | October 2015 |
Poli, C.*, P.G.R. Jodice. 2014. Foraging seabirds inform marine spatial planning in the Gulf of Mexico. International Marine Conservation Congress, Glasgow, Scotland [Poster] | August 2014 |
Poli, C.*, A-L. Harrison, P.G.R. Jodice. 2015. Variability in foraging behavior of Masked Boobies breeding at Islas Muertos, Mexico. Pacific Seabird Group Annual Meeting, San Jose, California. | February 2015 |
Plumpton, H.M., E. Silverman, B.E. Ross. 2017. Annual factors affecting the distribution for wintering Black Scoters. 6th International Sea Duck Conference | February 2017 |
Plumpton, H., S.G. Gililand, and B.E. Ross. 2019. Geographic differences in the wintering sites of the Atlantic population of black scoters. The North American Duck Symposium. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. | August 2019 |
Plumpton, H. M., E. D. Silverman, B. E. Ross. August 26-30, 2019. Black Scoter Habitat Use along the Southeastern Coast of the United States. The North American Duck Symposium. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. | August 2019 |
Plumpton, H. M., E. D. Silverman, B. E. Ross. 2017. Annual Factors Influencing the Wintering Distribution of Black Scoters in the South Atlantic. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. Albuquerque, New Mexico. | September 2017 |
Patrick Jodice, William Mackin; Autumn-Lynn Harrison; Robert Ronconi; Juliet Lamb; Caroline Poli; Yvan Satge. 2015. Tracking Atlantic and Caribbean Seabirds. 2nd World Seabird Conference, Cape Town, South Africa | October 2015 |
Ostroski, J., J. Cantrell, C. Ruth, and B.E. Ross. 2020. Assessing wild turkey occupancy using autonomous recording units and package monitoR. The Wildlife Society, Louisville, Kentucky. | September 2020 |
Ostroski, J., Cantrell, J., Charles, R., & B.E. Ross. (2020, August). Assessing wild turkey occupancy using autonomous recording units and the package monitoR. North American Ornithological Conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico. | August 2020 |
Noad, M. A., and J. J. Isely. Spawning chronology of native and introduced striped bass in two Gulf of Mexico drainages. South Carolina Fisheries Workers and Georgia Chapter American Fisheries Society joint meeting, Tybee Island, GA. 14 January 2007. | January 2007 |
Noad, M. A., and J. J. Isely. Spawning chronology of native and introduced striped bass in two Gulf of Mexico drainages. 25th Annual Morone Workshop, Albany, GA. 7 February 2007. | February 2007 |
Niles, M. B., and Bower, L. M. (2025). Patterns of Larval Fish Assemblage Structure Across a Regulated River. Southern Division American Fisheries Society. Asheville, North Carolina. 18-21 February 2025. | February 2024 |
Niles, M. B., and Bower, L. M. (2025). Patterns of Larval Fish Assemblage Structure Across a Regulated River. South Carolina Fishes Council. Asheville, North Carolina. 27 February 2025. | February 2024 |
Niles, M. B., and Bower, L. M. (2023). Temporal and spatial patterns of larval fish assemblages across a river-reservoir continuum. Southern Division of The American Fisheries Society Meeting. Chattanooga, Tennessee. 2 February 2024. | February 2024 |
Niles, M. B., Jackson, C. R., Larson. R. E., and Bower, L. M. (2025). Comparative Assessment of Three Gear Types for Larval Fish Collection. Southern Division American Fisheries Society. Asheville, North Carolina. 18-21 February 2025. | January 2025 |
Niles, M. B., Jackson, C. R., Larson. R. E., and Bower, L. M. (2025). Comparative Assessment of Three Gear Types for Larval Fish Collection. South Carolina American Fisheries Society. Asheville, North Carolina. 27 February 2025. | January 2025 |
Nicasio-Arzeta, S., E. Buchholtz, M. Pons, T. Wellicome, and J. Heinrichs. 2024. Spatiotemporal variation in sagebrush connectivity and opportunities to conserve transborder populations of Greater sage-grouse. Poster presentation, The North American Congress for Conservation Biology, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 25 – 27 June 2024. | June 2024 |
Nettles, J., D. Jachowski, and E. Buchholtz. 2024. Black bears as an apex predator: Investigating the ecological role of the world’s most abundant large carnivore. Annual Meeting, The Wildlife Society, Baltimore, MD. 19 - 23 October 2024. | October 2024 |
Nelson, R.E., J.S. Lamb, P.G.R. Jodice, A.S. Litterer, and R. Lohmann. 2025. Examining PFAS bioaccumulation and trophic transfer in avian species of Charleston Harbor. Waterbird Society and Pacific Seabird Group Joint Meeting, San Jose, Costa Rica. |
January 2025 |
Mruzek, J.L., Kubach, K., Scott, M.C., Peoples, B.K., and Bower, L.M. Role of flow, environmental and anthropogenic factors on fish biodiversity. The American Fisheries Society Meeting. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 21 August 2023. | August 2023 |
Mruzek, J.L, Peoples, B.K., Scott, C. S., Kuback, K., and Bower, L.M. Hierarchical relationship between local and regional environmental factors and stream fish life history. The Southern Division American Fisheries Society Meeting. Chattanooga, Tennessee. 2 February 2024 | February 2024 |
Mruzek, J. L., Peoples, B. K., Bower, L. M. (2023). Role of flow and environmental variables on stream biodiversity. The Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society. Norfolk, Virginia. 02 February 2023. | February 2023 |
Mills, K., D. Jacques, J. Lamb, C. Fiorello, Y. Satge, P.G.R. Jodice, M. Ziccardi. 2018. Habitat use, behavior, movement patterns, body condition, breeding propensity, and survival of Brown Pelicans following oiling and rehabilitation from the 2015 California Refugio Oil Spill. Effects of Oil on Wildlife Conference, Baltimore, Maryland. | May 2018 |
Michael. P.E., J.C. Haney, J. Gleason, K.M. Hixson, Y. Satgé, P.G.R. Jodice. 2024. Flying fish distribution and co-occurrence with Sooty Terns in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Pacific Seabird Group Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington. | February 2024 |
Michael, P.E., K.M. Hixson, J.S. Gleason, J.C. Haney, Y. Satgé, P.G.R. Jodice, 2021. Seabird vulnerability to oil spills and knowledge gaps: exposure, susceptibility, and uncertainty in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Annual Conference of the Waterbird Society (virtual). | November 2021 |
Michael, P.E., J.S. Gleason, J.C. Haney, J.C., Y. Satgé, and P.G.R. Jodice. 2020. Flying without a passport: northern Gulf of Mexico exemplifies multi-national use with uncertain origin of seabirds. 6th World Seabird Twitter Conference. | May 2020 |
Michael, P.E., J.C. Haney, J. Gleason, K.M. Hixson, Y. Satgé, P.G.R. Jodice. 2025. Flying fish habitat and co-occurrence with seabirds in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Waterbird Society and Pacific Seabird Group Joint Meeting, San José, Costa Rica. | January 2025 |
Michael, P.E., J. S. Gleason, J.C. Haney, Y. Satgé, P.G.R. Jodice. 2021. Marine bird distributions in the Gulf of Mexico: informing marine spatial planning. 3rd World Seabird Conference, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. | October 2021 |
Michael, P.E., J. S. Gleason, J.C. Haney, Y. Satgé, P.G.R. Jodice, 2021. Flyingfish and feathers: habitat associations and avifaunal associations of flying-fish in the northern Gulf of Mexico. World Fisheries Congress, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia. | October 2021 |
Michael, P.E., J. Gleason, J.C. Haney, Y. Satgé, P.G.R. Jodice. 2020. Diversity and distribution of seabirds in pelagic waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico. Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference. February 3-6, 2020, Tampa, FL, USA. | January 2019 |
Michael, P.E., J. Gleason, J.C. Haney, P.G.R. Jodice. 2019. Distribution and abundance of marine birds in an industrialized sea: vessel-based surveys in the Gulf of Mexico. Pacific Seabird Group Meeting, Lihue, HI, USA. | March 2019 |
Michael, P.E., J. Gleason, J.C. Haney, K.M. Hixson, Y. Satgé, P.G.R. Jodice. 2022. Black terns in the northern Gulf of Mexico: Vessel-based observations and insights from the Gulf of Mexico Marine Assessment Program for Protected Species (GoMMAPPS). Waterbird Society 45th Annual Meeting, Corpus Christi, TX. | November 2022 |
Michael, P.E.*, K.M. Hixson, J.C. Haney, J. Gleason, Y. Satgé, P.G.R. Jodice. 2023. Migration, breeding location, and seascape shaping seabird assemblages in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Waterbird Society 46th Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, FL. | October 2023 |
Michael, P.E.*, J. Gleason, J.C. Haney, Y. Satgé, P.G.R. Jodice. 2019. Black terns in the northern Gulf of Mexico: initial observations from the Gulf of Mexico Marine Assessment Program for Protected Species. Waterbird Society 43rd Annual Conference and General Meeting, Salisbury, MD, USA. | November 2019 |
Michael, P. E., K. M. Hixon, J. S. Gleason, J. C. Haney, J. C., Y. Satgé, and P. G. R. Jodice., 2021. Exposure, Sensitivity, and Uncertainty: Understanding the Vulnerability of Seabirds to Oil Interactions in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA. December 13-17 | December 2021 |
Meehan, K., and P.G.R. Jodice. Assessing the conservation value of golf courses for fox squirrels in South Carolina. South Carolina Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Edgefield, SC. | March 2006 |
Masto, NM, RM Kaminski, MR Kneece, P Gerard, K Barrett, and BE Ross. 2019. Evaluation of aerial surveys to monitor waterbird population in South Carolina. SEAFWA. | October 2019 |
Masto, N.M., R.M. Kaminski, B.E. Ross, M.R. Kneece, P. Gerard, and K. Barrett. 2019. Modeling double-observer aerial count data to estimate detection, abundance, and habitat relationships of waterfowl wintering in South Carolina. North American Duck Symposium, Winnipeg, Manitoba, CA | August 2019 |
Masto, N.M., R.M. Kaminski, B.E. Ross, M.R. Kneece, P. Gerard, and K. Barrett. 2019. Aerial strip-transect surveys for monitoring fall-winter waterfowl abundance and distribution in South Carolina. North American Duck Symposium. Winnipeg, Manitoba, CA. | August 2019 |
Masto, N.M., M.R. Kneece, R.M. Kaminski, B.E. Ross, A.T. Pearse, P. Gerard, K. Barrett. 2017. Aerial strip-transect surveys of waterfowl and waterbirds in South Carolina: summary and revisions of the 2016-2017 surveys | October 2017 |
Madden, H., A. Ellis, P.G.R. Jodice. 2014. Reproductive ecology and success of Red-billed Tropicbirds on St. Eustatius. Pacific Seabird Group Annual Meeting, Juneau, Alaska. | February 2014 |
Mackin, W., Narang, D., P.G.R. Jodice. 2016. Incubation and diving depths of Audubon’s Shearwaters and Red-billed Tropicbirds at Little Tobago Island, Trinidad and Tobago. The Waterbird Society, New Bern, North Carolina. | September 2016 |
M. Kneece, R. M. Kaminski, B. E. Ross, A. T. Pearse, and N. M. Masto. 2017. Aerial Line-Transect Surveys for South Carolina Waterbirds Take Flight. Annual Report for James C. Kennedy Waterfowl and Wetlands Conservation Center. | May 2017 |
Lucas, J.S., S. Loeb, P.G.R. Jodice. 2007. Characteristics of Rafinesque's Big-eared Bats tree roosts in Congaree National Park. Southeastern Mammal Colloquium, Destin, FL. | February 2007 |
Loeb, S., P.G.R. Jodice. 2015. Are bats and sport climbing compatible? A pilot study. North American Bat Research Symposium, Monterey, California. | October 2015 |
Litterer, A.S., J.S. Lamb, R.E. Nelson, R. Lohmann, P.G.R. Jodice. 2025. Differences in movement patterns of two nearshore marine bird species in an area of elevated PFAS concentrations. Waterbird Society and Pacific Seabird Group Joint Meeting, San Jose, Costa Rica. | January 2025 |
Litterer, A.S., J.S. Lamb, R.E. Nelson, R. Lohmann, P.G.R. Jodice. 2025. Assessing Movement Patterns of Brown Pelicans in an Area of Elevated PFAS Concentrations. Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Marine Bird Cooperative. | December 2024 |
Lawson, A.J., and K.W. McFadden. 2014. Optimizing survey designs for complex habitat: evaluating seasonal variation of alligator abundance estimates derived from nightlight surveys in South Carolina. Crocodile Specialist Group Working Meeting, Lake Charles, Louisiana, USA. | May 2014 |
Lawson, A.J., and K.W. McFadden. 2014. Optimizing Alligator Nightlight Survey Designs for Complex Habitat: Evaluating Seasonal Variation in Abundance and Detectability in South Carolina. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Poster Presentation. | October 2014 |
Lawson, A.J., and K.W. McFadden. 2013. South Carolina alligator adaptive management strategies: population dynamics, habitat utilization, and conservation threats. U.S. Geological Survey South Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Coordinating Committee Meeting, Clemson, South Carolina. | May 2013 |
Lawson, A.J., and K.W. McFadden. 2013. Influence of habitat on American Alligator densities in coastal South Carolina derived from nightlight survey data (1971-2012). The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Poster presentation. | October 2013 |
Lawson, A.J., P.G.R. Jodice. 2015. Do changes in size class composition influence ontogenetic niche shifts in American alligators? Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. Baltimore, Maryland. | September 2015 |
Lawson, A.J., P.G.R. Jodice, and C.T. Moore. 2019. Synthesizing monitoring data to estimate abundance and detection probability in American alligators in South Carolina. Southeastern Assoc Fish & Wildlife Agencies. | October 2019 |
Lawson, A.J., K.W. McFadden, P.G.R. Jodice. 2015. Does harvest pressure influence body size class composition in American alligator populations? The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. Winnipeg, Manitoba. | October 2015 |
Lawson, A.J., C.T. Moore, and P.G.R. Jodice. 2018. Synthesizing multiple data streams to estimate abundance and detection probability in a highly wary, long-lived apex predator: an integrated modeling approach. International Statistical Ecology Conference, 2-6 July 2018, St. Andrews, Scotland. | July 2018 |
Lawson, A.J., C.T. Moore, T.R. Rainwater, F.M. Nilsen, P.M. Wilkinson, R.H. Lowers, L.J. Guillette Jr., K.W. McFadden, and P.G.R. Jodice. 2019. Non-linear mercury bioaccumulation patterns in American alligators are a function of predicted age. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Reno, Nevada, USA. | October 2019 |
Lawson, A.J, P.G.R. Jodice, C.T. Moore. 2015. Using Seasonal Abundance Patterns to Improve Monitoring Programs and Conservation Decision-Making: An American Alligator Example. Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, 1-4 November 2015, Asheville, NC. | November 2015 |
Lawson, A., P. Jodice, T. Rainwater, K.W. McFadden. Evaluating American alligator home range size and site fidelity patterns in artificial wetlands. International Congress for Conservation Biology; Cartagena, Colombia. | July 2017 |
Lawson, A. J., C. T. Moore, P. G. R. Jodice, and K. W. McFadden. 2016. Optimizing American alligator population survey design to improve management decision-making. The Wildlife Society 23rd Annual Conference, 15-19 October 2016, Raleigh, NC. | October 2016 |
Lawson, A. J., C. T. Moore, B. E. Ross, and P. G. R. Jodice. 2018. Synthesizing multiple data streams to estimate abundance and detection probability in a highly wary, long-lived apex predator: an integrated modeling approach. The Wildlife Society 25th Annual Conference, 7-11 October 2018, Cleveland, OH. | October 2018 |
Lamb, J.S., Y.G. Satgé, P.G.R. Jodice. 2017. Movement patterns and habitat selection of Brown Pelicans in the Gulf of Mexico. Pacific Seabird Group Annual Meeting, Tacoma, Washington. | February 2017 |
Lamb, J., and P. Jodice. 2015. Sex, death, and oil: Conservation implications of individual and geographic variation in Brown Pelican movement patterns. 2nd World Seabird Conference, Cape Town, South Africa. | October 2015 |
Lamb, J., Y. Satge, P.G.R. Jodice. 2015. Variation in Brown Pelican energy provisioning rates across a range of juvenile forage fish availability. Waterbird Society Annual Meeting, Bar Harbor, Maine. | August 2015 |
Lamb, J.*, P.G.R. Jodice. 2015. Should I stay or should I go? Physiology and geography predict individual migratory strategies in the brown pelican. Pacific Seabird Group Annual Meeting, San Jose, California. | February 2015 |
Lamb, J.*, P.G.R. Jodice. 2014. Year-round spatial overlap between energy infrastructure and brown pelican movements in the Gulf of Mexico. International Marine Conservation Congress, Glasgow, Scotland [Poster]. | August 2014 |
Lamb, J.*, P.G.R. Jodice. 2014. Gradients in breeding Brown Pelican forging radius, chick condition, and diet across the Northern Gulf of Mexico. Pacific Seabird Group Annual Meeting, Juneau, Alaska. | February 2014 |
Lamb, J.*, P.G.R. Jodice. 2014. Comparative performance of cellular and satellite transmitters deployed on Brown pelicans in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. Pacific Seabird Group Annual Meeting, Juneau, Alaska. | February 2014 |
Lamb, J.*, K. O’Reilly, P.G.R. Jodice. 2016. Longterm physiological responses of nestling seabirds to variation in prey availability and nest site characteristics. The Waterbird Society, New Bern, North Carolina. | September 2016 |
Lamb, J.*, K. O’Reilly, P.G.R. Jodice. 2016. Longterm physiological responses of nestling seabirds to variation in prey availability and nest conditions. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Portland, Maine. | January 2016 |
Lamb, J.*, D. Newstead, B. Ballard, L. Koczur, P.G.R. Jodice, M.C. Green. 2014. A bridge between oceans: evidence for use of the Tehuantepec Isthmus by waterbirds during dispersal and migration. Waterbird Society Annual Meeting, La Paz, Mexico. | November 2014 |
Kemink, K., L. Webb and B. Ross. Why we need more women in STEM leadership roles: innovations to overcome obstacles and identify solutions. North American Duck Symposium, Winnipeg, MB, August 26-30, 2019. | August 2019 |
Keil D.E., J. Stuckey, J.G. EuDaly, A.M. Lee, J. Pangello, J. Berger, P.G.R. Jodice, T.R. Scott, M.M. Peden-Adams. 2007. Effects of PFOS on Developmental Immune Function in Rodent and Avian Models. Perfluoroalkyl Acids and Related Chemistries:Toxicokinetics and Mode-of-Action Workshop. Society of Toxicology ? Current Concepts in Toxicology. Arlington, VA. | March 2007 |
Keck, K.R. and McFadden, K.W.M. 2014. Loss of Foundation Tree Species: Consequences for Small Mammals in Forest Ecosystems. Society for Conservation Biology Conference, Missoula, MT. | July 2014 |
Keck, K. R., K. W. McFadden. 2013. Loss of Foundation Tree Species: Consequences for Small Mammal Assemblages in Oak Forests. 20th Annual Meeting, The Wildlife Society, Milwaukee, WI, 5-10 October, 2013. | October 2013 |
Kearns, M., S. W. Galladay, M. Freeman, and J. J. Isely. 2001. Effects of flooding and drought on redbreast sunfish growth in southwest Georgia. Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Midyear Meeting. Jacksonville, FL. | March 2001 |
Kearns, M., S. W. Galladay, M. Freeman, and J. J. Isely. 2001. Effects of flooding and drought on redbreast sunfish growth in southwest Georgia. Annual Meeting of the Georgia Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Athens, GA. | March 2001 |
K. McFadden, E. Sterling, E. Bentley-Vintinner, A. Gomez, F. Arengo, and E. Sterling. 2011. Temporal and spatial variability in foraging habits of green sea turtles in the Central Pacific using stable isotope analyses. International Congress for Conservation Biology, Auckland, New Zealand. | December 2011 |
Julia Sommerfeld , Steffen Oppel , Eliza Leat , Nicola Weber , Sam Weber , Jolene Sim , Caroline Poli , Patrick Jodice , Fiona McDuie , Brad Congdon , Stefan Garthe , Petra Quillfeldt. 2015. Is phenotypic plasticity more important than environmental parameters in explaining the foraging strategies of a pan-tropical seabird? 2nd World Seabird Conference, Cape Town, South Africa | October 2015 |
Jones, T. A., J. J. Isely, D. Fletcher, and M. Paller. February 2000. Movement of largemouth bass in a Savannah River tributary. Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Midyear Meeting. Savannah, GA. | February 2000 |
Jones, T. A., J. J. Isely, D. Fletcher, and M. Paller. February 2000. Movement of largemouth bass in a Savannah River tributary. South Carolina Fisheries Workers Association Annual Meeting. Clemson, SC. | February 2000 |
Jones, T. A., J. J. Isely, D. Fletcher, and M. Paller. 2001. Diel movement of largemouth bass in a South Carolina stream. Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Midyear Meeting. Jacksonville, FL. | March 2001 |
Jones, T. A., J. J. Isely, D. Fletcher, and M. Paller. 2001. Diel movement of largemouth bass in a South Carolina stream. Annual Meeting of the North Carolina and South Carolina Chapters of the American Fisheries Society. Sea Trails, NC. | February 2001 |
Jones, T. A., J. J. Isely, D. Fletcher, C. M. Paller, S. Dyer, and W. Litrell. 2002. Seasonal movement of largemouth bass in a South Carolina stream. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Baltimore, MD. | August 2002 |
Jodice, P.G.R., and D.D. Roby. Nutritional stress in Alaskan seabirds: A review of the evidence. Pacific Seabird Group Annual Meeting, La Paz, Baja California Sur. | January 2004 |
Jodice, P.G.R., W. Mackin, Y. Satge, C. Poli*, A-L. Harrison, R.A Phillips. 2014. Bahamian seabirds transition from Caribbean to mid-latitude and pelagic waters between the breeding and nonbreeding seasons. Pacific Seabird Group Annual Meeting, Juneau, Alaska. | February 2014 |
Jodice, P.G.R., W. Mackin, J.A. Arnold, R. Phillips. 2010. Movement patterns of Audubon’s Shearwaters and White-tailed Tropicbirds as determined by geolocators. First World Seabird Conference, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. | September 2010 |
Jodice, P.G.R., W. Mackin, J.A. Arnold, R. Phillips. 2009. Movement patterns of Audubon’s Shearwaters breeding in the Bahamas. Atlantic Seabird Symposium, Waterbird Society Annual Meeting, Cape May, New Jersey. | November 2009 |
Jodice, P.G.R., W. Mackin, J.A. Arnold, R. Phillips. 2009. Do Audubon’s Shearwaters alternate between long and short foraging trips when provisioning young? Pacific Seabird Group Annual Meeting, Hakodate, Japan [Poster] | February 2009 |
Jodice, P.G.R., M. Woodrey, and A. Fournier. 2018. Movement ecology of seabirds: Multi-scale and multi-taxa approaches to addressing conservation needs in the Gulf of Mexico. Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Mobile, Alabama. | October 2018 |
Jodice, P.G.R., L.M. Ferguson, F.I. Sanders, and T. Murphy. The Value of Maintaining Longterm Monitoring Programs: Revealing Trends in South Carolina's Beach-Nesting Birds. South Carolina Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Edgefield, SC. | March 2006 |
Jodice, P.G.R., L.C. Wickliffe*, E.B. Sachs*. 2009. Seabird use of discarded bycatch from shrimp trawlers: what’s on the menu and who’s buying? International Marine Conservation Congress, Fairfax, Virginia. | May 2009 |
Jodice, P.G.R., L.C. Wickliffe*, E.B. Sachs*. 2009. Investigating the relationship between breeding seabirds and commercial shrimp trawlers in nearshore waters of South Carolina, USA. Atlantic Seabird Symposium, Waterbird Society Annual Meeting, Cape May, New Jersey. | November 2009 |
Jodice, P.G.R., K. Hixson^, Y. Satgé^, J. Gleason. 2024. A New Tool for Avian Management and Conservation: An Atlas of Nesting Waterbirds in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Gulf of Mexico Annual Conference, Tampa, Florida. | February 2024 |
Jodice, P.G.R., J. Lamb*, Y. Satgé^. 2024. Avian health metrics in practice: blood biochemistry and contaminants in Brown Pelicans. Gulf of Mexico Annual Conference, Tampa, Florida. | February 2024 |
Jodice, P.G.R., J. Gleason, J.C. Haney, Y. Satgé, P. Michael, C. Gaskin, B. Keitt. 2024. Distribution of a Globally Endangered Seabird in the Northern Gulf: A Range Revision for the Black-capped Petrel. Gulf of Mexico Annual Conference, Tampa, Florida. | February 2023 |
Jodice, P.G.R., J. Gleason, J.C. Haney, Y. Satgé, P. Michael, C. Gaskin, B. Keitt. 2021. Revising the marine range of the endangered Black-capped Petrel. 6th World Seabird Twitter Conference. | May 2021 |
Jodice, P.G.R., F. Sanders, and L.M. Ferguson. Summary of royal tern nesting status in South Carolina. Royal Tern Working Group Annual Meeting, Wilmington, NC. | November 2004 |
Jodice, P.G.R., D.M. Epperson. 2007. Daily energy expenditure in free-ranging gopher tortoises: first measures and a comparison with other chelonians. South Carolina Herpetology Conference, Columbia SC. | May 2007 |
Jodice, P.G.R. Assessing the conservation value of golf courses for fox squirrels along the South Carolina coast. US Golf Association Annual Research Meeting, Atlanta, GA. | September 2004 |
Jodice, P.G.R. 2008. Considerations for developing long-term monitoring plans for beach-nesting seabirds. Southeastern Seabird Working Group Annual Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina. | March 2008 |
Jodice, P.G.R, L.M. Ferguson, F.I. Sanders, and T. Murphy. Thirty years of nest count data reveal opposing trends in among pelicans and terns in South Carolina. Pacific Seabird Group Annual Meeting, Girdwood, AK. | February 2006 |
Jodice, P.G.R, L.M. Ferguson, F.I. Sanders, and T. Murphy. Long-term trends in nest counts of South Carolina seabirds. Waterbird Society Annual Meeting, Jekyll Island, GA. | October 2005 |
Jodice, P. G. R., and J.S. Lamb. 2019. An overview of research and conservation on Pelicans in the 21st century: data gaps and data strengths. 43rd Annual Conference of the Waterbird Society, Salisbury, Maryland, USA. | November 2019 |
Jodice, P. G. R., Y.G. Satgé, B. Keitt, C. Gaskin. 2019. First successful capture and satellite tagging of Black-capped Petrels at sea and subsequent movement patterns. 43rd Annual Conference of the Waterbird Society 43rd Annual Conference and General Meeting, Salisbury, Maryland. | November 2019 |
Jodice, P. G. R., J.S. Lamb*, Y.G. Satgé^. 2019. Exposure of Brown Pelicans to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the northern Gulf of Mexico. 43rd Annual Conference of the Waterbird Society, Salisbury, Maryland. | November 2019 |
Jodice, P. G. R., Gleason, J., Haney, J. C., Satgé, Y., Michael, P. E. 2019. The Gulf of Mexico Marine Assessment Program for Protected Species: Development and implementation of large-scale, long-term monitoring strategies. Symposium: Implementation of the National Bird Conservation Priorities, The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Reno, Nevada. | October 2019 |
Jodice, P. G. R., Gleason, J., Haney, J. C., Satgé, Y., Michael, P. E. 2019. Novel insights on the distribution and abundance of seabirds from vessel-based surveys in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference. February 4-7, New Orleans, LA. | February 2019 |
Jodice et al. 2019. The Gulf of Mexico Avian Monitoring Network: long-term and large-scale monitoring to address conservation needs . Symposium: Implementation of the National Bird Conservation Priorities, The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Reno, Nevada. | October 2019 |
Jamison, A., E. Buchholtz, & G. Yarrow (2023). Estimating wild pig densities in the Piedmont region of South Carolina using a baited camera array. Annual Meeting, The Wildlife Society. Louisville, KY, 5 - 10 November 2023. | November 2023 |
J. Christopher Haney, Rohan H. Clarke, David C. Evers, Britta Denise Hardesty, Patrick Jodice, and William A. Montevecchi. 2015. Challenges to assessing oil spill impacts to seabirds in the deep ocean. 2nd World Seabird Conference, Cape Town, South Africa. | October 2015 |
J. A. Shurba, E. M. Miller, R. M. Kaminski, B. A. Bauer, E. P. Wiggers, P. Schmidt, G. R. Hepp, B. E. Ross, and K. J. Whitehead. 2020. Regional examination of the contribution of nest boxes to wood duck recruitment in the Southeastern United States. South Carolina TWS. | October 2020 |
Isely, J. J., and Bjorgo, K. A., and. February 2000. Habitat of striped bass in the Combahee River, SC. South Carolina Fisheries Workers Association Annual Meeting. Clemson, SC. | February 2000 |
Isely, J. J., P. C. Ely, M. Noad, B. M. Wrege, and S. P. Young. 2008. Movement and population dynamics of anadromous fishes near Jim Woodruff Lock and Dam. Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission Anadromous Fish Working Group Meeting, Apalachicola, FL. | September 2008 |
Isely, J. J., P. C. Ely, M. Noad, B. M. Wrege, and S. P. Young. 2008. Movement and population dynamics of anadromous fishes near Jim Woodruff Lock and Dam. 26th Annual Morone Workshop, Apalachicola, FL. (invited presentation). | September 2008 |
Isely, J. J. February 2000. Resume writing for fisheries professionals. Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Midyear Meeting. Savannah, GA. | February 2000 |
Isely, J. J. 2003. Season movement of striped bass in relation to temperature and oxygen. Western Washington University. Bellingham, WA. (Invited presentation). | May 2003 |
Isely, J. J. 2003. Season movement of striped bass in relation to temperature and oxygen. National Marine Fisheries Service. Seattle, WA. (Invited presentation). | May 2003 |
Ingram, T. R., and J. J. Isely. Age, growth and fecundity of Alabama shad in the Apalachicola River, Florida. South Carolina Fisheries Workers and Georgia Chapter American Fisheries Society joint meeting, Tybee Island, GA. 14 January 2007. | January 2007 |
Ingram, T. R., and J. J. Isely. Age, growth and fecundity of Alabama shad in the Apalachicola River, Florida. 25th Annual Morone Workshop, Albany, GA. 7 February 2007. | February 2007 |
Ingram, T. R., and J. J. Isely. 2008. Age, growth and fecundity of Alabama shad in the Apalachicola River, Florida. Georgia Chapter American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Eatonton, GA. | September 2008 |
Ingram, T. R., P. C. Ely, and J. J. Isely. 2008. Passage and population dynamics of Alabama shad in the Apalachicola River, Florida. Spring Meeting Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society. Wheeling, WV. | September 2008 |
Hixson, K.M., Y. Satgé, J. Gleason, P.G.R. Jodice. 2022. The northern Gulf of Mexico seabird colony atlas and registry: a forthcoming resource. Atlantic Marine Bird Cooperative Annual Meeting (virtual). | December 2022 |
Hixson, K.M., Y. Satgé, J. Gleason, P.G.R. Jodice. 2022. An atlas and registry for seabird colonies and associated habitats in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Waterbird Society 45th Annual Meeting, Corpus Christi, Texas, USA. | November 2022 |
Hill, J. H., L.M Bower, T.M. Farmer, J. Bettinger, and C. Jachowski. (2024). Thermal refugia and summer microhabitat selection in Edisto River, SC, Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis). Southern Division American Fisheries Society Meeting. Asheville, North Carolina, 18 February 2025 | January 2025 |
Hill, J. H., L.M Bower, T.M. Farmer, J. Bettinger, and C. Jachowski. (2024). Thermal refugia and summer microhabitat selection in Edisto River, SC, Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis). South Carolina American Fisheries Society Meeting. Asheville, North Carolina, 27 February 2025 | January 2025 |
Hill, J. H., Bower, L. M., and Farmer, T. M. (2024). Thermal refugia and summer microhabitat selection in Edisto River, SC, Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis). The Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. Chattanooga, Tennessee, 02 February 2024 | February 2024 |
Hill, J. H., Bower, L. M., Farmer, T. M., Bettinger, J, and Thomason, C. (2024). Thermal refugia and summer microhabitat selection in Edisto River, SC, Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis). The Southeastern Fisheries Council Meeting. Little Rock, Arkansas, 21 November 2024 | November 2024 |
Heinrichs, J, E Buchholtz, H Sofaer, C Jarnevich, M Roche, C Aldridge, & M Crist. 2022. Assessing the cover, connectivity, and future proliferation of invasive fine fuels. Oral presentation, North American Congress for Conservation Biology. 17 - 21 July 2022. Reno, NV. | July 2022 |
Harrison, A-L., C. Poli, P.G.R. Jodice. 2014. Multi-scale habitat modeling in seabirds provides opportunities for conservation action. North American Congress for Conservation Biology, Missoula, Montana | July 2014 |
Haney, J.C., J. Gleason, P.G.R. Jodice, P.E. Michael, K.M. Hixson, Y. Satgé, R.R. Wilson. 2022. Research applications from GoMMAPPS wildlife surveys to offshore wind energy development in the Gulf of Mexico. Atlantic Marine Bird Cooperative Annual Meeting (virtual). | November 2022 |
Hand, C., P.G.R. Jodice, F.J. Sanders. 2008. Research on the half shell: diet composition of American Oystercatchers during the nonbreeding season. Wilson Ornithological Society Annual Meeting, Mobile, Alabama | April 2008 |
Hand, C., P.G.R. Jodice, F.J. Sanders. 2006. Foraging ecology of American Oystercatchers during the nonbreeding season in the Cape Romain Region. American Oystercathcer Working Group, Cedar Key, FL. | December 2006 |
Green Sea Turtles and Marine Ecosystem Health: A Case Study From Palmyra Atoll. 2013. K. McFadden and E. Naro-Maciel. International Congress for Conservation Biology, Baltimore, Maryland. | July 2013 |
Grace, J., M. Ottinger, T. Maness, P. Jodice, R. Wilson. 2024. Gulf of Mexico Avian Monitoring Network Strategic Bird Monitoring Guidelines: Avian Health Metrics. Gulf of Mexico Annual Conference, Tampa, Florida. | February 2024 |
Grabowski, T. B., and J. J. Isely. 2004. Movement of robust redhorse in the Savannah River. South Carolina Chapter of the American Fisheries Society annual Meeting. Georgetown, SC. | February 2004 |
Grabowski, T. B., and J. J. Isely. 2003. Movement of robust redhorse in the Savannah River. South Carolina Chapter of the American Fisheries Society annual Meeting. McCormick, SC. | March 2003 |
Grabowski T.B., and J.J. Isely. Spatial and temporal habitat segregation by spawning fishes in the Savannah River. Joint Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, South Carolina Chapter and South Carolina Fishery Workers Association. Clemson, SC. 07 February 2005. | February 2005 |
Grabowski T.B., and J.J. Isely. Spatial and temporal habitat segregation by spawning fishes in the Savannah River. 29th Annual Larval Fish Conference. Barcelona, Spain. 11 July 2005. | July 2005 |
Grabowski T.B., and J.J. Isely. Spatial and temporal habitat segregation by spawning fishes in the Savannah River. 135th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Anchorage, AK. 13 September 2005. | September 2005 |
Grabowski T.B., and J.J. Isely. Spatial and temporal habitat segregation by spawning catostomids in the Savannah River, Georgia and South Carolina. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Georgia Chapter. Gainesville, GA. 24 January 2006. | January 2006 |
Grabowski T.B., and J.J. Isely. Savannah River robust redhorse research-final report. 11th Annual Meeting of the Robust Redhorse Conservation Committee. McCormick, SC. 19 October 2005. | October 2005 |
Grabowski T.B., N.L. Ratterman, and J.J. Isely. Age, growth, and mortality rate estimates of Savannah River catostomids. 12th Annual Meeting of the Robust Redhorse Conservation Committee. McCormick, SC. 17 October 2006. | October 2006 |
Gorzo, J.*, and P.G.R. Jodice. 2011. Bird Community Distribution on Golf Courses in Coastal Beaufort County, SC. Joint Annual Meeting Assoc. Field Ornithologists, Cooper Ornithological Society, Wilson Ornithological Society, Kearney, Nebraska [Poster] | March 2011 |
Godar, A.J., C.P. Griffin, B.A. Grisham, D.A. Haukos, S.R. Fritts, B.E. Ross, C.W. Boal, C.A. Hagen, M.A. Patten, and J.C. Pitman. 2017. Combining weather data and climate projections: a case study with Lesser Prairie-Chickens. Annual meeting of the Midwest Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Lincoln, NE. | February 2017 |
Godar, A.J., B.A. Grisham, B.E. Ross, C.W. Boal, S.R. Fritts, C.P. Griffin, C.A. Hagen, D.A. Haukos, M.A. Patten, and J.C. Pitman. 2016. Rangewide assessment of the influence of climate change on lesser prairie-chicken population persistence. North American Ornithological Congress, Washington, D.C. | August 2016 |
Gleason, J.S., R. Wilson, P.G.R. Jodice, J.E. Lyons, E.F. Zipkin, E.D. Silverman, J.C. Haney, Y. G. Satge, E.A. Adams, S.D. Earsom, M.D. Koneff, J.S. Wortham. Gulf of Mexico Marine Assessment Program for Protected Species (GoMMAPPS): a Nexus to Regulatory Decision-Making. Annual Meeting of the American Ornithological Society, Tuscon, Arizona | April 2018 |
Gleason, J.S., P.E. Michael, K.M. Hixson, J.C. Haney, Y.G. Satgé, and PGR Jodice. 2024. Observations of non-marine avifauna during seabird vessel surveys in the northern Gulf of Mexico (2017-2019). Gulf of Mexico Conference, Tampa, FL. | February 2024 |
Giles, M.*, P.G.R. Jodice, J. Stanton, M. Epstein. 2011. Migratory pathways and migration chronology of Canada geese wintering at the Santee National Wildlife Refuge. Waterbird Society Annual Meeting, Grand Island, Nebraska | March 2011 |
Froehly, J.L., A. Tegeler, B. Ross, C. Jachowski, P. Jodice, and D.S. Jachowski. 2017. Loggerhead shrike occupancy in South Carolina. American Ornithology Society, Lansing, Michigan. | August 2017 |
Friebel, B.A., and P.G.R. Jodice. Determination of feral hog movement patterns in Congaree National Park, South Carolina. [Poster] Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit Annual Meeting. Determination of feral hog movement patterns in Congaree National Park, South Carolina. | March 2005 |
Friebel, B.A., P.G.R. Jodice. 2006. Movement patterns of feral hogs in the Congaree National Park, South Carolina. Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit Annual Meeting | February 2006 |
Friebel, B.A., P.G.R. Jodice, W.A. Huslander. Home range sizes of feral hogs in the Congaree National Park, South Carolina. National Conference on Wild Pigs, Mobile, AL. | May 2006 |
Fontenot, Q. C., J. J. Isely, and C. R. Allen. February 2000. Effects of Ingesting red imported fire ants on fishes. Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Midyear Meeting. Savannah, GA. | February 2000 |
Fontenot, Q. C., J. J. Isely, and C. R. Allen. February 2000. Effects of Ingesting red imported fire ants on fishes. South Carolina Fisheries Workers Association Annual Meeting. Clemson, SC. | February 2000 |
Finney, S. S., J. J. Isely, and D. C. Cooke. 2002. Movement of artificially passed shortnose sturgeon above a lock and dam: preliminary results. Georgia Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Augusta, GA. | February 2002 |
Finney, S. S., J. J. Isely, and D. C. Cooke. 2002. Movement of artificially passed shortnose sturgeon above a lock and dam: preliminary results. Annual Midyear Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society. Little Rock, AR. | February 2002 |
Finney, S. S., J. J. Isely, and D. C. Cooke. 2002. Movement of artificially passed shortnose sturgeon above a lock and dam: preliminary results. Annual Meeting of the South Carolina Fisheries Association. Isle of Palms, SC. | February 2002 |
Finney, S. S., J. J. Isely, and D. C. Cooke. 2002. Movement of artificially passed shortnose sturgeon above a lock and dam: preliminary results. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Baltimore, MD. | January 2002 |
Finn, R. N., M. Lenhardt, A Ferrara, P. Cakic, J. J. Isely, M. S. Even and H. J. Fyhn. 2001. Yolk proteins and free amino acids in Acipenseriformes. Tenth European Congress of Ichthyology, Prague, Chechoslovachia. | September 2001 |
Finn, R. H., M. Lenhardt, A. Ferrara, P. Cakic, J. J. Isely, J. Dean, M. S. Evjen, and H. J. Fyhn. 2002. Yolk proteins and free amino acids in Acipenseriformes. 26th Annual Larval Fish Conference. Bergen, Norway | July 2002 |
Fink, M., Casey, S., Cribb, T., Bacot, M., Powell, D., Sealy, H., Jamison, A., Yarrow, G., Buchholtz, E. (2024). Wild Hogs on the Clemson Experimental Forest. Poster presentation at Clemson University 19th Annual Focus on Creative Inquiry Forum, Clemson, SC. 3-5 April 2024. | April 2024 |
Ferguson, Lisa; Jennifer Goyette; Patrick Jodice; David Evers. Post-breeding movements and habitat use of Black Skimmers (Rynchops niger) in southern USA. 2nd World Seabird Conference, Cape Town, South Africa | October 2015 |
Ferguson, L.M., and P.G.R. Jodice. Ticks and Chicks: Is there an effect of soft ticks on physiological condition of pelican nestlings? South Carolina Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Edgefield, SC. | March 2006 |
Ferguson, L.M., P.G.R. Jodice, and K. M. O'Reilly. Effect of ectoparasites on corticosterone levels of Brown Pelican nestlings. [Poster] Joint Annual Meeting of the Pacific Seabird Group and The Waterbird Society, Portland, OR. Best Student Poster Award. | January 2005 |
Ferguson, L.M., P.G.R. Jodice, K. M. O'Reilly. Adrenocortical response of Brown Pelican nestlings to ectoparasite infestation. Pacific Seabird Group Annual Meeting, Girdwood, AK. | February 2006 |
Ferguson, L.M.*, J. Speakman, P. Redman, P.G.R. Jodice. 2014. Energetics of Brown Pelican Nestlings. Pacific Seabird Group Annual Meeting, Juneau, Alaska. | February 2014 |
Ferguson, L., Y. Satge, J. Tavano, P.G.R. Jodice. 2016. Seabird Colony Registry and Atlas: South Carolina, Georgia, northern Florida. The Waterbird Society, New Bern, North Carolina. [Poster] | September 2016 |
Evers, D., P.G.R. Jodice, P. Frederick. 2011. Assessing injury to colonial waterbirds from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Oil Spill Symposium, Waterbird Society Annual Meeting, Grand Island, Nebraska | March 2011 |
Ely, P. C., and J. J. Isely. Population size and passage efficiency of Alabama shad reaching Jim Woodruff Lock and Dam. South Carolina Fisheries Workers and Georgia Chapter American Fisheries Society joint meeting, Tybee Island, GA. 14 January 2007. | January 2007 |
Ely, P. C., and J. J. Isely. Population size and passage efficiency of Alabama shad reaching Jim Woodruff Lock and Dam. 25th Annual Morone Workshop, Albany, GA. 7 February 2007. | January 2007 |
Ely, P. C., and J. J. Isely. 2008. Population size and passage of spawning Alabama shad reaching Jim Woodruff Lock and Dam, FL. South Carolina Fisheries Workers and South Carolina Chapter American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Santee, SC. | September 2008 |
Ely, P. C., and J. J. Isely. 2008. Population size and passage of spawning Alabama shad reaching Jim Woodruff Lock and Dam, FL. Georgia Chapter American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Eatonton, GA. | September 2008 |
Eggert, L.M.F..*, P.G.R. Jodice. 2010. Intertidal habitat use and management of seabirds on a coastal island in South Carolina. Pacific Seabird Group Annual Meeting, Long Beach, California | January 2010 |
Eggert, L.M.F..*, P.G.R. Jodice. 2009. Intertidal habitat use by birds on a coastal island. Waterbird Society Annual Meeting, Atlantic City, New Jersey | November 2009 |
Eggert, L.M.F..*, P.G.R. Jodice, J.R. Speakman, P. Redman. 2009. Energetics of Black Skimmer nestlings. Waterbird Society Annual Meeting, Atlantic City, New Jersey [Poster] | November 2009 |
Eggert, L.M.F..*, P.G.R. Jodice, F. Sanders, G. Brooks. 2010. Conservation challenges and successes for seabirds in South Carolina, USA: Importance of longterm monitoring and research partnerships. First World Seabird Conference, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. | September 2010 |
Eggert, L.M.F., P.G.R. Jodice. 2007. Seabird research on protected islands in South Carolina. Shorebird conservation workshop, Huntington Beach State Park, SC | August 2007 |
Eggert, L.M.F., P.G.R. Jodice, T. Norton. 2008. Health assessments of Brown Pelican nestlings. Pacific Seabird Group Annual Meeting, Blaine, Washington | February 2008 |
Eggert, L.M.F.*, P.G.R. Jodice. 2008. Parasitized Brown Pelican nestlings have increased rates of growth at sublethal levels of infestation. American Ornithological Union Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon | June 2008 |
Eggert, L.M.F.*, P.G.R. Jodice, T. Norton. 2008. Health assessments of Brown Pelican nestlings. Pacific Seabird Group Annual Meeting, Blaine, Washington [Poster] | February 2008 |
Eggert, L.M.F.*, P.G.R. Jodice, T. Norton. 2008. Health assessments of Brown Pelican nestlings at colonies in South Carolina and Georgia. Southeastern Seabird Working Group Annual Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina. | March 2008 |
Eggert, L.M.F.*, P.G.R. Jodice, P. Redman, J.R. Speakman. 2009. Daily energy expenditure in Black Skimmer chicks. Pacific Seabird Group Annual Meeting, Hakodate, Japan [Poster] | November 2009 |
Eggert, L., D. Evers, P.G.R. Jodice, M. Yates, D. Yates, J. Goyette, and D. Meattey. 2011. Movements of Brown Pelicans and Black Skimmers from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill injury assessment. Waterbird Society Annual Meeting, Annapolis, Maryland | November 2011 |
Eggert, L., D. Evers, J. Goyette, P.G.R. Jodice, D. Meattey, M. Yates. 2011. Regional differences in mercury exposure in Brown Pelicans and Black Skimmers. Waterbird Society Annual Meeting, Annapolis, Maryland | November 2011 |
Effects of Habitat on Small Mammal Diversity and Abundance in Nyungwe National Park, Rwanda. M. Majyambere and K. McFadden. 2013. International Congress for Conservation Biology, Baltimore, Maryland. | July 2013 |
Duncan, M., J. J. Isely, and D. C. Cooke. 2003. Spawning activity of migrating adult shortnose sturgeon in the Pinopolis Lock and Dam tailrace: preliminary results. South Carolina Chapter of the American Fisheries Society annual Meeting. McCormick, SC. | March 2003 |
Duncan, M., J. J. Isely, and D. C. Cooke. 2003. Spawning activity of migrating adult shortnose sturgeon in the Pinopolis Lock and Dam tailrace: preliminary results. Georgia Chapter of the American Fisheries Society annual Meeting. Rome, GA. | February 2003 |
Duncan, M., J. J. Isely, and D. C. Cooke. 2002. Spawning activity of migrating adult shortnose sturgeon in the Pinopolis Lock and Dam tailrace: preliminary results. Georgia Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Augusta, GA. | February 2002 |
Duncan, M., J. J. Isely, and D. C. Cooke. 2002. Spawning activity of migrating adult shortnose sturgeon in the Pinopolis Lock and Dam tailrace: preliminary results. Annual Midyear Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society. Little Rock, AR. | February 2002 |
Duncan, M., J. J. Isely, and D. C. Cooke. 2002. Spawning activity of migrating adult shortnose sturgeon in the Pinopolis Lock and Dam tailrace: preliminary results. Annual Meeting of the South Carolina Fisheries Association. Isle of Palms, SC. | January 2002 |
Duncan, M., J. J. Isely, and D. C. Cooke. 2002. Spawning activity of migrating adult shortnose sturgeon in the Pinopolis Lock and Dam tailrace: preliminary results. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Baltimore, MD. | August 2002 |
Duncan, M., B. M. Wrege and J. J. Isely. 2008. Movement and habitat use by Gulf of Mexico sturgeon in Pensacola and Escambia Bays, Florida. 138th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Ottawa, Canada. | September 2008 |
Dolan, S., R. Reid, B. E. Ross, and A. Woodward. 2020. Establishing a photographic monitoring protocol for the endangered Rock Gnome Lichen to assess population stability. Botany 2020: Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America in Anchorage, AK, USA. Poster. | July 2020 |
Denmon, P., and P.G.R. Jodice. [Poster] Royal Tern Working Group: Forming a Partnership for Conservation and Management of a Royal Tern Metapopulation on the Atlantic Coast. Waterbird Society Annual Meeting, Jekyll Island, GA. | October 2005 |
Daley, J.T., Bower, L. M., Farmer, T. M. (2024). A Potential Unifying Model to Assess Fish Thermal Tolerance. The Southern Division American Fisheries Society Meeting. Chattanooga, Tennessee. 2 February 2024 | February 2024 |
Daley, J. T., Bower, L. M., Farmer, T. M., Stell, E. G., DeVries, D. R., Wright, R. (2025). Using Electron Transport System to Predict the Thermal Tolerance of SWAP Listed Fish Species. Southern Division American Fisheries Society. Asheville, North Carolina. 18 February 2025 | January 2025 |
Daley, J. T., Bower, L. M., Farmer, T. M., Stell, E. G., DeVries, D. R., Wright, R. (2025). Using Electron Transport System to Predict the Thermal Tolerance of SWAP Listed Fish Species. South Carolina American Fisheries Society. Asheville, North Carolina. 27 February 2025 | January 2025 |
Daley, J. T., Bower, L. M., Farmer, T. M., Stell, E. G., DeVries, D. R., Wright, R. (2024). Using Electron Transport System to Predict the Thermal Tolerance of SWAP Listed Fish Species. Southeastern Fishes Council Annual Meeting. Little Rock, Arkansas. 21 November 2024 | November 2024 |
Cribb, T., Yarrow, G., Buchholtz, E. (2023). Tracking Wild Hogs on Clemson's Experimental Forest. Poster presentation at the 7th Annual Summer Creative Inquiry + Undergraduate Research Showcase, Clemson, SC. 22 August 2023. | August 2023 |
Cribb, T., J. Allen, M. Belanger, T. Brazell, L. Dawkins, J. Farrell, M. Fink, K. Lentz, D. Powell, G. Sapp, N. Sparano, A. Jamison, E. Buchholtz, & G. Yarrow (2023). Hog wild in the forest: Home ranges and habitat use of wild hogs in Clemson, South Carolina. Annual Meeting, The Wildlife Society. Louisville, KY, 5 - 10 November 2023. | November 2023 |
Cribb, T., Buchholtz, E., Yarrow, G., Jamison, A. 2024. Wild Hogs on the Clemson Experimental Forest: Radio/GPS tracking invasive wild hogs in Clemson, SC. Poster presentation at the 7th Annual Clemson University Student Research Forum, Clemson, SC. 3-5 April 2024. | April 2024 |
Cribb, T., Buchholtz, E., Yarrow, G., Jamison, A. 2024. Wild Hogs on the Clemson Experimental Forest: Radio/GPS tracking invasive wild hogs in Clemson, SC. Poster presentation at the 2024 ACC Meeting of the Minds Student Conference, Notre Dame, IN. 5-7 April 2024. | April 2024 |
Conway, K. W., Kubicek, K. M., Bower, L. M. Carson, E. W., Pinion, A. K. Hunt, E. P., and Portnoy D. S. Integrative Taxonomic Investigation of Cyprinella sp. Nueces, a Putative Undescribed Species of Greatest Conservation Need in Texas. Desert Fishes Council Annual Meeting. 2022. | November 2022 |
Collins, S.*, P.G.R. Jodice, F. Sanders. 2011. Headstarting: An experimental study to improve nest success of American Oystercatchers. Waterbird Society Annual Meeting, Annapolis, Maryland | November 2011 |
Collins, S.*, P.G.R. Jodice, F. Sanders. 2011. Headstarting American Oystercatchers within Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge, South Carolina. Waterbird Society Annual Meeting, Grand Island, Nebraska | March 2011 |
Burns, L., S. Loeb, P.G.R. Jodice. 2015. Winter activity patterns of bats on the Cumberland Plateau. North American Bat Research Symposium, Monterey, California. | October 2015 |
Burns, L.*, S.C. Loeb, W.C. Bridges, P.G.R. Jodice. 2016. Following the flames? Bat Occupancy in Cumberland Plateau Forests Managed by Fire. North American Society for Bat Research, San Antonio, Texas. | October 2016 |
Burns, L.*, S. Loeb, W. Bridges, P.G.R. Jodice. 2014. Influence of prescribed fire on bat activity in the Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area. North American Society for Bat Rsearch, Albany, New York. | October 2014 |
Buchholtz, E.K., J.A. Heinrichs, M.S. O'Donnell, and C.L. Aldridge. Understanding past and present connectivity patterns for habitat and wildlife in the sagebrush biome. Annual Conference, The Wildlife Society, Spokane, WA. 6 - 10 November 2022. | November 2022 |
Buchholtz, E.K., J.A. Heinrichs, M.S. O'Donnell, and C.L. Aldridge. Patterns of structural connectivity in the sagebrush biome (1985-2018). Western Agencies 33rd Sage & Columbian Sharp-Tailed Grouse Workshop, Ogden, UT (virtual). 15 - 18 August 2022. | August 2022 |
Buchholtz, E.K., J.A. Heinrichs, M.S. O'Donnell, and C.L. Aldridge. Patterns of structural connectivity in the sagebrush biome (1985-2018). North America Congress for Conservation Biology, Reno, NV. 17 - 21 July 2022. | July 2022 |
Buchholtz, E.K., J.A. Heinrichs, A.L. Whipple, M.S. O'Donnell, and C.L. Aldridge. Capturing variation in functional connectivity for data-deficient wildlife species in Wyoming. Annual Conference, International Association for Landscape Ecology - North America, Riverside, CA. 19 - 23 March 2023. | March 2023 |
Buchholtz, E.K., J. Kreitler, D. Shinneman, M. Crist, & J. Heinrichs. Assessing large landscape patterns of potential fire connectivity using circuit methods. Presentation (virtual) Annual Meeting, Society for Rangeland Management, Boise, ID, 15-18 February 2023. | February 2023 |
Buchholtz, E.K., J. Heinrichs, M. O'Donnell, A. Whipple and C. Aldridge. Multispecies connectivity: Insights across connectivity models and functional guilds in the Wyoming sagebrush ecosystem. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. 19 - 23 October 2024. | October 2024 |
Buchholtz, E.K. Tigers, elephants, and everything in between: My path to a career in science. Invited, virtual presentation U.S. Geological Survey - Friday's Findings: Celebrating International Women's Day and the paths taken to a career in science. 8 March 2024. | March 2024 |
Buchholtz, E. K., M. McDaniels, G. McCulloch, A. Songhurst, A. Stronza, and L. Fitzgerald (2023). Connectivity and conflict: What people, records, and GPS can tell us about elephant landscape use in northwestern Botswana. Annual Meeting, The Wildlife Society. Louisville, KY, 5 - 10 November 2023. | November 2023 |
Brooks, G.*, P.G.R. Jodice, F. Sanders. 2011. Nest success of beach-nesting birds in Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge, South Carolina, USA. Waterbird Society Annual Meeting, Grand Island, Nebraska | March 2011 |
Brooks, G.*, F. Sanders, P.G.R. Jodice. 2009. Preliminary investigation of factors influencing hatch success of beach-nesting birds within Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge, South Carolina. Waterbird Society Annual Meeting, Atlantic City, New Jersey [Poster] | November 2009 |
Bower, L.M. (2022). The influence of instream flow and microhabitat on larval fish abundance. Clemson Water Research Symposium. Clemson, South Carolina. 9 May 2022 | May 2022 |
Bower, L. M., Peoples, B. K., Eddy, M. C., & Scott, M. C. (2022). Quantifying flow–ecology relationships across flow regime class and ecoregions in South Carolina. UCOWR/NIWR Annual Water Resources Conference. June 2022. | June 2022 |
Bower, L. M., Peoples, B. K., Eddy, M. C., & Scott, M. C. (2022). Quantifying flow–ecology relationships across flow regime class and ecoregions in South Carolina. Clemson Water Research Symposium. Clemson, South Carolina. 9 May 2022 | May 2022 |
Bower, L. M., Peoples, B. K., Eddy, M. C., & Scott, M. C. (2022). Quantifying Flow Alteration-Ecology Relationships Across South Carolina. South Carolina Water Resources Conference. Columbia, South Carolina. 19 October 2022 | October 2022 |
Bower, L. M., Marion, C. A., Scott, M., Kubach, K., and Gelder, D. (2023). Stream fish assemblage and functional trait responses to dam removal. The American Fisheries Society Meeting. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 21 August 2023. | August 2023 |
Bower, L. M., Marion, C. A., Scott, M., Kubach, K., and Gelder, D. (2023). Stream fish assemblage and functional trait responses to dam removal. Southern Division American Fisheries Society Meeting. Chattanooga, Tennessee. 2 February 2024 | February 2024 |
Bower, L. M. (2023). Stream fish assemblage and functional trait responses to dam removal. The Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society. Norfolk, Virginia. 02 February 2023. | February 2023 |
Bailey, M. M., J. J. Isely, and D. C. Cooke. 2002. Movement and passage of American shad at the new savannah bluff lock and dam. Georgia Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Augusta, GA. | February 2002 |
Bailey, M. M., J. J. Isely, and D. C. Cooke. 2002. Movement and passage of American shad at the new savannah bluff lock and dam. Annual Midyear Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society. Little Rock, AR. | February 2002 |
Bailey, M. M., J. J. Isely, and D. C. Cooke. 2002. Movement and passage of American shad at the new savannah bluff lock and dam. Annual Meeting of the South Carolina Fisheries Association. Isle of Palms, SC. | January 2002 |
Bailey, M. M., J. J. Isely, and D. C. Cooke. 2002. Movement and passage of American shad at the new savannah bluff lock and dam. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Baltimore, MD. | August 2002 |
Annis, W. K., Peoples, B. K., Thompson, L., Midway, S. R., Bower, L. M., Olden, J. D. (2023). Elucidating the hierarchical relationships between mechanisms of stream fish taxonomic compositional change. The American Fisheries Society Meeting. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 21 August 2023. | August 2023 |
Ann Haynes-Sutton; William Mackin; J. Christopher Haney; Jennifer Wheeler; Lisa Sorenson; Patrick Jodice. An integrated approach to building capacity for seabird conservation in the Caribbean - a success story. 2nd World Seabird Conference, Cape Town, South Africa | October 2015 |
Adams, M., Tegeler, A., Hook, M., Small, M., & Ross, B.E. (2020). Effects of forest management on early-successional avian species in South Carolina. The Wildlife Society. | September 2020 |
Abramowitz, C. M., Buchholtz, E. K., and Loeb, S. C. 2025. Impact of management practices and habitat features on bat activity in early-successional habitat. Southeastern Bat Diversity Network, Lexington, KY. 13 February, 2024. | February 2025 |
Abramowitz, C. M., Buchholtz, E. K., and Loeb, S. C. 2024. Bat use of fields in Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area. Tennessee Bat Working Group, Murpheesboro, TN. 22 November, 2024. | November 2024 |
Abramowitz, C. M., Buchholtz, E. K., and Loeb, S. C. 2024. Bat use of fields in Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area. 52nd Annual Meeting, North American Society for Bat Research, Guadalajara, Mexico, 23-26 October 2024. | October 2024 |
A.J. Godar, B.A. Grisham, B.E. Ross, C.W. Boal, D. Greene, C.P. Griffin, C.A. Hagen, D.A. Haukos, M.A. Patten, and J.C. Pitman. 2018. Rangewide lesser prairie-chicken population persistence with climate change. International Grouse Symposium, Logan, Utah. | September 2018 |
Theses and Dissertations | Publication Date |
Zinsser, E. 2014. Nest success and habitat choice of Wilson's Plover. MS Thesis Clemson University | May 2014 |
Wrege, B.M. 2010. Characterization of Gulf Sturgeon Diel and Seasonal Activity in the Pensacola Bay System, Florida. Clemson University. | March 2010 |
Wilkinson, B.P. 2021. Ecological outcomes of movement behavior in Brown Pelicans from the South Atlantic Bight. PhD Dissertation, Clemson University | December 2021 |
Thompson, H. 2018. Wintering Ecology of Whooping Cranes in the Eastern Migratory Population. Department of Forestry and Environmental Conservation, Clemson University | May 2018 |
Takahashi, Fumika. 2016. Shorebird Utilization of Horseshoe Crab (Limulus polyphemus) Eggs at Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge, South Carolina. MS Thesis, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina. | December 2016 |
Sullivan, S. 2015. Innovative Approaches to Manage and Reduce Wild Hog Damage to Agricultural Systems and Domestic Livestock Operations in South Carolina. MS Thesis, Clemson University | December 2015 |
Streker, R. 2019. Reproductive Ecology and Diet of Brown Pelicans in the Gulf of Mexico. MS Thesis Clemson University | April 2019 |
Schaffler, J. J. 2001. Movement of striped bass in Lake Murray, South Carolina. M. S. Aquaculture, Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, Clemson University. | May 2001 |
Poli, C. 2014. Spatial Ecology of Pelecaniformes. MS Thesis Clemson University | December 2014 |
Niles, M. Environmental and temporal patterns of larval fish communities and American Shad spawning in the lower Broad River, South Carolina. Masters Thesis. Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina. August 2023. | August 2023 |
Madden, H. 2017. Reproductive Ecology of Red-billed Tropicbirds. University of West Indies. | December 2017 |
Lucas, J. 2009. Roosting and Foraging Ecology of Rafinesque’s Big-eared Bats in the Congaree National Park. MS Thesis, Clemson University. | December 2009 |
Lisa Wickliffe, Dept. Forestry and Natural Resources, M.S. student, May 2006 – April 2008: Foraging Ecology of Seabirds in Relation to Commercial Shrimp Trawler Activity | April 2008 |
Lisa Ferguson, Dept. Forestry and Natural Resources, M.S. student, January 2004 – May 2006: Growth and Adrenocortical Response of Brown Pelican Nestlings in Relation to Ectoparasite Infestation in South Carolina | April 2006 |
Lawson, Abigail J. 2019. Reducing uncertainties in conservation decision-making for American alligators. Dissertation. Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA. 233 pp. | May 2019 |
Lamb, J. 2016 Ecological Drivers of Brown Pelican Movement Patterns and Reproductive Success in the Gulf of Mexico. PhD Dissertation Clemson University | May 2016 |
Kristin Meehan, Dept. Forestry and Natural Resources, M.S. student, June 2004 – December 2006: Landscape Scale Correlates of Fox Squirrel Presence on Golf Courses in Coastal South Carolina | December 2006 |
Keck, K. 2014. Assessing the Response of Small Mammal Functional Guilds to a Simulated Pathogen Attack in a Deciduous Forest Ecosystem. | May 2014 |
Jones, T. A. 2001. Habitat use of largemouth bass in a Savannah River tributary. M.S. Aquaculture, Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, Clemson University. | May 2001 |
Janet Thibault, Dept. Forestry and Natural Resources, M.S. student, August 2005 – August 2008: Nesting and Foraging Ecology of American Oystercatchers in the Cape Romain Region, South Carolina | August 2008 |
Ingram, T. R. 2007. Age, growth and fecundity of Alabama shad in the Apalachicola River, Florida. MS Thesis. | May 2007 |
Hill, Jacob. Movement ecology and habitat selection in Edisto River Striped Bass. Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina. January 2023. | January 2023 |
Harper, C.J. 2007. A large volume Striped Bass egg incubation chamber: design and comparison with a traditional method. M.S. Degree Wildlife and Fisheries Biology, Department of Forestry and Natural Resources. | May 2009 |
Harper, C. D. 2008. A Large Volume Striped Bass Egg Incubation Chamber: Design and Comparison with a Traditional Method. M.S. Forestry and Natural Resources, Clemson University. | August 2008 |
Grabowski TB. 2006. Reproductive ecology and seasonal migrations of robust redhorse (Moxostoma robustum) in the Savannah River, South Carolina and Georgia. Ph.D. dissertation. Clemson University. Clemson, South Carolina, USA. | May 2006 |
Gorzo, J. 2012. Avian Communities and Landscape Characteristics of Golf Courses within the Beaufort County Sea Island Complex, MS Thesis Clemson University | January 2012 |
Giles, M. 2010. Habitat Use and Home Ranges of Migratory Canada Geese in the Santee-PeeDee System. MS Thesis, Clemson University. | December 2010 |
Elena Sachs, Dept. Forestry and Natural Resources, M.S. student, May 2006 – December 2007: Provisioning Behavior in Brown Pelicans | December 2007 |
Eggert, L.M.F. 2012. Conservation Needs of Nearshore Seabirds in the Southeastern US Addressed Through Habitat Use Surveys and Assessments of Health and Mercury Concentrations. Clemson University | August 2012 |
Daley, J. Thermal Ecology of the Edisto River, South Carolina. PhD Dissertation. Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina. August 2022. | August 2022 |
Collins, S. 2012. Reproductive Ecology of American Oystercatchers in the Cape Romain Region of South Carolina: Implications for Conservation. MS Thesis Clemson University | May 2012 |
Christy Hand, Dept. Forestry and Natural Resources, M.S. student, August 2006 – August 2008: Wintering Ecology of American Oystercatchers | August 2008 |
Burns, L. 2016. Seasonal Habitat Use and Activity of Bats in Relation to Prescribed Fire and Environmental Conditions. MS Thesis, Clemson University. | December 2016 |
Brooks, J. 2016. Effects of forest opening characteristics, prey abundance, and environmental factors on bat activity in the southern Appalachians. MS Thesis Clemson University. | August 2016 |
Brooks, G. 2011. Reproductive Success of Black Skimmers and Least Terns. MS Thesis, Clemson University. | June 2011 |
Brad Friebel, Dept. Forestry and Natural Resources, M.S. student, January 2005 – August 2007: Home Range and Habitat Use of Feral Hogs in Congaree National Park | August 2007 |
Technical Publications | Publication Date |
Marteinsdóttir, G., T.B. Grabowski, B.J. McAdam, V. Thorsteinsson, J.J. Isely, S.B. Kristgeirsson & S. Guðbjörnsson. 2008. Framvinduskýrsla til Verkefnasjóðs Sjávarútvegsins fyrir árið 2009 - Kortlagning líffræðilegs fjölbreytileika þorsks með áherslu á atferli í tengslum við æxlun og far [The importance of diversity in terms of stock structure, life history and behavior for the survival of the cod stock in Iceland]. Progress report to Rannís; Reykjavik, Iceland. | December 2008 |
Jodice, P.G.R., J. Tavano, W. Mackin. 2013. Chapter 8: Marine and coastal birds and bats. Pages 475-587 In: Michel, J. (ed.). South Atlantic information resources: data search and literature synthesis. U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, New Orleans, LA. OCS Study BOEM 2013-01157. | September 2012 |
Jodice, P.G.R. Assessing the conservation value of golf courses for fox squirrels in coastal South Carolina. P. 49 In Nus, J.L. (ed) 2004 USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. USGA Green Section | September 2005 |
Huff, M., Jodice, P.G.R., J. Baldwin, D.E. Mack, T. Max, S. Miller, S.K. Nelson, C.J. Ralph, M. Raphael, C. Strong, C. Thompson, and R.Wilk. 2002 Annual Report: The Marbled Murrelet Effectiveness Monitoring Program. US Fish and Wildlife Service, Portland, OR. 27pp. | December 2003 |
Type | Citation | Publication Date |
Data Release | Wilkinson, B.P., and Jodice, P., 2022, Movement Data of Partially Migratory Brown Pelicans from the South Atlantic Bight: U.S. Geological Survey data release, | September 2022 |
Data Release | Wilkinson, B.P., and Jodice, P., 2022, Movement Data of Partially Migratory Brown Pelicans from the South Atlantic Bight: U.S. Geological Survey data release, | January 2022 |
Data Release | Wilkinson, B.P., Y.G Satgé, J.S. Lamb, and P.G.R. Jodice. 2019. GPS tracking of Brown Pelican in the South Atlantic Bight during cyclonic activity (2017-2018): U.S. Geological Survey data release, | September 2019 |
Software Release | Wilkinson, B.P., Y.G Satgé, J.S. Lamb, and P.G.R. Jodice. 2019. GPS tracking of Brown Pelican in the South Atlantic Bight during cyclonic activity (2017-2018): U.S. Geological Survey data release, | December 2024 |
Data Release | Wilkinson, B.P., Y.G Satgé, J.S. Lamb, and P.G.R. Jodice. 2019. GPS tracking of Brown Pelican in the South Atlantic Bight during cyclonic activity (2017-2018): U.S. Geological Survey data release, | April 2019 |
Data Release | Wilkinson, B.P, Jodice, P.G.R., and Robuck, A.R., 2021, Concentrations of Perfluoroalkyl Substances in the Eggs of Brown Pelicans from Charleston, SC (2019): U.S. Geological Survey data release, | November 2020 |
Data Release | Weise, C.L., Coates, P.S., Ricca, M.A., Crist, M.R., Welty, J.L., Pilliod, D.S., Shinneman, D.J., Aldridge, C.L., Heinrichs, J.A., and Chenaille, M.P., 2024, Fuel break treatments in the sagebrush biome of the western United States, 1953 - 2018: U.S. Geological Survey data release, | April 2023 |
Data Release | Streker, R.A., J.S. Lamb, Y.G. Satgé, and P.G.R. Jodice. 2020. Reproductive Physiology of Brown Pelican Along the Coast of Alabama, 2017-2018: U.S. Geological Survey data release, | September 2022 |
Data Release | Streker, R.A., J.S. Lamb, Y.G. Satgé, and P.G.R. Jodice. 2020. Reproductive Physiology of Brown Pelican Along the Coast of Alabama, 2017-2018: U.S. Geological Survey data release, | October 2019 |
Data Release | Shyvers J.E., B.C. Tarbox, E.K. Buchholtz, A.P. Monroe, C.J. Duchardt, N J. Van Lanen, B.S. Robb, D.R. Edmunds, M.S. O’Donnell, and C.L. Aldridge. Raster layers of optimal conservation and restoration sites, ecological status, and connectivity to prioritize multi-species, sagebrush ecosystem management across Wyoming, USA. USGS ScienceBase data release. | September 2024 |
Data Release | Satgé, Y.G., E. Rupp, and P.G.R. Jodice. 2019. A preliminary report of ongoing research of the ecology of Black-capped Petrel (Pterodroma hasitata) in Sierra de Bahoruco, Dominican Republic – I: GPS tracking of breeding adults. Unpublished Report, South Carolina Cooperative Research Unit, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina, USA. U.S. Geological Survey, | April 2019 |
Data Release | Satgé, Y.G., E. Rupp, A. Brown, P.G.R. Jodice. 2020. Nesting habitat suitability for the Black-capped Petrel Pterodroma hasitata on Hispaniola, Supplementary Material: U.S. Geological Survey data release, | January 2018 |
Data Release | Poli, C.L, A-L. Harrison, A. Vallarino, P.D. Gerard, Jodice, P.G.R. 2017. Dynamic oceanography predicts fine scale foraging behavior of Masked Boobies in the Gulf of Mexico. PLoS ONE 12(6): e0178318. Movebank ID: 276604823 | October 2019 |
Data Release | Lawson, A.J., and P.G.R. Jodice. 2019. Mercury concentrations in American alligators in South Carolina, 2010-2017: U.S. Geological Survey data release, | September 2019 |
Data Release | Lawson, A.J., Jodice, P.G., Rainwater, T.R., Hart, M., Butfiloski, J.W., Wilkinson, P.M., and Moore, C.T., 2022, American alligator demographic and harvest data from Georgetown County, South Carolina, 1979–2017: U.S. Geological Survey data release,<br> | January 2022 |
Data Release | Lamb, J.S., Y.G. Satgé, P.G.R. Jodice. 2019. Brown Pelican Utilization Distribution, Breeding Season, Northern Gulf of Mexico, 2013-2015, | September 2019 |
Data Release | Lamb, J.S., Y.G. Satgé, P.G.R. Jodice. 2019. Brown Pelican Utilization Distribution, Breeding Season, Northern Gulf of Mexico, 2013-2015, | October 2019 |
Data Release | Lamb, J.S., Y.G. Satgé, P.G.R Jodice. 2019. Physiological Ecology of Brown Pelican in the Gulf of Mexico, 2013-2016: U.S. Geological Survey data release, | September 2019 |
Data Release | Lamb, J.S., Y.G. Satgé, P.G.R Jodice. 2019. Physiological Ecology of Brown Pelican in the Gulf of Mexico, 2013-2016: U.S. Geological Survey data release, | July 2017 |
Data Release | Lamb, J.S., Y.G. Satgé, P.G.R Jodice. 2019. Physiological Ecology of Brown Pelican in the Gulf of Mexico, 2013-2016: U.S. Geological Survey data release, | April 2019 |
Data Release | Lamb, J.S., Y.G. Satge, P.G.R. Jodice. 2017. Influence of density-dependent competition on foraging and migratory behavior of a subtropical colonial seabird. Ecology and Evolution 2017;00:1–13. | February 2017 |
Data Release | Lamb, J.S., Satgé, Y.G., and Jodice, P.G.R. 2017. Foraging ecology of Brown Pelican in the northern Gulf of Mexico (2013-2015): U.S. Geological Survey, | May 2017 |
Data Release | Jodice, P.G.R., and B.P. Wilkinson. 2020. At-sea movements of Masked Boobies from Pedro Cays, Jamaica, 2012: U.S. Geological Survey data release, | September 2019 |
Data Release | Jodice, P.G.R., and B.P. Wilkinson. 2020. At-sea movements of Masked Boobies from Pedro Cays, Jamaica, 2012: U.S. Geological Survey data release, | October 2019 |
Data Release | Jodice, P.G.R., K.M. Hixson, and Y.G. Satgé. Atlas of Breeding Sites for Waterbirds in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. 2024. Version 1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey software release, | September 2022 |
Data Release | Jodice, P.G.R., K.M. Hixson, and Y.G. Satgé. Atlas of Breeding Sites for Waterbirds in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. 2024. Version 1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey software release, | October 2019 |
Software Release | Jodice, P.G.R., K.M. Hixson, and Y.G. Satgé. Atlas of Breeding Sites for Waterbirds in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. 2024. Version 1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey software release, | December 2024 |
Data Release | Ferguson, L.M., Y.G. Satgé, J. Tavano, and P.G.R. Jodice. 2018. Seabird colony registry and atlas for the Southeastern United States. Final Report to US FWS: U.S. Geological Survey, | July 2017 |
Software Release | Ferguson, L.M., Y.G. Satgé, J. Tavano, and P.G.R. Jodice. 2018. Seabird colony registry and atlas for the Southeastern United States. Final Report to US FWS: U.S. Geological Survey, | December 2024 |
Data Release | Buchholtz, E.K., M.S. O'Donnell, J.A. Heinrichs, and C.L Aldridge. 2023. Sagebrush structural connectivity yearly and temporal trends based on RCMAP sagebrush products, biome-wide from 1985 to 2020: U.S. Geological Survey data release | October 2022 |
Data Release | Buchholtz, E.K. and Kreitler, J.R., 2023, Circuit-based potential fire connectivity and relative flow patterns in the Great Basin, United States, 270 meters: U.S. Geological Survey data release, | April 2023 |
Data Release | Buchholtz, E.K. & J. Heinrichs. 2022. Landscape and connectivity metrics based on invasive annual grass cover from 2016-2018 summarized at 15 kilometer grid cells in the Great Basin, USA: U.S. Geological Survey data release. ScienceBase. | January 2018 |
Data Release | Bradley, P.W., and Jodice, P.G., 2022, Interannual Breeding Movements of Brown Pelicans in the South Atlantic Bight: U.S. Geological Survey data release, | September 2021 |