West Virginia Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Staff Member
Dr. Patricia Mazik
Unit Leader
Phone: (304) 293 - 4943
Email: pmazik@usgs.gov
Faculty Email: pmazik@wvu.edu
- Ph D University of Memphis 1989
- MS Texas State University - San Marcos 1985
- BS University of Mount Union 1983
Patricia M. Mazik, Unit Leader, West Virginia Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit
Dr. Mazik received graduate degrees from Texas State University – San Marcos and the University of Memphis. She was a Research Physiologist at the USFWS/NBS Southeastern Fish Cultural Lab in Alabama and a Fishery Biologist at the USFWS in Arlington Virginia before joining the West Virginia Unit in 1998. She conducts research on the effects of contaminants on the physiology and health in fish. A primary focus assesses the health of fish populations, identifying the contributing factors associated with observed adverse effects (mortalities, skin lesions, skin and liver tumors, reduced recruitment) and identifying sources and exposure routes for toxic contaminants that contribute to reduced health in fish. This research typically focuses on endocrine disrupters, legacy contaminants and pharmaceuticals that are associated with declining fish health in the Great Lakes and Chesapeake Bay Watersheds. Species studied include Smallmouth Bass, Largemouth Bass, Brown Bullhead and White Suckers. Dr. Mazik teaches graduate level classes in Fish Physiology and Aquatic Toxicology.
Areas of Expertise
Contaminants, Physiology, Toxicology
Taxon Groups Studied
Freshwater Fishes, Gamefish
Research Publications | Publication Date |
Wysocki, L. E., J. Davidson, M. Smith, A. Frankel, W. Ellison, P. M. Mazik, A. N. Popper and J. Bebak. In Press. Effects of aquaculture production noise on hearing, growth and disease resistance of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. Aquaculture Engineering | August 2007 |
Walsh, H.L., V.S. Blazer and P.M. Mazik. 2022. Development of a multiplex fluorescence in situ hybridization to identify coinfections in young-of-the-year smallmouth bass. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 34:12-19 https://doi.org/10.1002/aah.10144 | January 2022 |
Walsh, H.L., V.S. Blazer and P.M. Mazik. 2021. Identification of Aphanomyces invadans, the cause of epizootic ulcerative syndrome, in smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) from the Cheat River, West Virginia, USA. Journal of Fish Diseases 44:1639-1641. | August 2021 |
Waldrop, T., S. Summerfelt, P. Mazik, and C. Good. Comparing the effects of swimming exercise and dissolved oxygen on the performance, health, and welfare of early-rearing Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. Aquaculture Research. | Abstract | September 2017 |
Waldrop, T., S. Summerfelt, P. Mazik, P.B. Kenney and C. Good. The effects of swimming exercise and dissolved oxygen on growth performance, fin condition and survival of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Aquaculture Research https://doi.org/10.1111/are.14600h | July 2020 |
Tiersch, T. R., and P. M. Mazik. 2000. Cryopreservation in Aquatic Species. T. R. Tiersch and P. M. Mazik, editors. World Aquaculture Society, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. 439 Pages. | March 2000 |
Smith, C.R., V.S. Blazer, C.A. Ottinger, H.L. Walsh and P.M. Mazik. 2023. Immune function of wild smallmouth bass collected from sites within the Chesapeake Bay watershed, 2016-2021. U.S. Geological Survey Data Release, https://doi.org/10.5066/P9FTUPPX | Abstract | June 2023 |
Smith, C.R., Ottinger, C.A., Walsh, H.L., Mazik, P.M. & Blazer, V.S. 2023. Application of a lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated mitogenesis assay in Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus dolomieu) to augment wild fish health studies. Fishes, 8(3), 159. https://www.mdpi.com/2410-3888/8/3/159 | Abstract | June 2023 |
Petty, T. J., J.L. Hansbarger, B.M Huntsman and P.M. Mazik. 2012. Differential movement by brook trout and brown trout along a stream size continuum in a central Appalachian watershed. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 141:4 Pages 1060-1073. | Abstract | September 2012 |
Petty, J. T., P. J. Lamothe, and P. M. Mazik. 2005. Spatial and seasonal dynamics of brook trout populations inhabiting a central Appalachian watershed. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 134:572-587. | June 2005 |
Petty, J. T., J. Freund, P. Lamothe, and P. M. Mazik. 2001. Quantifying instream habitat in the upper shavers fork basin at multiple spatial scales. Proceeding of the Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. 55:81-94 | September 2002 |
Nickum, M. J., P. M. Mazik, J. D. Nickum and D. MacKinlay, editors. 2004. Propagated Fish in Resource Management. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 44, American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. 644 Pages. | January 2005 |
Mynsberge, A.R., M.P. Strager, J.M. Strager and P.M. Mazik. 2009. Developing predictive models for freshwater mussels (Mollusca: Unionidae) in the Appalachians: Limitations and directions for future research. Ecoscience 16:387-398 | Abstract | November 2009 |
McClurg, S., J. T. Petty, P. M. Mazik, J. Clayton. 2007. Stream ecosystem response to limestone treatment in acid impacted watersheds of the Allegheny Plateau. Ecological Applications 17:1087-1104. | April 2007 |
Mazik, P.M., R. P. Braham, C. M. Hahn, and V.S. Blazer. 2015. Assessment of general and reproductive health of fishes at selected sites in the Great Lakes Basin in 2012. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Cooperator Science Series FWS/CSS-112-2015, Washington, D.C. | Download | April 2015 |
Mazik, P. M., and N. C. Parker. 2001. Semi-intensive culture systems in G. Wedemeyer, editor. Fish Hatchery Management, 2nd Edition. Pages 241-284. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. | September 2001 |
Mazik, P. M., N. C. Parker, and B. A. Simco. 2001. Relation of environmental calcium and pH to the stress response of striped bass. Proceeding of the Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 55:208-217. | September 2002 |
Mazik, P. M., B. A. Simco, and N. C. Parker. 2002. Influence of water hardness, salts and MS-222 on survival of Phase I striped bass during and after transport. Proceedings of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. 56:75-78. | August 2002 |
Mazik, P. M., B. A. Simco and N. C. Parker. 2000. Influence of sodium and calcium chloride on the stress response and survival of striped bass during and after transport from a hard and soft water hatchery. Proceeding of the Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 54:118-127 | September 2001 |
Matsche, M.A., V.S. Blazer and P.M. Mazik. 2019. Seasonal development of the coccidian parasite Goussia bayae and hepatobiliary histopathology in white perch Morone americana from Chesapeake Bay. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. 134:112-135. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3354/dao03353 | May 2019 |
Matsche, M.A., V.S. Blazer and P.M. Mazik. 2019. Comparisons of stereological and other approaches for quantifying macrophage aggregates in piscine spleens. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health. In Press. ISSN: 0899-7659 print / 1548-8667 online DOI: 10.1002/aah.10086 |
August 2019 |
Matsche, M. A., V. S. Blazer, E. L. Pulster and P. M. Mazik. "High prevalence of biliary neoplasia in white perch Morone americana from Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, USA: potential roles of bile duct parasites and environmental contaminants." Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 141:195-224. | September 2020 |
Matsche, M. A., V. S. Blazer, E. L. Pulster and P. M. Mazik (2021). "Biological and anthropogenic influences on macrophage aggregates in white perch Morone americana from two tributaries of Chesapeake Bay, USA." Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 143:79-100. | April 2021 |
Matsche, M. A., H. L. Walsh, V. S. Blazer, and P. M. Mazik. 2019. Newly described coccidia Goussia bayae from white perch Morone americana: morphology and phylogenetics support emerging taxonomy of Goussia within Piscine Hosts. Journal of Parasitology 105(1):1-10. | October 2019 |
Matsche, M. A.*, V. S. Blazer, E. L. Pulster and P. M. Mazik. 2021. Biological and anthropogenic influences on macrophage aggregates in white perch Morone americana from Chesapeake Bay, USA. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 143:79-100. | February 2021 |
Jittinandana, S., P. B. Kenney, S. D. Slider, P. Mazik, J. Bebak-Williams, and J. A. Hankins. 2003. Effect of handling stress on quality of smoked Arctic Char (Salvelinus alpinus) fillets. Journal of Food Science 68:58-63. | October 2002 |
Jittinandana S., P. B. Kenney, P. M. Mazik, M. Danley, C. D. Nelson, R. A. Kiser, and J. A. Hankins. 2005. Transport treatment and stunning method affect quality of arctic char fillets. Journal of Muscle Foods 16:274-288. | June 2005 |
Jennings, C. A., M. Allen, C. Belcher, R. Bringolf, D. Dennerline, T. Goar, K. Kuklinski, J. Long, P. Mazik, D. Riecke, and M. Rogers. Congratulations on Your Promotion to Management: Considerations for New Supervisory Biologists. 2020. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 7:103-113. | Abstract | Publisher Website | March 2020 |
Hoffman, J.C., V.S. Blazer, H.H. Walsh, C.H. Shaw, R. Braham, and P.M. Mazik. 2020. Tracing habitat use with stable isotopes for tumor assessment of a demersal fish in an urban, coastal river. Science of the Total Environment712 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.136512, |
May 2020 |
Hartman, K.J., C.D. Horn and P.M. Mazik 2010. Influence of multiple anthropogenic stressors on Mortality of the Crayfish Cambarus bartonii in an Appalachian River. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 25:19-30. | Abstract | May 2010 |
Hansbarger, J., J. T. Petty and P. M. Mazik. 2009. Brook trout movement within a high elevation watershed. Proceeding of the Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 62:142-148. | June 2009 |
Hahn, C.M., L.R. Iwanowicz, R.S. Cornman, P.M. Mazik and V.S. Blazer. 2016. Whole transcriptome sequencing for the development of transcript abundance biomarkers in non-model fish species. Journal of Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology: Part D, 20:27-40 | August 2016 |
Hafs, A.W., P.M. Mazik, P.B. Kenney and J. Silverstein. 2012. Impact of carbon dioxide level, water velocity, and feeding regimen on growth and fillet attributes of cultured rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquaculture. 350-353:pages 46-53. | Abstract | August 2012 |
Hafs, A.W., C.D. Horn, P.M. Mazik and K.J. Hartman. 2010. Influences of Acid Mine Drainage and Thermal Enrichment on Stream Fish Reproduction and Larval Survival. Northeastern Naturalist. 17:575-592. | Abstract | August 2011 |
Ekman, D.R., G.T. Ankley, V.S. Blazer, T.W. Collette, N. Garcia-Reyero, L.R. Iwanowicz, Z.G. Jorgenson, K.E. Lee, P.M. Mazik, D.H. Miller, E.J. Perkins, E.T. Smith, J.E. Tietge, and D.L. Villeneuve. 2013. Biological Effects-based Tools for Monitoring Impacted Surface Waters in the Great Lakes: A Multi-Agency Program in Support of the GLRI. Environmental Practice. Accepted for Publication. | Abstract | January 2014 |
Davidson, J., J. Bebak and P. M. Mazik. 2008. The Effects of Aquaculture Production Noise on the Growth, Condition Factor, Feed Conversion, and Survival of Rainbow Trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Aquaculture submitted | July 2009 |
Davidson, J., A. Frankel, W. Ellison, S. Summerfelt, A. N. Popper, P. Mazik, and J. Bebak. 2007. Minimizing noise in fiberglass aquaculture tanks: noise reduction potential of various retrofits. Aquaculture Engineering 27:125-131. | August 2007 |
Danley, M. L., P. B. Kenney, P. M. Mazik, R. Kiser and J. A. Hankins. 2005. Effects of carbon dioxide stress on intensively cultured rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss: physiological responses, growth, and fillet attributes. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 36:249-261 | September 2005 |
Clingerman, J., J. Bebak, P. Mazik, and S. T. Summerfelt. 2007. Use of avoidance response of rainbow trout to carbon dioxide for fish self-transfer between tanks. Aquaculture Engineering 37:234-251. | August 2007 |
Braham, R.P., V.S. Blazer, C.H. Shaw, and P.M. Mazik. 2017 Micronuclei and Other Nuclear Abnormalities in Fishes from the Great Lakes Basin. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis, 58:570-581 doi: 10.1002/em.22123.. IP-084355 BAO approval 7/11/17. | Abstract | July 2017 |
Blazer, V.S., P.M. Mazik, L.R. Iwanowicz, R.P. Braham, C.M. Hahn, H.L. Walsh, and A.J. Sperry. 2014. Assessment of the fish tumor beneficial use impairment in brown bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus) at selected Great lakes Areas of Concern. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 17p., http://dx.doi.org/10.3133/ofr20141105. IP-056691 BAO approval 5/21/14. | June 2014 |
Blazer, V.S., P.M. Mazik, L.R. Iwanowicz, R. Braham, C. Hahn, H. Walsh and A. Sperry. 2014. Effects-based monitoring of wild fishes at sites in the Great Lakes Basin: Methods and Preliminary Results: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2014-1027 p. 44, http://dx.doi.org/10.3133/ofr/20141027 | Download | March 2014 |
Blazer, V.S., H.L. Walsh, R.P. Braham, C.M. Hahn, P.M. Mazik, and P. McIntyre. 2016. Tumors in white sucker from Lake Michigan tributaries: pathology and prevalence. Journal of Fish Diseases. doi:10.1111/jfd.12520. | August 2016 |
Blazer, V.S., H.L. Walsh, C.H. Shaw, L.R. Iwanowicz, R.P. Braham and P.M. Mazik. In Press. Indicators of exposure to estrogenic compounds at Great Lakes Areas of Concern: Species and site comparisons. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-018-6943-5 190, 577 IP-085856 BAO approval 8/9/18 | October 2018 |
Blazer, V.S., H.L Walsh, R.P. Braham, and P.M. Mazik. 2019. Assessment of skin and liver neoplasms in white sucker (Catostomus commersonii) collected at the Sheboygan AOC, Wisconsin in 2017. U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report. 2019-10-14, 18p. | April 2019 |
Blazer, V.S. L.R. Iwanowicz, H. Henderson, P.M. Mazik, J.A. Jenkins, D.A. Alvarez and J. A. Young. 2011. Reproductive endocrine disruption in smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) in the Potomac River basin: spatial and temporal comparisons of biological effects. Environmental Monitoring Assessment: 10.1007/s10661-011-2266-5. | Abstract | August 2011 |
Behmke, S., P.Mazik and T. Katnzer. Submitted. Common samples used to diagnose lead poisioning are poor predictors of total body lead burden of birds. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. | Abstract | March 2017 |
Annins, A.W., J.T. Petty, T.L. King, M. Schilz and P.M Mazik. 2015. Genetic differentiation and complex metapopulation structure of an Appalachian brook trout populations. Conservation Genetics 16:15-29. | Download | January 2015 |
Presentations | Presentation Date |
Walsh, H.L., V.S. Blazer, and P.M. Mazik. 2021. Identification of <i>Aphanomyces invadans</i> in smallmouth bass from the Cheat River. Annual West Virginia Chapter AFS Meeting. April 27, 2021. Virtual Meeting. | April 2021 |
Smith, C.R., Ottinger, C.A., Walsh, H.L., Greer, J.B., Mazik, P.M., and Blazer, V.S. 2024. Challenges and considerations when assessing wild fish immunotoxicity. Virtual presentation given for the American Fisheries Society (AFS) Student Seminar Series. July 18. | July 2024 |
Smith, C.R., Ottinger, C.A., Walsh, H.L., Greer, J.B., Mazik, P.M., and Blazer V.S. 2024. Immune function assays to understand wild smallmouth bass (<i>Micropterus dolomieu</i>) resistance to disease. Oral presentation given at the 47th Annual Eastern Fish Health Workshop in Gulfport, MS. March 4-8. | March 2024 |
Smith, C.R., Ottinger, C.A, Walsh, H.L., Blazer, V.S., and Mazik, P.M. 2021. Immune status of smallmouth bass in West Virginia. Annual West Virginia Chapter AFS Meeting. April 27, 2021. Virtual Meeting. | April 2021 |
Smith, C.R.*, Ottinger, C.A., Walsh, H.L., <b>Mazik, P.M.</b>, and Blazer, V.S. 2023. Investigating Immunity of Wild Smallmouth Bass: Complexities, Considerations, and Correlations. The 46<sup>th</sup> Annual Eastern Fish Health Workshop. Atlantic Beach, North Carolina. March 27-31, 2023 | March 2023 |
Mazik, P.M. 2015. Ethical Responsibility in Aquaculture - Introduced Species and/or Exotics. World Aquaculture Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, Fe | February 2015 |
Holt, C. F., C. Raines*, <b>P. Mazik</b>, B. Michaels, M. Biggs, L. Iwanowicz. 2023. Blotchy Bass Syndrome in the Lone Star State: A Synergistic Approach to Citizen and Agency Science Integration. Southern Division Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Norfolk, Virginia. February 3-6, 2023. | February 2023 |
Hartzell, L.N., H.L. Walsh, V.S. Blazer, and P.M. Mazik. 2024. Non-Lethal Sampling Methods for Fish Health Assessment Using Smallmouth Bass <i>Micropterus dolomieu</i>. July 2024. American Fisheries Society Fish Health Section Conference, Oral Presentation, Boise, ID. | July 2024 |
Hahn, C.M., L.R. Iwanowicz, V.S. Blazer, P.M. Mazik. 2013. Effects of Environmental Contaminants on Gene Expression Endpoints in Fishes of the Great Lakes. Annual meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Nashville, TN, February 9-12, 2013. | February 2013 |
Hahn, C.M., L.R. Iwanowicz, V.S. Blazer, P.M. Mazik. 2013. Biological Effects of Environmental Contaminants on Gene Expression Endpoints in Fishes of the Great Lakes. 56th Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research, West Lafayette, Indiana. June 3-6, 2013. | June 2013 |
Hahn, C.M., L.R. Iwanowicz, R.S. Cornmna, P.M. Mazik and V.S. Blazer. 2016. Transcriptome discovery in non-model species for the development of quantitative gene expression assays: A case study of the Rochester Embayment Area of Concern. American Fisheries Society Southern Division Meeting. February 19 – 21, 2016. Wheeling, WV | February 2016 |
Hahn, C.M., Iwanowicz, L.R., Blazer, V.S., Walsh, H.L., Braham, R.P., Mazik, P.M. 2015. Effects of Contaminants on Gene Expression Endpoints in Micropterus from Great Lakes Areas of Concern. International Association of Great Lakes Research. May 2015. Burlington, VT. | May 2015 |
Hahn, C.M., Iwanowicz, L.R., Blazer, V.S., Walsh, H.L., Braham, R.P., Mazik, P.M. 2014. Biological Effects of Environmental Contaminants on Gene Expression Endpoints in Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides) and Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus dolomieu) from Great Lakes Areas of Concern. International Symposium on Aquatic Animal Health. Portland, Oregon. August 31-September 4, 2014. | September 2014 |
Hahn, C.M., Iwanowicz, L.R., Blazer, V.S., Cornman, R.S. 2014. The First Report of a Hepadnavirus Isolated from Fishes: Evidence of Hepatitis B Virus infection in White Sucker (Catostomus commersoni) from the Great Lakes Region. International Symposium on Aquatic Animal Health. Portland, Oregon. August 31-September 4, 2014. | August 2014 |
Braham, Ryan P., Vicki S. Blazer, Jim D. Hedrick, and Patricia M. Mazik. Temporal Variations in Microcystin Toxins within the Potomac River Drainage. Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Wheeling, West Virginia. February 17-21, 2016. | February 2016 |
Braham, R.P., V.S. Blazer, H.L Walsh, C.M Hahn, and P.M Mazik. 2014. An Evaluation of Biological Markers as Indicators of Exposure to Genotoxic and Mutagenic Compounds in the Great Lakes Basin, United States. International Symposium on Aquatic Animal Health. Portland, Oregon. August 31-September 4, 2014 | September 2014 |
Braham, R.P., P.M. Mazik, J. Hedrick, L. Iwanowicz, and V. Blazer. 2014. Investigations on algal (cyanobacterial) species and toxins and their associations with fish lesions, mortalities and estrogenic activity. International Symposium on Aquatic Animal Health. Portland, Oregon. August 31-September 4, 2014. | September 2014 |
Braham, R., V.S. Blazer and P.M. Mazik. 2013. An evaluation of genotoxic and mutagenic contamination in the Great Lakes Basin: a case study. Annual meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Nashville, TN February 9-12, 2013 | February 2013 |
Braham, R., P. Mazik, J. Hedrick, L. Iwanowicz, and V. Blazer. 2015. Spatial and temporal variation among microcystin toxins and environmental estrogens within the Potomac River Drainage. USGS Priority Ecosystem Chesapeake Bay Annual Meeting. Shepherdstown, West Virginia. May 27-28, 2015. | May 2015 |
Braham, R. P., V. S. Blazer, J. Hedrick, and P. M. Mazik. 2015. Spatial and temporal variations in microcystin toxins and environmental estrogens within the Potomac River Drainage. American Fisheries Society Fish Health Section Annual Meeting. Ithaca, New York. July 13-15, 2015. | July 2015 |
<b>Lindsey N. Hartzell</b>, Vicki S. Blazer, Heather L. Walsh, Peter Emerson, Matthew Bodnar, Thomas Jones, Jean-Sébastien Messier, Patricia M. Mazik and Mark J. Henderson. Malignant Melanomas of Brown Bullhead<i> Ameiurus nebulosus</i> in Lake Memphremagog. 2023 Joint Meeting of the Northeast Fish Health Committee and the AFS Fish Health Section. Burlington, VT, July 24-27, 2023. | July 2023 |
Technical Publications | Publication Date |
Thorne, D.W., J.T. Petty, and P.M. Mazik. 2004. Effects of temperature and local productivity on diet, consumption rates and growth of trout in the upper Shavers Fork drainage. Final report to the US Fish and Wildlife Service. July 2004. | July 2004 |
Strager, J.M., M. Shumar, P.B. Wood, M. Strager, and P.M. Mazik. 2010. Development of a habitat resortation and conservation prioritization tool for songbirds and mussels in the Appalachian Mountains. Final report to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and U.S. Geological Service. January 2010. | January 2010 |
Role and Organization | Individual | Start Date | End Date |
World Aquaculture Society - Member | Mazik | January 1999 | Present |
World Aquaculture Society - Chair, Steering Committee | Mazik | August 1999 | March 2004 |
Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies - Member, Program Committee, Annual Meeting | Mazik | May 1999 | August 2004 |
American Fisheries Society - Vice President | Mazik | March 2003 | February 2004 |
American Fisheries Society - Task Force on Fishery Chemicals | Mazik | January 1993 | January 2000 |
American Fisheries Society - Society Representative, Steering Committee, Aqua 2004 Conference | Mazik | August 2000 | March 2004 |
American Fisheries Society - SDAFS representative to the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies | Mazik | January 2006 | November 2012 |
American Fisheries Society - President, WV Chapter | Mazik | March 2003 | March 2005 |
American Fisheries Society - President, Southern Division | Mazik | February 2005 | February 2006 |
American Fisheries Society - President Elect, Southern Division | Mazik | February 2004 | February 2005 |
American Fisheries Society - President Elect | Mazik | May 2001 | May 2003 |
American Fisheries Society - Member, Physiology Section | Mazik | August 1986 | Present |
American Fisheries Society - Member, Meritorious Service Award Committee | Mazik | October 2007 | July 2008 |
American Fisheries Society - Member, Fish Culture section | Mazik | August 1986 | Present |
American Fisheries Society - Member of Award of Excellence Committee | Mazik | September 2010 | August 2017 |
American Fisheries Society - Member | Mazik | September 1986 | Present |
American Fisheries Society - General Chair, Annual Meeting, Southern Division | Mazik | January 2005 | March 2008 |
American Fisheries Society - General Chair of the 2016 SDAFS annual meeting | Mazik | February 2013 | April 2016 |
American Fisheries Society - Co-editor, Chapter Newsletter | Mazik | May 2000 | May 2004 |
American Fisheries Society - Co-General Chair of Southern Division of AFS annual meeting in 2018 | Mazik | January 2017 | March 2018 |
American Fisheries Society - Chair, Publications Award Committee | Mazik | October 2007 | July 2008 |
American Fisheries Society - Chair, Publication Awards Committee | Mazik | November 2007 | July 2008 |
American Fisheries Society - Chair, Program Committee, 2010 Annual Meeting | Mazik | January 2007 | Present |
American Fisheries Society - Chair, Meritorious Service Award Committee | Mazik | October 2008 | September 2009 |
American Fisheries Society - Chair of the Award of Excellence Committee | Mazik | January 2022 | Present |
American Fisheries Society - Associate Editor-Fisheries, Proceeding of SEAFWA | Mazik | May 1999 | May 2001 |