Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Douglas Bishop


Presentations Presentation Date
Someshwar, M., D. Bishop, A.H. Roy, and A. Jordaan. 2022. Interannual differences in the demographics of anadromous juvenile river herring in freshwater and estuarine habitats of a small Massachusetts watershed. Ecological Society of American Annual Meeting, 14-19 August 2022, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. August 2022
Burgoff, J., D. Bishop, A. Roy, M. Staudinger, and A. Jordaan. 2023. Comparing age and growth of juvenile river herring in freshwater and estuarine environments. Joint meeting of the Northeast Division and Southern New England Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 8-10 January 2023, Boston, MA. January 2023