Staff Member
Meredith Lewis

Research Publications | Publication Date |
Turner, R.M., C. Loftin, A. Revello, L.R. Kline, M.A. Lewis, and S.Y. Sekeh. 2021. Modeling and Using Context, vol. 21 no. 4 (CONTEXT-21 Special Issue). | July 2021 |
Project | Completion Date |
An interdisciplinary approach to building data literacy in wildlife survey technologies | August 2021 |
Presentations | Presentation Date |
Maher, L., Lewis, M., Kline, L. R., McKnight, A., & Loftin, C. 2021. Comparison of aerial imagery platforms for assessing relationships of marine debris types and distribution to island-nesting seabirds. University of Maine Student Symposium, 16 April. Poster, Online | April 2021 |
Loftin, C.S., M.A. Lewis, L. Kline, A. Revello, D.J.Hayes, and R. Turner. 2020. An Interdisciplinary Approach to Building Data Literacy in Wildlife Survey Technologies, presentation at the Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Wildlife Survey Community of Practice Meeting, September 8, web format. | September 2020 |
Lewis, M.A., L.R. Kline, L. Maher, D.H. Hayes, Identifying and C.S. Loftin. Quantifying Uncertainty in Manual Interpretations of Aerial Imagery of Seabird Nesting Islands. Oral presentation, American Ornithological Society and Birds Caribbean Joint Conference, 27 June - 2 July, San Juan, PR. | June 2022 |
Lewis, M.A., L. Kline, L. Maher, A. Revello, R. Turner, D. Hayes, C.S. Loftin. 2021. From the Island to the Interface: Using Multiple Aerial Imagery Platforms and Artificial Intelligence to Count Maine’s Seabirds and Wading Birds. Gulf of Maine Seabird Working Group Meeting, 19 March. | March 2021 |
Lewis, M., L. Kline, L.Maher, D. Hayes, and C.S. Loftin. 2021. Estimating Population Trends of Gulls and Cormorants from Coast-wide Aerial Imagery in Maine. Joint Annual meeting of the AOS and the Society of Canadian Ornithologists–Société de Ornithologistes du Canada (SCO–SOC). 9-14 August, web-based meeting. | August 2021 |
Lewis, M., L. Kline, D.J. Hayes, and C.S. Loftin 2020. UMaine Gull and Cormorant Census Data and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV Project), Gulf of Maine Seabird Working Group Meeting, 25 March 25, online format. | March 2020 |
Lewis, M., L. Kline, A. Revello, D. Hayes, C.S. Loftin, and R. Turner. 2020. An Interdisciplinary Approach to Building Data Literacy in Wildlife Survey Technologies, University of Maine Board of Trustees Meeting, 27 January 27, Orono ME. | January 2020 |
Lewis, M. L. Kline, L. Maher, A. Guay, D. Sandilands, D. Hayes, and C. Loftin. 2020.Methodology for the Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Colonial Waterbird Population Studies. presentation at the University of Maine Student Symposium, University of Maine, Orono, ME. rescheduled to 2 October, web format. | October 2020 |
Kline, Logan R., Lewis, Meredith, Maher, Lauren, Beard, Kate, Hayes, Daniel J., & Loftin, Cynthia S. 2021. Interactive Visualization of Remotely Sensed Colonial Seabird Nesting Data. Presentation at the annual meeting for the Society for Conservation GIS, 19 July-August 6, online format. | July 2021 |
Kline, L.R., M.A. Lewis, M. Brown, L. Maher, A. Revello, R.M. Turner, D.J. Hayes , and C.S. Loftin. 2022. Uncertainties in Artificial Intelligence Classifications of Colonial Nesting Seabirds in Plane-based Imagery. Northeast Natural History Conference, 22-24 April, Albany, NY. | April 2022 |
Kline, L., M. Lewis, L. Maher, A. Revello, D. Sandilands, R.M. Turner, D. Hayes, and C.S. Loftin. 2020. Can Unoccupied Aerial Vehicles and Novel Artificial Intelligence Techniques Improve Accuracy and Efficiency of Nesting Waterbird Monitoring? An Interdisciplinary Case Study in Maine, The Waterbird Society Annual Meeting, 12 November, remote. | November 2020 |
Kline, L., M. Lewis, A. Revello, L. Maher, C. Loftin, and D. Hayes. 2020. Using unmanned aerial vehicles and automated detection processes to monitor colonial seabirds on Maine's coastal islands. Presentation at the University of Maine Student Symposium, University of Maine, Orono, ME. 17 April. | April 2020 |
Kline, L. R., M. Lewis, L. Maher, A. Revello, D. Sandilands, R. M. Turner, D. Hayes, and C. Loftin. 2021. How Can We Better Count Birds? Harnessing the Collective Knowledge of Multiple Disciplines to Answer a Biological Question. LGBTQ+ STEMinar 2021, University of Oxford, January 8, web format. | January 2021 |
Kline, L. R., Lewis, M. A., Maher, L., Revello, A., Sandilands, D., Turner, R. M., Hayes, D. J., & Loftin, C. S. 2021. Collaboratively counting birds: Harnessing the skillsets of a transdisciplinary team to improve wildlife surveys. Northeast Natural History Conference. 16 April, Online | April 2021 |
Kline, L. R., Lewis, M. A., Brown, M., Maher, L., Revello, A., Turner, R. M., Hayes, D. J., & Loftin, C. S. 2022. It's a bird! It's a buoy! Uncertainties in artificial intelligence classifications of colonial seabirds in plane-based imagery. Oral presentation, American Ornithological Society and Birds Caribbean Joint Conference, 27 June - 2 July, San Juan, PR. | June 2022 |