Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Craig Kelling

Craig Kelling

Phone: (715) 346 - 4781


  • BS Winoa State University 2011


I am a graduate research assistant at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. My current research is focusing on the factors regulating largemouth bass recruitment and potential dietary interactions between largemouth bass and walleyes in Wisconsin. I have a B.S. in biology with an emphasis in ecology from Winona State University. I am originally from southern Minnesota and enjoy hunting and fishing.

Research Publications Publication Date
Kelling, C.J., D.A. Isermann, B.L. Sloss, and K.N. Turnquist. 2016. Diet overlap and predation between largemouth bass and walleye in Wisconsin lakes using DNA barcoding to improve taxonomic resolution. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 36:3, 621-629. | Abstract May 2016
Presentations Presentation Date
Kelling, C.J., D.A. Isermann, B.L. Sloss, and K. Turnquist. February 2013. Largemouth bass in northern Wisconsin: potential dietary interactions with walleyes. 42nd Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of American Fisheries Society. Rothschild, Wisconsin. February 2013
Kelling, C., and D. Isermann. February 2013. Hatch timing and growth of age-0 largemouth bass in Wisconsin. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Rosthschild, Wisconsin. February 2013
Kelling, C., and D. Isermann. April 2013. Largemouth bass in northern Wisconsin: factors regulating recruitment and potential dietary interactions with walleyes. Wisconsin Lakes Partnership Convention. Green Bay, Wisconsin. April 2013