Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Dr. Jo-Szu Tsai

Jo-Szu "Ross" Tsai

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Dr. Tsai is developing a survey and monitoring strategy of Golden Eagle in relation to the fast growing wind energy in the western United States. By developing field survey protocol in an occupancy model framework, his aim is to propose long-term monitoring strategy to support the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service goals to manage Golden Eagles in the context of wind energy.

Research Publications Publication Date
Skipper, B.R., C.W. Boal, J. Tsai, and M.R. Fuller. 2017. Assessment of frequency and duration of point counts when surveying for golden eagle presence. Wildlife Society Bulletin 41:212 - 223. April 2017
Presentations Presentation Date
Skipper, B.R., C.W. Boal, J. Tsai, and M.R. Fuller. 2014. Evaluation of survey protocol recommendations for golden eagles. Symposium on Conserving eagles: a prelude into the science underway to inform wind energy decisions, including incidental take permits. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, October 2014. October 2014
Skipper, B.R., C.W. Boal, J. Tsai, and M.R. Fuller. 2014. Evaluation of survey protocol recommendations for golden eagles. 2014 Annual Meeting of The Raptor Research Foundation, Corpus Christi, TX, September 2014 September 2014