Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Kevin McDonnell


Research Publications Publication Date
Dugger, K. M., E. D. Forsman, A. B. Franklin, R. J. Davis, G. C. White, C. J. Schwarz, K. P. Burnham, J. D. Nichols, J. E. Hines, C. B. Yackulic, P. F. Doherty, Jr., L. Bailey, D. A. Clark, S. H. Ackers, L. S. Andrews, B. Augustine, B. L. Biswell, J. Blakesley, P. C. Carlson, Matthew J. Clement, L. V. Diller, E. M. Glenn, A. Green, S. A. Gremel, D. R. Herter, J. M. Higley, J. Hobson, R. B. Horn, K. P. Huyvaert, C. McCafferty, T. McDonald, K. McDonnell, G. S. Olson, J. A. Reid, J. Rockweit, V. Ruiz, J. Saenz, S. G. Sovern. 2016. The effects of habitat, climate and Barred Owls on long-term demography of Northern Spotted Owls. The Condor: Ornithological Applications Volume 118:57–116, DOI: 10.1650/CONDOR-15-24.1 February 2016
Benjamin, J.R., McDonnell, Kevin, Dunham, J.B., Brignon, W.R., and Peterson, J.T., 2017, Structured decision making for conservation of bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) in Long Creek, Klamath River Basin, south-central Oregon: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Report 2017–1075, 32 p., | Publisher Website June 2017
Presentations Presentation Date
Peterson, J.T., A. Duarte, and K. McDonald. 2019. Transitioning the CVPIA fisheries program to a science-based prioritization and adaptive management process….progress? 55th Annual Meeting of the Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, March 4-8, Bend, OR. March 2019
McDonnell, K. and J.T. Peterson. 2015. A state-space approach to the estimation of juvenile out-migrant survival of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Lower American River, California. 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, August 16-20, Portland OR. August 2015
McDonnell, K. and J.Peterson. 2013.An example of quantitatively identifying the optimal spatial arrangement of freshwater salmon habitat restoration/improvement projects in a California Stream. Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society Oregon Chapter, Feb 18-21. February 2013
McDonald, K. and J.T. Peterson. 2019. Quantitative decision analysis for identifying the optimal allocation of Chinook Salmon habitat restoration projects in a California Central Valley stream. 55th Annual Meeting of the Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, March 4-8, Bend, OR. March 2019
Dugger, K.M., E.D. Forsman, D.A. Clark, R.J. Davis and 33 others. 2014. Status and trends of the Northern Spotted Owl (strix occidentalis caurina): results of a range-wide meta-analysis. 2014 Joint Annual Meeting of American Ornithologist's Union, Cooper Ornithological Society, and Society of Canadian Ornithologists, September 22-28, 2014, Estes Park, CO. September 2014
Technical Publications Publication Date
Peterson, J.T., A. Duarte, K. McDonell. 2019. ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT OF CENTRAL VALLEY PROJECT FISHERIES PHASES I - V. Draft final report to the US Fish and Wildlife Service, Central Valley Improvement Act Program, Sacramento CA. January 2020