Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Idaho
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Idaho Project

Synthesis of Measures for Controlling Invasive Mollusks at Hatcheries

September 2013 - December 2015


Participating Agencies

  • US Geological Survey
  • US Fish and Wildlife Service
  • Utah Division of Wildlife Resources

This project will provide guidance documents for risk assessment, and control measures for invasive mollusks in fish hatchery operations and synthesize tools used for control

Research Publications Publication Date
Stockton, K. A., and C. M. Moffitt. 2013.Disinfection of Three Wading Boot Surfaces Infested with New Zealand Mudsnails. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33:529-538. | Abstract April 2013
Nielson, R. J., C. M Moffitt and B. J. Watten. 2012.Toxicity of elevated partial pressures of carbon dioxide to invasive New Zealand mudsnails. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 31:1838–1842. June 2012
Nielson, J., C. M. Moffitt, and B. J. Watten. Hydrocyclonic separation of invasive New Zealand mudsnails from an aquaculture water source Aquaculture.329:156–162 January 2012
Moffitt, C.M., A. Barenberg, K. A. Stockton, and B. J. Watten. 2014. Efficacy of two approaches for disinfecting surfaces and water infested with quagga mussel veligers. Chapter 30 in W. H. Wong and S. Gerstenberger, editors. Biology and management of invasive quagga and zebra mussels in the Western United States.CRC Press. Florida. | Abstract | Download April 2015
Bruce, R.L., and C.M. Moffitt. 2010. Quantifying risks of volitional consumption of New Zealand mudsnails by steelhead and rainbow trout. Aquaculture Research 41:552-558. August 2010
Bruce, R. L., D. M. Moffitt, and B. Dennis. 2009. Survival and passage of ingested New Zealand Mudsnails through the intestinal tract of rainbow trout. North American Journal of Aquaculture 71: 287-301 | Abstract | Publisher Website October 2009