Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Idaho
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Idaho Project

Assessing the Importance of Wetlands on DoD Installations for the Persistence of Wetland-dependent Birds

April 2012 - December 2019


Participating Agencies

  • US Fish & Wildlife Service
  • Nebraska Game and Parks Commission
  • Department of Defence-USACE

This project will develop detailed habitat models for rare and endangered wetland birds. We will then use the models to rank the importance of over 600 DoD installations to wetland birds and conduct wetland bird surveys on a random subset of DoD installations to verify the models and provide estimates of abundance for these rare species. We will also rank non-DoD wetlands that are within the breeding range of the numerous state and federally endangered wetland birds to document the value of DoD wetlands to the preservation of these species. The project will contribute to a large partnership of agencies and organizations in North America that are conducting marsh bird surveys following a standardized protocol written by the project POC. The project will produce a first-of-its-kind inventory of the biological value of wetlands on DoD lands, detailed habitat models for each species (which are not currently available), and baseline survey data of secretive marsh birds at a large subset of DoD installations.

Research Publications Publication Date
Stevens, B., and C.J. Conway. 2020. Predictive multi-scale occupancy models at range-wide extents: effects of habitat and human disturbance on distributions of wetland birds. Diversity and Distributions 26:34-48. doi: 10.1111/ddi.12995 December 2019
Stevens, B., and C.J. Conway. 2019. Predicting species distributions: unifying model selection and scale optimization for multi-scale occupancy models. Ecosphere 10(5):e02748. doi: 10.1002/ecs2.2748 July 2019
Stevens, B. S., and C. J. Conway. 2020. Mapping habitat suitability at range-wide scales: spatially-explicit distribution models to inform conservation and research for marsh birds. Conservation Science and Practice 2:e178. doi: 10.1111/csp2.178 February 2020
Stevens, B. S., and C. J. Conway. 2019. Identifying important military installations for continental-scale conservation of marsh bird breeding habitat. Journal of Environmental Management 252:e109664. November 2019
Harrity, E.J., B.S. Stevens, and C.J. Conway. 2020. Keeping up with the times: mapping range-wide habitat suitability for endangered species in a changing environment. Biological Conservation 250:108734. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2020.108734 September 2020
Glisson, W. J., C. J. Conway, C. P. Nadeau, and K. L. Borgmann. 2017. Habitat models to predict wetland bird occupancy influenced by scale, anthropogenic disturbance, and imperfect detection. Ecosphere 8(6):1-18. doi: 10.1002/ecs2.1837 June 2017
Glisson, W. J., C. J. Conway, C. P. Nadeau, K. L. Borgmann, and T. A. Laxson. 2015. Wetland associations of the King Rail: a multi-scale approach. Wetlands 35:577-587. doi: 10.1007/s13157-015-0648-0 June 2015