Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Vermont
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Vermont Project

Rainbow smelt and alewife in Lake Champlain

February 2006 - January 2014


Participating Agencies

  • Lake Champlain Sea Grant

Alewife became established in the 2000s, and are now quite abundant in most basins of Lake Champlain. Previous work on this project studied the distribution of rainbow smelt and alewife in relation to the abiotic environment, and predictive distribution models were created. We used those models, and empirical relationships between distribution and cannibalism, to simulate population and community dynamics for rainbow smelt and alewife. The model was used both to simulate possible future changes in the abiotic environment, and possible management decisions. Our distribution models and data were used to aid fish sampling design, and we compared trawl and acoustic sampling techniques in addition to developing shallow-water sampling methods. We also studied how predators have responded to alewife as new potential prey. Tissue samples were analyzed to determine carbon and nitrogen stable isotope concentrations, and thus trophic positions in the system. Adult rainbow smelt feed at a higher trophic level than adult alewives, and Atlantic salmon consume alewife in addition to rainbow smelt. The basic ecology of mysids (Mysis diluviana) in Lake Champlain was also studied, including trophic relationships, bioenergetics, growth, and abundance. This wass the first such study in this lake.

Research Publications Publication Date
Simonin, P.W., L.G. Rudstam, P.J. Sullivan, D.L. Parrish, and B. Pientka. 2019. Early mortality and freshwater forage fish recruitment: nonnative alewife and native rainbow smelt interactions in Lake Champlain. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76(5): 806-814. doi: 10.1139/cjfas-2017-0571. July 2018
Simonin, P.W., L.G. Rudstam, D.L. Parrish, B. Pientka, and P.J. Sullivan. 2018. Piscivore diet shifts and trophic level change after Alewife establishment in Lake Champlain. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 147: 937-947. doi: 10.1002/tafs.10080. | Abstract May 2018
Simonin, P.W., D.L. Parrish, L.G. Rudstam, P.J. Sullivan, B. Pientka. 2012. Native rainbow smelt and nonnative alewife distribution related to temperature and light gradients in Lake Champlain. Journal of Great Lakes Research 38 (Supplement 1): 115-122. March 2012
Simonin, P.W., D. L. Parrish, L. G. Rudstam, P. J. Sullivan, and B. Pientka. 2016. Interactions between hatch dates, growth rates, and mortality of age-0 native Rainbow Smelt and nonnative Alewife in Lake Champlain. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 145: 649-656. doi: 10.1080/00028487.2016.1143401 | Abstract April 2016
Rudstam, L. G., S. L. Parker, Einhouse, D. W., L. D. Witzel, D. M. Warner, J. L. Stritzel, D. L. Parrish, P. J. Sullivan. 2003. Application of in situ target strength estimations in lakes--examples from rainbow smelt surveys in Lakes Erie and Champlain. ICES Journal of Marine Science 60: 500-507. June 2003
Hyrcik, A.E., P.W. Simonin, L.G. Rudstam, D.L. Parrish, B. Pientka, and T.B. Michuc. 2015. Mysis zooplanktivory in Lake Champlain: a bioenergetics analysis. Journal of Great Lakes Research 41: 492-501. doi:10.1016/j.jglr.2015.03.011 | Abstract | Publisher Website April 2015
Technical Publications Publication Date
Parrish, D.L., L.G. Rudstam, P.J. Sullivan, S.L. Parker, and J.L. Stritzel. 2004. Dynamics of the rainbow smelt populations in Lake Champlain. Final Report. Lake Champlain Sea Grant. June 2004
Theses and Dissertations Publication Date
Simonin, P. W. 2010. Distribution and abundance of native rainbow smelt and nonnative alewife in Lake Champlain. M.S. Thesis. University of Vermont, Burlington. May 2010