Virginia Project
Multigenerational, Multi Species Test for Endocrine Disrupting Chemical Effects
April 2009 - January 2012
Participating Agencies
- Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
Determine precision and accuracy of US EPA proposed avian 2-generation test protocol for evaluating EDC adverse effects on wildlife populations. � Evaluate relevant endpoints and biomarkers that may increase the sensitivity of the risk analyses and increase the knowledge base of EDC effects on the JQ model. � Determine sensitivity of the response of the JQ model relative to that measured in alternative wildlife vertebrate species. Specific hypotheses to be tested for Objective 1 (present task) include: 1, Exposure to EDC after hatch and prior to sex maturation does not affect fertility and productivity. F0 treated = F0 control for growth measures and food consumption; onset of secondary sex characteristics; onset of mating behavior; # of eggs laid, % fertile eggs; eggshell quality; circulating hormones; gonadal development; hormonal profiles during sexual maturation; embryonic % female. 2. Continuous exposure of offspring to EDC from day 1 of development through pair formation does not affect fertilization; organizational and activational development. F1 treated = F1 control for: embryonic survival of males and females; embryonic development and hatchability; gonadal development; hormonal profiles in FI during critical development stages; onset of secondary sex characteristics; growth; onset of mating behavior; F1 fertility and productivity. 3. Exposure to EDC in ovo during embryonic development does not affect organizational and activational development. F2 treated = F2 control for: % female; embryonic survival of males and females; gonadal development; hormonal profiles in F2 during critical development stages; onset of secondary sex characteristics; growth; onset of mating behavior.