Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Oregon
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Oregon Project

Effects of push-up dams on survival and production of redband trout in the South Fork John Day River

January 2006 - December 2009


Participating Agencies

  • Bureau of Reclamation

In order to evaluate the benefits to steelhead of replacing push-up dams with LFS dams, researchers propose to: 1) Characterize movement and habitat use patterns of juvenile steelhead. 2) Determine habitat quality in terms of its capacity to produce juvenile steelhead (individual growth and survival will be used as the main indicators of this). 3) Compare movement and distribution patterns between juvenile steelhead not affected by movement barriers and those that may be affected by partial and total barriers. 4) Estimate the loss of production that can result from the direct effect of barriers. 5) Examine the influences on steelhead production of potentially indirect factors, such as: i) Stream temperature. Ii) Prey availability and distribution. Iii) Fish community structure and dynamics. Iv) Geomorphic features, riparian conditions, and land uses.