Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources


Thermal ecology of two imperiled crayfishes

January 2019 - December 2022


Participating Agencies

Lab-derived information on the thermal ecology of crayfishes exists for approximately 5% of species worldwide, leaving a gap in knowledge available for managers to address threats such as climate change or species invasions. This project, a collaboration between the Missouri Department of Conservation, Auburn University, and the USGS Missouri Coop Unit seeks to estimate critical thermal maximum and electron transport system activity for to recently petitioned species of crayfish and one invasive crayfish in Missouri. Results will allow managers to better understand if species partition thermal habitats in such a way that could promote coexistence.

Presentations Presentation Date
Westhoff, J. T., H. A. Abdelrahman, and J. A. Stoeckel. 2022. Linking thermal metrics to inform conservation planning for freshwater biota. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Grand Rapids, MI, 14 - 20 May, 2022 May 2022