Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Washington
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Washington Project

Deer behavioral and population responses to fire, hunting, and predation

June 2016 - December 2023


Participating Agencies

  • McIntire Stennis Fund

As global changes continue to intensify in severity and frequency, it is essential to understand not just their effects on the environment, but also their broader effects on social-ecological systems. Using a range of tools from genetic analysis to stakeholder interviews, this project examines a diverse range of topics, from wildfire to human-wildlife conflict, from the lens of social-ecological change in the Anthropocene.

Research Publications Publication Date
Suraci, Justin P., et al. "Disturbance type and species life history predict mammal responses to humans." Global change biology 27.16 (2021): 3718-3731. | Abstract August 2021
McInturff, A., Kaitlyn Gaynor, Briana Abrahms, Alison Smith, Justin Brashares. "Hunting mode and habitat selection mediate the success of human hunters." in review at Movement Ecology. | Abstract December 2024
Kreling, S. E., Gaynor, K. M., McInturff, A., Calhoun, K. L., & Brashares, J. S. (2021). Site fidelity and behavioral plasticity regulate an ungulate’s response to extreme disturbance. Ecology and evolution, 11(22), 15683-15694. | Abstract November 2021
Gaynor, K. M., McInturff, A., & Brashares, J. S. (2022). Contrasting patterns of risk from human and non‐human predators shape temporal activity of prey. Journal of Animal Ecology, 91(1), 46-60. | Abstract January 2022
Calhoun, Kendall, Thomas Connor , Kaitlyn M. Gaynor,
Amy Van Scoyoc, Alex McInturff, Samantha E.S. Kreling, Justin S. Brashares. "Movement behavior in a dominant ungulate underlies successful adjustment to a rapidly changing landscape following megafire." Movement Ecology. | Abstract
December 2024
Calhoun, Kendall, Benjamin R. Goldstein, Kaitlyn M. Gaynor, Alex McInturff, Leonel Solorio, Justin S. Brashares. "Mammalian resilience to megafire in western U.S. woodland savannas." In press. Ecological Applications | Abstract December 2022
Calhoun, Kendall L., et al. "Spatial overlap of wildfire and biodiversity in California highlights gap in non‐conifer fire research and management." Diversity and Distributions 28.3 (2022): 529-541. | Abstract March 2022
Bach, Bryan H., et al. "Identifying individual ungulates from fecal DNA: a comparison of field collection methods to maximize efficiency, ease, and success." Mammalian Biology (2022): 1-12. | Abstract February 2022