Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Nebraska
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Nebraska Project

Pallid Sturgeon biology in the Platte River and its tributaries

September 2021 - December 2026


Participating Agencies

  • Headwaters Corporation

The Pallid Sturgeon is a U.S. Threatened species that primarily inhabits the Missouri River and lower Mississippi rivers. Ongoing work in the mainstems of large rivers has provided much critical information regarding the biology and ecology of the species. However, substantial knowledge gaps exist regarding the species use and dependence on tributaries of the mainstem Missouri and lower Mississippi rivers. This project is intended to assess habitat use and availability for Pallid Sturgeon in the Platte River, Nebraska. Additionally, this project will assess the occurrence of spawning behavior potential spawning success within the Platte River, Nebraska.

Presentations Presentation Date
Pullano, C., J. Ruoss, J. Spurgeon, and M. Pegg. Between the braids: evaluation of acoustic telemetry detection range in the lower Platte River. 84th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Sioux Falls, SD. January 28 - 31, 2024. January 2024