Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Alaska
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Alaska Project

Wildlife Resource Management on BLM Lands in Alaska

September 2021 - September 2024


Participating Agencies

  • Anchorage, AK

The Wildlife Program of the Bureau of Land Management is responsible for wildlife and habitat maintenance, conservation, and restoration throughout much of Alaska. This work is often conducted in cooperation with federal and state partners. Much of the work that BLM has conducted in recent years in interior Alaska has focused on habitat management and wildlife monitoring with a focus on a variety of wildlife species ranging from ungulates to raptors. This work has led to a variety of existing and current data streams that contain valuable information for management planning. In collaboration with BLM wildlife biologists are providing technical assistance for federal land management and research by developing a suite of geospatial coverages, queryable databases, analyses, and technical reports based on existing BLM inventory and monitoring programs to aid in the identification of trends in habitat conditions and wildlife populations. Specific products include 1) a spatially referenced database for long-term raptor monitoring in the Steese National Conservation Area, 2) a predictive model of caribou behavior based on activity patterns collected from satellite collars in the Fortymile caribou herd, 3) maps of seasonal movements and calving areas for moose in the White Mountains and Steese National Conservation Area, and 4) animations of caribou movements in relation to road access.